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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/02/2017 in all areas

  1. As much as I empathize with the crowds of individuals who have been hurt and exploited by twi across the decades, I have to cast a suspicious eye here. These were people who were in during the 70s. They saw it get worse into the 80s. They lived through the confrontations at the top and the firings. They lived through Geer's power-grab and "Passing of the Patriarch"-when some of the top leaders left because the BOT was deaf to criticism,They lived through lcm's demand for an oath of loyalty-when 4/5 of the ministry either left because they were fed up (or outraged someone would make such an unBiblical request), or were kicked out because they simply refused to take such an oath (or left because others were kicked out for refusing to take such an oath.) They were in a leadership position at the time and retained it- which tells us that when lcm demanded that people make an oath of loyalty to HIM PERSONALLY, they SWORE THAT OATH. (Others were kicked out of twi immediately for refusing.) They stayed through the next year, when more people trickled out as the completely new (more blatant) direction of twi was made plain. They stayed all through the 90s, when lcm kicked people out for "suspicion" or for refusing to hand over more of their salary to twi. They stayed through all the slanders at respected leaders who left. They stayed when lcm ADMITTED to abusing his office and committing adulterous acts with members of the congregation. They stayed when rfr tightened things so much that people on-grounds were required to sign in and out when going to use the toilet. They stayed when the SNS tapes were expected to be listened to live when they were recorded, then again privately, and yet again with the local groups (rather than teach something new.) They stayed through all the orders to bleach teachings clean of anything approaching originality, and enforcement of that across the country. They stayed through all that, all while across the DECADES, others left and did just fine without twi. In fact, some local groups just drifted off and did exactly what they people claimed they wanted to do- be self-governing and self-propagating and just teach some Bible. This happened lots of times, across the country, across the DECADES. These people stayed with twi all through that. In fact, in this account, they stayed through virtually their entire adult life, *counts* a FORTY-YEAR journey that was just FINE staying in twi while virtually everyone else who was ever in twi got sick of it and left, even if it was to go off and teach more Bible without the fascism and venom. That's more time in twi than some ex-twi'ers have been ALIVE. NOW they're jumping ship. Obviously, something has changed NOW, something that they care about. Is it a sudden absence of Bible, or a sudden wave of directives? No- those were all more severe in the past, and these people stayed. What changed NOW is that this is their personal opportunity to leave. Not just "keep doing what God wants"-they could have done that anytime, most of us did just that when we left- but to leave WITH A STRUCTURE IN PLACE AND A POSITION OF AUTHORITY. They're leaving with their whole new DENOMINATION and their elder's hat, leaving to step into authority. It wasn't enough to just teach some Bible and pray. They waited until they had an organic structure of exactly who they wanted, AND a chance to leave with an OFFICE in that structure. (It wasn't enough to just run a local Bible fellowship, or they would have drifted off decades ago.) So, yes, the timing is, to say the least, peculiar- not for when it IS, but for when it ISN'T. Anyone think there's a mid-life crisis or two in there?
    2 points
  2. Yada, yada, yada, and blah blah blah! WHERE WERE ALL THESE ASSLICKING NAZIS 30 YEARS AGO WHEN IT COUNTED??? i call bullshit on them and their whole bullshit "restoration and revival" offshoot scheme. All they really want to restore and revive is their own bank accounts, and the minus-tray of a waterlogged, dead, Nazi drunk, malignant, paranoid, narcissist, serial rapist and sexual batterer, misogynist, racist, mentally ill fraud. What a holy calling! A mission in depraved futility. Pfffffttttttt!
