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  1. Great post , Don't Worry !!! Just like everything else the great con man wierwille sold folks on - a Twig being self-propagating, etc. was just another one of his false sense of empowerment bull$hit ideas. I think an expanded literal translation according to our "favorite" plagiarist's abuse would read: Every Twig is propagating wierwille himself, governed by wierwille himself, supporting wierwille himself. That's not to say this is how every Twig literally functioned - but depending on the degree to which the believers of any particular Twig actually bought into "all things the way international forever rah rah" then for all intents and purposes that's the degree to which they functioned as such.
    1 point
  2. Although it has promoted itself as such, The Way is not and never was based on a model of life in the first century church. They have cherry picked verses to create a false narrative......."Oh, look, they broke bread together in the first century. We eat together as a group. They met in small groups. We meet in small groups. Therefore, we're like the first century church."....Nonsense. Our objective in FellowLaborers was to study The Book of Acts, live together for two years, patterning our lifestyle after the first century church and then return to our hometowns as leaders who were better qualified to serve our areas. We were to be living examples of what life could be like if we patterned ourselves after the believers in Acts. In reality, we were just a bunch of deluded kids, living a communal lifestyle with a Biblical veneer. That's all it was. Just a pseudo commune. (not the free sex and drug variety, as depicted in popular culture) And, it wasn't truly a communal way of life, either, because all the important decisions were being made at a much higher, authoritative level. The notion that we were part of some valiant effort is pure delusion. You can revive if you want to but it's impossible to restore it because it never really existed (as an example of first century life) in the first place.
    1 point
  3. First of all, thank you for the compliment. Sometimes I think I do have a brain cell or two floating around. Now, as to the above: The one word I don't see in this second missive is the word that should be underlined, all caps, bolded and in about 20 font or so: REPENTANCE! These guys, at least some of them, were the haughtiest, more superior, unloving, unhelpful, uncaring, hardhearted people I've ever heard of. And they think they are going to move forward? Come to my door, ladies and gentlemen, and I will tell you how I moved forward: 1. I quit believing the words of D**id M*l*ner: "If you are separated from the Household of The Way, whether of your own volition or whether we men of God get together and decide you are no longer worth of the privilege of fellowshipping with us, AT THAT VERY MOMENT (all caps mine) the spirit within you dies, and shortly thereafter your physical body shall die also, BECAUSE IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO EXIST OUTSIDE THE HOUSEHOLD OF HOLINESS!" 2. I started reading the Bible without filtering it through anything I had learned from TWI. 3. I started praying and asking God to help me. 4. I forgave myself for having diabetes. (This was a long project as some churches also taught God smites people with sickness and disease). When I get a letter from Moneyhands, Fort, the above mentioned branch leader, or anyone else, I'll think they might possibly be sincere. But I would still avoid them like the plague! 5. I found, after many years, a church I really like that teaches fairly and honestly. 6. I started enumerating the wrongs done me by various people. I figuratively held them up to the light and said, "I forgive you. I forgive you for telling me I was ignorant. I forgive you for telling me to harm my son. I forgive you for being a stupid, idiotic, uncaring jerk." It's a hard thing to do. I want to see myself hugging these people in my mind and heart, even if I never see them again on this earth. Sometimes, though I'd like to see myself beating the daylights out of them. That's not right; forgive; God forgave me, I forgive them, God forgave me, I forgive them. 7. This should be #1, really: Forgive yourself for ever believing them, for letting them jerk you around, interfere with your money, your marriage, your children, your irretrievable time. Remember God loves you so much! He gave everything for you! If God sees you as lovable and worthy of His Son's death and resurrence, who the &*E(W dares say otherwise?
