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While I can only speak for myself and my limited observations, I will endeavor to give a glimpse of what happens to a person who goes corps. When I was new to the way ministry I had the beginnings of a relationship with God that was unencumbered by the way international's "advanced" doctrines and legalisms, etc. For a brief time I saw the goodness of God. Naturally, I wanted to help others see the goodness of God as well. That's when I was told about the way corpse. Young, naive, and starry eyed I dropped everything I was pursuing, career included, and started working towards the way corpse with much zeal. Many classes and a couple way disciple runs later I found myself at camp gunnison as in-resindentured way corpse. To say that I was disappointed is an understatement. Instead of a program that was full of life and vigor that helps the participants find their ministries and educates them in a meaningful way, worthy of a degree in Theology, I found a program totally devoid of substance. I compare it to being incarcerated. No TV, no reading materials other than ministry publications, no music other that way productions, very limited phone time, not allowed to leave the campus except with express permission - usually a couple hours on a Saturday, days spent working STS - way mag - present truth in study hall and then working crappy menial jobs....read work/study program. Hard edged and dangerous work projects like "harvesting" firewood from the Gunnison national forest. We were under constant surveillance by the corpse coordinator and other way corpse staff. We were isolated from the outside world and even the staff who worked at the campus. We were not allowed visitors or phone calls except for a little time in the evenings or on Saturday. This lifestyle was absolutely horrible. I came close to leaving so many times. The entire process numbs people down to mindless zombies who've learned when to genuflect and spew the necessary cliches to stay mercifully under radar. By the time a person graduates they are changed. Changed to endure mental / emotional abuse and mindlessly follow orders. If you begin to exercise critical thinking skills that go against the board of dummies desires you will be punished in one way or another. Leaving the way corps and the way ministry seemed just damn near impossible at times. After all, I took a salt covenant. In retrospect I was in deep bondage to the board of dummies and a cult that promises the power of God and only gives heartless legalism to it's adherents. I hope this helps a little to understand why. The way corpse lifestyle is inculcated in people slowly. By the time a person is active way corpse there is deep seated bondage to the board of dummies that takes all that is in a person to break free. Sadly, some never do. However there are the heartless monsters who love the lifestyle, relish in the bondage, and spend their entire lives lording over people who want nothing more than to love God and keep his commandments. These people are full of politics and self promotion and feel that God has given them a special calling above others. Instead of exercising gift ministries in mercy, grace, love, etc, they consider themselves to have "ruling" ministries and expect nothing short of total submissive obedience from the plebes. These bastards are worthy of the judgment they will surely receive as a recompense of their merciless ways and devilish judgments they so coldly pronounce against people who want nothing more than to be a good Christian.2 points
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Down with the Ebionites!!!!!! sorry just thought I could provide some Renaissance crowd background noise. LOL.1 point
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Our research is just as good as those we've plagiarized from. == == == == If you want accuracy and integrity in research...go to an accredited school...if you want to waste time and money come see us.1 point
oddly enough, they worked out a lot better since I left TWI...for example: separate truth from error - - Grease Spot has helped a lot ! more harmony in the home - - family gets along great - - don't have to argue over what to do on Twig night...since we don't have Twig anymore increases prosperity - - oh yeah, since all my money doesn't go to support a cult anymore overcomes worry and fear - - still working on that one...I worry I will run out of sarcastic ways to poke fun at a cult I use to fearfully serve !1 point
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I was in residence with the 16th Corps for two blocks. I knew some of the 14th Corps who went on to perform in AotS. All I can say is that my heart goes out to them. They were subjected to a lot more garbage than run of the mill wayfers or even Corps were. If I had performed in AotS, I think I would just want to forget it. Love, Steve1 point
