Our phones were ringing off the hook after the storm - everyone asking when is the power going to be restored. A great trick I learned from the class is to answer a question with a question.
So I would say to them "how would you like to increase the power of God in your life?"
Occasionally they would call right back and ask who is the religious nut job answering the phones. Wow - a double setup - how cool is that ! I'd say right back " I know you are but what am I?"
Snowball Pete (Power Company emergency phone line operator)
If we were doing this like a David Lettermen top 10 list we could do:
#10. More poolside swimsuit photos. Less policy.
#9. Wait a second. Scratch the first part of that last one.
As long as I had cell service, I could post. I also had a backup battery and could charge my phone in my car. Once I lost cell service, I got reeeeal quiet.
And once everything came back on, GSC was not a priority.
So I'm fine. My mango tree isn't. My kids' trampoline isn't. But I'm fine.