    1 point
  4. Hi Greasespotters! I just wanted to clear up another piece of official TWIt disinformation. All the BS about how the "Way tree structure" was taken completely and only from "the Book of Acts". That is a complete fabrication from the inebriated and meshuggeneh"mind" of dictor paul. The ENTIRE "self-supporting, self-governing, and self-propagating" "revelation" is taken VERBATIM from AA's book, "The 12 Traditions" which was first published in 1935!! Check it out for yourself. Totally predictable and habitual unethical and dishonest thinking and behavior from a lazy, intellectually vapid wannabe mog. So, all the bullshit in all these R'n'R asslickers' smarmy posts which brags about "Da woid", and how dictor paul (and now these morons) got EVERYTHING by "revelation", or by "rightly-dividing Da woid", documents the fact that ALL these phony whited sepulchers remain "throughly" TWIt-brained, and self-deluded. They STILL worship dictor paul and they want HIS minus-tray and it's illicit income back. They are hapless, feckless cultists now having to accept the fact that they have wasted their entire lives, and now they're stuck with just their "rewards at the bema", with zero cash in the bank, no homes, no cars, no training or education in any other fields of endeavor besides the perpetual snake-turd "christianity" peddled by their beloved, dead, drunk, waterlogged moggie-pooh. Talk about a bunch of LOSERS, LOW-LIFES, and LIARS. These guys make the Keystone Cops look like Navy Seal Team 6! Bwaaaahahahaha!.......peace.
    1 point
  5. So when R&R folks leave TWI, they get a bunch of likes on Facebook? How many have they cursed at for leaving in the years prior? Why not grovel in shame?
    1 point
  6. I'm not even going to bother listening/watching to the R&R presentations you all are talking about. I remember when we got the boot writing a four-page letter explaining our situation to the Reverend Mr. Fort. We felt we had been unfairly treated by D*&e M1ln$r, the branch coordinator, and wished to clarify what we saw as his sarcastic, legalistic, unreasonable attitude. The Most Exceedingly Great and Mighty Man of God the Reverend Mr. Fort wrote a snide, snarky sarcastic little note on the last page of our letter and sent it back. Something like "Amazing that you take four pages to explain what D.M. could explain clearly in four sentences in a phone call. Don't bother trying to come back." I did figure out where D.M. learned his nasty, sarcastic ways, though. The Moneyhands as you call them were limb leaders in a state we lived in. They were, to my humble observation, very very very very superior to us mere peasants. The Mrs. did offer to administer some kind of a personality test to me, which I declined. "Don't you want to know how you think?" she asked me. "I believe I'm supposed to think the Word of God." I replied. I don't have a terribly good impression of her brand of psychology. Didn't trust her then or now. I don't remember meeting any of the other people on the list. Sad, though, to think they are setting themselves up to delude, degrade, and destroy even more hapless souls than they already have. Not a single one of them is worth a penny of my money or a second of my time.
    1 point
  7. This is very very sad in my opinion. It's the place to be, though, if you want the familiar feel of TWI without having to go to headquarters and deal with the leadership there. These groups are more dangerous, imo, than even TWI in that their only accountability is within themselves. I mean it. Not just annoying, dangerous. They are still elitist, like TWI, because they heard the "real truth" taught in PFAL. There is no one to check their egos. They are self-appointed "Men of God" who cannot be replaced or confronted when their conduct falls short of scripture.
    1 point
  8. Thank you Skyrider, for bringing this thread back to the present.........and, Wordwolf, for your usual thorough, objective and informative "review" of the content in the excerpts which Skyrider posted!........though i had heard of this book, i had never been able to read any of it before today........i found the excerpts interesting, although, i must say, that Mrs. Wierwille's writings are definitely, imho, inordinately subjective, and skilfully edited so as to avoid recounting the many hundreds of "other details" which would offer the reader a much less flattering glimpse into vic's personal "revelatory journey" in his founding and building of twi.....an editing process absolutely necessary in order to avoid the obvious "missteps" rev. wierwille took repeatedly through those "early years of his ministry"!.......and continued until his last weeks of life on earth! at the risk of seeming unduly "harsh", or "coldly judgemental", i feel strongly that, there are several points which need to be made in order to provide a more honest, and perhaps more objective perspective to her accounts of those early years spent with her husband in establishing "his ministry".........for various reasons, dotsie has been granted a "free pass" from providing a complete, "no-holds-barred" record of vic's "ministry" to the world, and to his "kids".........i believe sympathy is a major factor behind that "free pass"..........all those who knew "the real vic", truly "felt sorry" for dotsie for being married to that man!.......many of us in the early, smaller way corps groups, saw firsthand how utterly mean, disrespectful and disdainful vic could be to his "first lady" at times!......and not only to her, but to her sister delores, her brother alford, and other of her closest relatives!..........discussion of these numerous