    2 points
  3. Although it has promoted itself as such, The Way is not and never was based on a model of life in the first century church. They have cherry picked verses to create a false narrative......."Oh, look, they broke bread together in the first century. We eat together as a group. They met in small groups. We meet in small groups. Therefore, we're like the first century church."....Nonsense. Our objective in FellowLaborers was to study The Book of Acts, live together for two years, patterning our lifestyle after the first century church and then return to our hometowns as leaders who were better qualified to serve our areas. We were to be living examples of what life could be like if we patterned ourselves after the believers in Acts. In reality, we were just a bunch of deluded kids, living a communal lifestyle with a Biblical veneer. That's all it was. Just a pseudo commune. (not the free sex and drug variety, as depicted in popular culture) And, it wasn't truly a communal way of life, either, because all the important decisions were being made at a much higher, authoritative level. The notion that we were part of some valiant effort is pure delusion. You can revive if you want to but it's impossible to restore it because it never really existed (as an example of first century life) in the first place.
    1 point
  4. First of all, thank you for the compliment. Sometimes I think I do have a brain cell or two floating around. Now, as to the above: The one word I don't see in this second missive is the word that should be underlined, all caps, bolded and in about 20 font or so: REPENTANCE! These guys, at least some of them, were the haughtiest, more superior, unloving, unhelpful, uncaring, hardhearted people I've ever heard of. And they think they are going to move forward? Come to my door, ladies and gentlemen, and I will tell you how I moved forward: 1. I quit believing the words of D**id M*l*ner: "If you are separated from the Household of The Way, whether of your own volition or whether we men of God get together and decide you are no longer worth of the privilege of fellowshipping with us, AT THAT VERY MOMENT (all caps mine) the spirit within you dies, and shortly thereafter your physical body shall die also, BECAUSE IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO EXIST OUTSIDE THE HOUSEHOLD OF HOLINESS!" 2. I started reading the Bible without filtering it through anything I had learned from TWI. 3. I started praying and asking God to help me. 4. I forgave myself for having diabetes. (This was a long project as some churches also taught God smites people with sickness and disease). When I get a letter from Moneyhands, Fort, the above mentioned branch leader, or anyone else, I'll think they might possibly be sincere. But I would still avoid them like the plague! 5. I found, after many years, a church I really like that teaches fairly and honestly. 6. I started enumerating the wrongs done me by various people. I figuratively held them up to the light and said, "I forgive you. I forgive you for telling me I was ignorant. I forgive you for telling me to harm my son. I forgive you for being a stupid, idiotic, uncaring jerk." It's a hard thing to do. I want to see myself hugging these people in my mind and heart, even if I never see them again on this earth. Sometimes, though I'd like to see myself beating the daylights out of them. That's not right; forgive; God forgave me, I forgive them, God forgave me, I forgive them. 7. This should be #1, really: Forgive yourself for ever believing them, for letting them jerk you around, interfere with your money, your marriage, your children, your irretrievable time. Remember God loves you so much! He gave everything for you! If God sees you as lovable and worthy of His Son's death and resurrence, who the &*E(W dares say otherwise?
    1 point
  5. "man's fences" . . . . . BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!! Here's your fence you damned R&R numb nuts
    1 point
  6. Hi Greasespotters! I just wanted to clear up another piece of official TWIt disinformation. All the BS about how the "Way tree structure" was taken completely and only from "the Book of Acts". That is a complete fabrication from the inebriated and meshuggeneh"mind" of dictor paul. The ENTIRE "self-supporting, self-governing, and self-propagating" "revelation" is taken VERBATIM from AA's book, "The 12 Traditions" which was first published in 1935!! Check it out for yourself. Totally predictable and habitual unethical and dishonest thinking and behavior from a lazy, intellectually vapid wannabe mog. So, all the bullshit in all these R'n'R asslickers' smarmy posts which brags about "Da woid", and how dictor paul (and now these morons) got EVERYTHING by "revelation", or by "rightly-dividing Da woid", documents the fact that ALL these phony whited sepulchers remain "throughly" TWIt-brained, and self-deluded. They STILL worship dictor paul and they want HIS minus-tray and it's illicit income back. They are hapless, feckless cultists now having to accept the fact that they have wasted their entire lives, and now they're stuck with just their "rewards at the bema", with zero cash in the bank, no homes, no cars, no training or education in any other fields of endeavor besides the perpetual snake-turd "christianity" peddled by their beloved, dead, drunk, waterlogged moggie-pooh. Talk about a bunch of LOSERS, LOW-LIFES, and LIARS. These guys make the Keystone Cops look like Navy Seal Team 6! Bwaaaahahahaha!.......peace.