Exactly. And when people didn't sign up for the class it was because the devil tricked them out of it or we weren't walking according to revelation to get them (politely coerce them) into signing the registration card and handing over their money. Guilt guilt guilt. I sure didn't consider (nor did anyone I knew stop to think): maybe this class is not the cure-all that we believe it is. Surely something must be wrong with people who don't want to take it. After all I took it and I'm none the worse for it, my life is great. Right, until years later when I woke up and realized it wasn't, but then the reason I was lacking in "abundance" wasn't the class's fault it was my own fault for not believing the promises of God taught in the class. Circular reasoning once again. To break out of that thinking isn't that hard, it just takes a little bit of self awareness, of paying attention, of QUESTIONING AUTHORITY. Oh my, questioning the Word is the first step down on the spiritual road away from God, just like Eve in the garden. Her problem was she questioned. Mmm...seems to me VP was a master manipulator of scripture, people, and the blame game.1 point
Twi has ALWAYS done this...... Rather than truly analyze the problem, the blame-game is initiated to keep the spotlight OFF THE CULT'S ABUSE AND ACTIVITES. Examples: 1) Wierwille blamed the students of the first corps program....labeled it the "zero corps." 2) Heavy rainstorms in humid Ohio in August........blame the corps' lack of believing. 3) L.E.A.D. program -- hitch-hiking and major accidents were corps' fault of course. 4) Wierwille dies at age 68.......Howard and others said vpw died of a "broken heart" when leadership/corps would not stand with him. And, someday.....when twi is little more than sell-order-bookstore joint, the directors will spin it as "No one really is hungry for the rightly-divided word anymore."1 point
My brothers used to hide porn in the underwear drawer... I wonder how the coordinators would have liked that? Probably fine as long as it was decent and in order and stacked appropriately by date.1 point
OH! That is so ridiculous! Geesh! How is that supposed to draw you closer to God? How is that supposed to develop in you a "heart for leadership"? Don't you wish you would have thought to booby trap the drawer somehow? Like put a fart balloon in there, or something gooey and then just look embarrassed when the inspector jumped back surprised? Underwear drawer inspections, how ludicrous!1 point
Sounds like one of the way corps who thought they were going to be in charge of something when they graduated only to find themselves in some menial staff job. There are certain ones who are always looking for avenues to "minister" to the staff. Probably well meaning enough, but to thrust yourself on another and then get offended when they do not thank you is typical way brained behavior. Probably shocked to find you didn't want (or need) their help.1 point
And they make fun of the Catholic monks and nuns who take a vow of poverty in order to help their spiritual journey. Basically it's the same thing - except the nuns and monks know that the Church will take care of them.1 point
Wierwille intentionally misrepresented his credentials. Because of that, people trusted him. He betrayed their trust. It cost people dearly. Some even paid with their very lives. I don't consider that "petty stuff".1 point
Point well taken. However, after years of having to dance around their protocol, carefully observe their way styles document which dictates all kinds of religious rules in capitalizing certain "holy" words and such, after learning that VP never received a "real" doctorates degree - yet he is known as Dr Wierwille, after learning that VP and craig were sexual predators that victimized those in their flock, (and so many other things I could cite) I will never give them the respect they so adamantly demand! Hell, I even use lower case letters when referring to them on purpose. You know what offends my sensibilities are the many evils perpetrated by the way international against people who wanted nothing more than to know God and have a better life. Not whether or not someone has nicknames for these people. They deserve what they get. They are reaping what they have sowed. How many people suffered character assassination at the hands of these monsters? Received the "bums rush? Had their names used on corps mornings where everyone learned of their mistakes and how terrible they were? Nope. Reap what you sow. I have no respect for them and will give them none. I was way corps as well and found that program and leadership structure to be quite lifeless while it promises to make those in the ranks "good ministers of Jesus Christ." Yet the ranks are filled with some of the most heartless, vile legalistic people I have ever came across. I mean no offense to you. I suppose I should be offended by the things I write as well seeing I was in the corps. But I have come to realize that I took the prime of my life and threw it into a hole where my efforts were used to further a cult that would enslave it's followers. While that is my responsibility, I am a little miffed over the whole affair. I suppose that comes across in my choice of words.1 point
This is scary! I never was involved with The WOW field or WC because I kept my full-time career. I always felt so guilty for not putting God first this way. Recently, like last month, I was approached with a propacision (sp?)to take The Advanced Class on W&P this coming summer so I could eventually go "on Staff" at HQ's. Because of this website my life won't be ruined! Once again, thank you GS! It's all too crazy!1 point
