lcm going into lengthy, elaborate tirades attacking Catholics for
making statues and other graven images, then having both a big
statue and smaller statues of vpw being made, and advertised.
Actually, I consider twi WORSE than wiccans, because wiccans leave you alone,
and don't dictate to you how to live your life or do anything.
Their Golden Rule? Don't harm anyone. (A little like the Hippocratic Oath.)
Furthermore, I consider twi WORSE than SATANISTS LIKE ANTON LE VEY,
since he was right up-front and honest about who and what you were dealing with.
With him, you knew he'd do whatever he'd want to do, and that's all there was to it.
With twi, there's this disconnect- they'd claim to do one thing in public,
then do the opposite when the cameras were off.