incidents of overt verbal and emotional cruelty to dotsie and her "earthly family" were absolutely taboo!........NEVER public, and always only between very small groups of witnesses to them, in hushed tones and whispers!.........always looking around to make sure no one else was listening!........such discussions were tantamount to an attack on the holy grail of twi, and, no one who ever may have had such discussions ever wanted to be "found out".........the consequences were unimaginable! since dotsie is no longer living on this earth, perhaps a bit more transparency might be in order..........however, her three daughters and one of her sons are still living, and out of respect for them, and their children, there are still limits which compassionate, empathetic, and dignified human courtesy demand!.......and yet, in my opinion, dotsie, despite her gently sweet and reserved public persona, vividly exhibitted classic signs of a co-dependent enabler..........on 2 occasions, most poignantly embedded in my conscience, i was personally present when dotsie simply "broke down" emotionally, and burst into uncontrollable sobbing over her "situation" with vic........all i could do, as a young "thirty-something" clergyman, was simply hug her, and let her cry her eyes out on my shoulder!........there were no words i could speak, no actions i could take, other than that!.........one occasion was on the motorcoach, in countryside, IL, with 2 other corps grads present........the other was in the dining room of her house at hq, with only cora mae pe--rs present........those 2 incidents will forever haunt my memories of dotsie!............i will share no more details here.........nor do i feel i should.........but, those events happened, and all you have to go on is my word..........sorry. there is no question in my mind that, dotsie was an emotionally abused and beaten-down woman......abused and beaten-down by a truly meanspirited "husband", and "man of god"!.......there's also no question in my mind, that had she stood up to vic, she most likely could have spared many of his victims!........she, perhaps more than any other person alive, could have exposed vic, and warned the rest of us about the narcissistic, sociopath who was our "father in the word"!............but, for whatever deeply personal, dysfunctional reasons, she was never able to do so.........and, sadly, that is a big part of her own legacy..........a part which is glaringly absent from the pages of her book that have been posted here!........she, more than any other woman, knew the truth about her husband!.......but, the price she would have had to pay, the pain she would have had to endure, and the shame brought upon her children whom she truly, passionately loved, were far too great for her to bear!..........and, i don't think it was the material comforts she may have enjoyed in the 70's, 80's and early 90's, or the adulation from twi followers she hesitatingly accepted, or the public image vic painted of her as the example of a "virtuous woman" that kept her silent and submissive.......but, rather, the mother's love she had for her children, and her own psychoemotional dysfunction were the keys to her puzzling choices to allow vic's personal perversions in "faith and practice" to continue unchallenged............again, i surely can't say i know why she let vic "slide"...........perhaps i never will, in this life or the one yet to be lived......i only know that, unfortunately, she did let him "slide"..........a burden she took with her to her grave! i know karen, mary, sarah, and j.p. ........... i have not seen them, or spoken with them in 20 years!.........each one of them is "good people" in my book!........never had a negative interaction with any of them or their spouses in any of the times we may have shared together........and, i surely would never presume to tell them how they should remember their parents or the lives they chose to lead.........i can only "deal with" my own memories and experiences with dotsie and vic..........and they have to deal with their's!........they are the only folks who have the right to choose how they do so.........i wish them only god's best blessings in their lives and families..........and, i just want to share one more thing with them, and you greasespotters out there who may read this.........when i left twi hq, with my wife and 3 small children, on december 14, 1986.........after 11 long days under "house arrest", while geer and the "yak twig" figured out how to "handle" our departure,..........there was only a very small group of people there to say goodbye, and wish us well.........brian and suzi bli!ss, gondy and cathy depa@L@, johnny townsend, cora mae p&t&rs, and dorothea kipp wierwille.........the last time i ever saw her........again, with tears in her eyes, and some cookies for my children.......waving goodbye, saying, "bless you!, love you!".................................peace.
    1 point
  9. VPW said... That sounds to me like the most made-up, after-the fact reason! He thought the teenagers would get the adults into it?? This guy who said he just wanted 50 MEN to believe?I'm thinking more that it was about control with him, right from the beginning. He couldn't get the adults behind him, so he went to the kids -- much less threatening. Much more malleable. And note that they were females. Why, left alone with a few of those sweet young things for a bit, and I bet ol' Vic could convince them to do a lot of things. Given what we now know about Wierwille, this situation makes my skin crawl.Regards, Shaz
    1 point
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