It was all just part of a cleverly crafted scam that was run by a dirty old drunk with a twisted, sadistic mind. (In my opinion)-----1 point
Yeah.....twi kept MOVING the goal posts. Once inresidence....the game of endurance begins. Read Dale Carnegie books, memorize the list of sales techniques, learn a bunch of ludicrous 'memory pegs,' blocks of classes to attend, assigned to a twig and a certain branch, a 4 hr/day work group, a branch responsibility, dorm assignments, attend early morning teachings - 5:20am, respond to any 'red alerts' or fire drills, or wierwille's arrival, etc. etc. Once you graduate....the game continues. The field/staff corps assignments have uniquely different rules, but the oversight and confrontation goes on. One is monitored by reports, by leadership, by corps meetings attendance, by class attendance, by the yearly pilgrimage to corps week/roa, etc. The goal posts keep moving.......enough is never enough. No corps exits twi gratiously. Twi will not allow it. Highly respected corps get trashed the most......to instill fear, to stifle questioning, damage control cult-style. <_<1 point
What? You don't see the asset in having an Associate of Theology degree? hahaha ... my certificate is so valuable that it's in the attic in a bin just waiting there for when I have the time to recycle it ... into a firepit, or a craft project, or ... any other ideas?1 point
Natural leadership ability - whatever the hell that is. <_< So what he was really saying was he wanted people who were already charismatic that would be plausible in selling the classes.1 point
VP (You know he wasn't really a doctor, don't you?) Wierwille wanted them to HAVE it.He just didn't want them to USE it. I learned how to sprout Mung Beans and make my own salad dressing. :(1 point
"By the time a person graduates they are changed. Changed to endure mental / emotional abuse and mindlessly follow orders. If you begin to exercise critical thinking skills that go against the board of dummies desires you will be punished in one way or another. Leaving the way corps and the way ministry seemed just damn near impossible at times. After all, I took a salt covenant. In retrospect I was in deep bondage to the board of dummies and a cult that promises the power of God and only gives heartless legalism to it's adherents." I wonder if this was intentional or just reflected the darker side of human nature? Have you read about the Stanford Prison Experiment? In a nutshell, a class of undergrads are divided in half. Half will be the prisoners and half will be the guards. The experiment had be be stopped early because many of the guards became cruel and abusive and many of the prisoners appeared to be suffering serious emotional abuse. As twisted as it might sound, I think there is some similarity to the Corps experience. I wasn't there, but I did get an eyeful on staff. Much of the leadership found it more important to get instant obedience than to have people work in a cooperative fashion. I remember VPW saying back in the mid 70's that he wanted Corps applicants to have "natural leadership ability" because he was tired of trying to teach it. I didn't see much natural leadership ability. Unfortunately, VP had the same natural leadership ability as any successful dictator.1 point
Not to mention being in hell after you graduate because everything that happens around you that is bad is your fault because "You're Corps." Not to mention that the despair of believing that the rest of your life consists of following orders, having no home base, menial jobs, vacationing only at Corps Week and the Rock, etc etc etc. I was so depressed when I graduated and saw NO WAY OUT. I condemned myself for being depressed because surely I was missing the greatness of being Way Corps. What a relief to see that it wasnt' just me. What a relief to finally leave.1 point
:eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: No TV, no reading materials other than ministry publications, no music other that way productions, very limited phone time, not allowed to leave the campus except with express permission - usually a couple hours on a Saturday, days spent working STS - way mag - present truth in study hall and then working crappy menial jobs....read work/study program. Hard edged and dangerous work projects like "harvesting" firewood from the Gunnison national forest. We were under constant surveillance by the corpse coordinator and other way corpse staff. We were isolated from the outside world and even the staff who worked at the campus. We were not allowed visitors or phone calls except for a little time in the evenings or on Saturday. This lifestyle was absolutely horrible. I came close to leaving so many times. The entire process numbs people down to mindless zombies who've learned when to genuflect and spew the necessary cliches to stay mercifully under radar. By the time a person graduates they are changed. This part, except for a few minor details, could well be a description of my experience in Fellow Laborers. Others' experiences may have, of course, been different.1 point