The comforting thing to me is that this is all self-limiting. twi is circling the drain. The splinter groups are circling the drain. The current members are almost all older folk from twi, and they leave sooner or later (the most loyal die off.) They're not being replaced because it's hard to get converts when all you have is what twi has, or what ex-twi have. When they make a stir and get some people (the "personal prophecy" fiascos), it blows up in their faces and lots of people head for the door. When young folk are attracted, it's never enough "ministry-wide" to fill a university lecture, and many of THOSE are the offspring of the insiders. Lots of those kids leave-and they take the converts with them because the converts were hanging out with the youngsters. So, that leaves a handful of retirees here and there, with occasional youngsters in the front of rooms with a retiree whispering all the answers to him (v2p2) , and all talking about "prosperity" and how they can just believe their way into whatever they want while what they HAVE falls FAR short of what they want.
It's like Zeno's Paradox. The groups shrink in half, then in half again, then in half again..... 100 people in a splinter becomes 50 which becomes 25 and so on.