"Then, dictor went on a rampage about international outreach, especially in Europe and Africa. He said that Geer was digging up all sorts of garbage on how phucked up Europe was, and that he (Geer) would now be made European Outreach Coordinator and European Corpse Coordinator as soon as the deal was done on the location, which turned out to be Gartmore. That's when we all figured out what happened with Beence and Bo.
When POP blew up in April, 1986, I had to send Pat Hughes and Randy Feese to St. Mary's, where finnegan was in a suicidal ideation episode, because so much in POP was about how vinny and Gary Curtis had screwed up Europe and Africa. Geer read it at the special corpse meeting he called. He named names including, Don and Howard, Da forehead, finnegan, Gary Curtis, Tom Knupp, Gary Frederick and the IO staff, and others. That's what kicked off finnegan's "suicide run". Finnegan regained his composure and became a staunch geerite from that moment on. "
That explains a lot. Specifically, for me......
Some time around early 1990, Geer put out "A Pivot Point in History", a 3-part tape set that claimed God was not All-Knowing, and did so in easy-to-refute claims and justifications. When I finally spoke to VInce about it, VInce (who should have figured it out LONG before I did since I heard about it several months later and by accident) used a half-@$$ed attempt to AGREE with it, and was only interested in me not going around discussing it with people. He wasn't interested in whether or not it was TRUE. He was interested in everyone saying the same thing. Was probably not that hard, for that matter- my Territory Coordinator at the time was parroting the same non-answers as everyone else. ("What God knows, He knows. What God doesn't know, He doesn't know.") I was actually preparing to mail little packets of crackers to people I'd heard parrot that sort of thing if I heard them do it again. (In the case of the Territory guy, he started to back off on the subject and it sounded like he was trying hard not to outright say he completely disagreed with it, so I never did mail it or hand him any. I was delighted.)
But that explains why Vince didn't sweat whether it was true, only that everyone got with the party line. If I'd realized that sooner, I'd not have bothered my other attempts to get Vince to think outside the party line (no, I'll leave that one private.)