    1 point
  7. Those two suffered more abuse at the hands of the Way than a lot. I guess that is their website. I don't know their whole end story with TWI but I knew he was working with D@vid Ch@voustie as his assistant in what was supposed to be the Research department or something like that. DC part time, GS assistant part time or something. I'm sure the wizard of Roz didn't approve of his continual smile and pleasant demeanor, and probably asking if they could like do some actual research or something, and they got dropped from Corpse, fired, stripped of clergy title, etc. Disclaimer - no knowledge of what this actually was over. Had to move from cult HQ to California. This is like after a whole fiasco that involved going thru the Corpse a 2nd time I think. Just can't even believe it. Loyalty to remain true to ordination even after all that abuse from the Way, stuck with the group till a year or two ago. Rewarded thusly. Maybe I should react differently, but seeing stuff like this just makes me hope for Thelma and Louise driving off a cliff somewhere so nobody else's life gets devastated. Board of D@mn Pharisee Dolt Directors plus girlfriend Bet Gene wanders into some hippie Chistian outfit and they sell beads and tie dye on Venice beach. LOL. While speaking from a Greek text.
    1 point
  8. I will say this is the first time I've ever heard the term "TWIS" - The Way International Structure. This seems to be a new acronym and term that this woman has made up. To me it is TWISted. I mean I'm a part of the body of Christ, as are the church-going folks in my neighborhood, city, community, on TV, etc. So are TWI members. They are the elevated nose of the body of Christ. Oh wait, Christ didn't elevate his nose. So functionally, these people are starting a church, in their own home, with a Way brain, a Way background, and probably mostly Way materials. Anyone can come! Will anyone? Well, let's see. When you called it a twig and were still accepted in the Way, did anyone come then? Not really? OK. Well that's kind of a really good indicator there. The state of TWIS. BTW I've known of old Corpse grads who did this right after the fog years. Then they had a family Bible fellowship for 20 years. A couple outside people came for a while. I mean with this approach and home schooling, you could live completely off the grid like the Unabomber. Not real sure what this has to do with Christianity though.
    1 point
  9. No, all they can do is produce "walking dead". Zombies emerge from whited sepulchres and seek to consume human flesh.
    1 point
  10. Well said DWBH !!! can I just ask, was that 'inspired utterance' ?? It almost sounds like a 'thus sayeth the Lord' moment lol...man did you hit the nail bang smack on the head....and to everyone here...THAT is why GS is still very important TODAY...so if you haven't donated yet, please give something/ anything !!
    1 point
  11. Password for a (Christian) website ??!! I know some sites do have them for their leadership page/forum BUT not to just try to surf their site lol. How is anyone expected to be blessed or informed with their site ? ;) What are they afraid of ? critics ? mockers ? Dang shame, I had a loose 20k sitting around I wanted to donate to them
    1 point
  12. Yep.....the birthing of another wierwillite-cult. I remember one corps meeting or nightowl sharing where wierwille stated that if he had it to do all over again.......he would have TAKEN as many Van Wert Church people with him as he could. Looks like the cult apple hasn't fallen far from the Way Tree.
    1 point
  13. Thanks CD! I could not find it. What an incredible and huge crock of shit! LMAO! These lying HYPOCRITES and WHITED SEPULCHERS are stinking up the place. I say bye bye and fuck em all! LOL!
    1 point
  14. If I had the money, I'd buy the damn place and burn every building to the ground.
    1 point
  15. It's not about wishing there were no storms but about how you get through the storms.
    1 point
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