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"Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the fairest one of all?" "A baby, once mom stored in tote, thou lookest now more like a goat.."1 point
Grace Valerie Claire, Hi! Finnegan is one of the dirtiest, guiltiest, rotten-to-the-core wierwille clones on the planet. The only time vinny-the-hitter ever ran a TWIt region was in 1977-78, while he was LC in NJ. That's the only place he was a limp coordinator until dictor paul fired him at placements in 1984, because he had a fight with Geer who refused to listen to the "worldwide outreach coordinator", who was his boss, when vinny-the-hitter went over to England to "confront" geer. Little ole Chrissy had a hissy fit and ratted vinny out to dictor paul. I had already demanded to leave HQ and the trunk before placements, and dictor personally "handled" my assignment by letting me choose where I wanted to go. I asked to go to NY, and coordinate the limb and Northeast region from there. Going into placements, 1984, THAT was my assignment. The "routine" at placements at that time, was to handle all the "major" assignments on the first day, and then work through each corpse from 1 to whatever, then the outgoing Interim corpse. In 1984, dictor had been "emeritus" for almost two years, and rarely came into placements except to "check up" on us "keedz" to make sure we were doing it right, or to pass around his prosthetic eyeball for us all to touch and worship. On the first day of the 1984 placements meetings, dictor showed up right after we started. He came in from the back room of the BRC in shorts with a lit cigarette and a coffee cup of Drambuie, and "asked" if he could stay and "share" some things. First thing he said was that Bo Reahard would be leaving HQ to run a twig in Atlanta where Bo was starting a computer business with some of his international outreach department staff. Then....the bombshell. He had decided that vinny was on an ego trip and he needed to go "back out on the field" to get a grip on himself and get back in touch with "the ministry". He said that I was supposed to go to NY and do the NEast region from there. He said that, that would not be happening. He said "because Vince is such a 'famous' guy in the ministry, with such a lofty position, he needs an 'impressive" assignment to avoid negative gossip." So, he put him in NY because, he said, "DWBH is the only man in the ministry that can handle Vince. So, DWBH, you pick any limb you want in the northeast and keep an eye on Vince for me." The room was dead silent. Everyone was stunned. then, dictor went on a rampage about international outreach, especially in Europe and Africa. He said that Geer was digging up all sorts of garbage on how phucked up Europe was, and that he (Geer) would now be made European Outreach Coordinator and European Corpse Coordinator as soon as the deal was done on the location, which turned out to be Gartmore. That's when we all figured out what happened with Beence and Bo. When POP blew up in April, 1986, I had to send Pat Hughes and Randy Feese to St. Mary's, where finnegan was in a suicidal ideation episode, because so much in POP was about how vinny and Gary Curtis had screwed up Europe and Africa. Geer read it at the special corpse meeting he called. He named names including, Don and Howard, Da forehead, finnegan, Gary Curtis, Tom Knupp, Gary Frederick and the IO staff, and others. That's what kicked off finnegan's "suicide run". Finnegan regained his composure and became a staunch geerite from that moment on. In 1989, when the split with Geer and the board of Terrorists was finalized, Finnegan took the entire limb of NY, the buildings at the limb HQ which were owned by TWIt, all the bookstore materials, and, most importantly, all the $ he had on hand, and started his own thing with John McCave doing the same thing on Long Island and NYC and joining Finnegan in the grab. They started sending their money to Geer, but, that didn't last very long. The two monster egos clashed and Liberty in Christ Ministries International was born. I have absolutely NO RESPECT for Finnegan. He is in the same exact class as Geer, Lynn, Wrenn, Seed, Goulet, Schoenheit, Sides, Rood, SOWERS, and every other trailer trash offshoot there is. He is a liar and a thief. I KNOW he has never repented from all the myriad horrors he committed while a BMOC for TWIt. Just last year, a poster here at GSC who was assaulted by her area "leader" in westchester county, NY in 1984, and witnessed the numerous extra-marital trysts he engaged in with the nubile single young girls who lived in his way home. That resulted in the fiancée of one of those girls coming to the house and beating the crap out of the "leader", leaving him lying and bleeding on his own doorstep! When the Greasespotter called to inform vinny-the-hitter, he did nothing but tell everyone they were "out of fellowship", and to never talk about this again. Well, last spring (2016!), she called vinny on the phone and confronted him about this all, and demanded an admission and an apology. He tried to yell and intimidate her, his usual "counseling" style. She had none of it. Finally, after nearly 15 minutes, vinny spat out a sarcastic "OK! I'm sorry! Is that what you wanted to hear?" Such humility and grace, eh? So, Grace Valerie Claire, I don't care much for, and think much less of your pal finnegan. Liking the way someone teaches religious bullshit for filthy lucre's sake is not my idea of a "Christian" leader or teacher. He's no different than Joel Osteen. One man's ceiling is another man's floor..........peace.1 point
Hi Greasespotters! i wrote to Boob MoneyHands back in May, asking some of the same 16 questions I submitted for them to answer at their new cult kickoff rally in early May. They never even answered one at their rally. I also included some poignant questions about the suicides, rapes, domestic violence, and child abuse they knew about and willfully and purposely covered up to protect dictor Paul, and Da Forehead, and THEMSELVES! surprisingly, I received a terse response, finally, to both of my letters, from Boob himself. Here it is in it's entirety: "Hi Ralph." That's it. LOL. He always has been a little whiny chickenshit since the day he pulled into NY to help dictor paul throw out Heefner and steal the entire SEPARATE CORPORATION of The Way East from the Christians who built it, and sucked it into wierwille's black hole cult. Asslickers since ECU. Boob officiated at my first wedding in July, 1973, 2 weeks before I left for OH and the 4th corpse. I heard from Boob once more after his overly loving and lengthy response to my previous e-mails. It was in July. He wished me a happy 44th wedding anniversary, knowing I've been divorced since 2001. Those whited sepulchers and their "minus-trays" are sure reviving and restoring the same old spiteful, vengeful, perverted , Nazi gospel their faddah-in-Da-woid gave his life for. They sure are "salted", and will soon be roasted. LOL! Anyone who buys one ounce of the bullshit this collection of white trailer trash Nazi clones of dictor paul wierwille are pushing, should really obtain professional psychiatric help immediately. For your own safety and financial future. Those are a lot of "gift ministers" you are gonna have to fully support and loyally follow in order to "restore and revive" their bank accounts and "gifts" income. After all, retirement time is near and, like hundreds of others through the years, TWIt always liked to dump retirees to keep moving Da woid without all that dead weight of keeping their promises to "always take care of" their faithful corpse and staff. Just another lie to justify their love of money and total disregard for the teachings and example of The Lord Jesus Christ, who remains chronically absent from anything and everything these liars and charlatans think or do. They remain the plague on humanity they have always been, and continue to spread the anti(against)-Christ horseshit they delude themselves into thinking is "da rightly divided woid in da love of gawd in the renewed mind in manifestation". What a crock of ages! Mark and avoid these asswipes! They're waybrained, self-serving, lying, thieving hypocrites, adulterers and adulteresses, cover-up artists, false teachers, fake "counsellors", sexual abusers and predators, and have the blood of saints on their consciences. They are most miserable among "men". Their "bema" will be a long line of "I never knew yous"! Truly a sad joke and wasted time, air, and space. I pity the fools...........selah, and............peace.1 point
Why do you have to try to expose a GSC poster's identity... if you really do wish him well in his life?1 point
So much for what the scriptures say about the bible... "Lost for 1,500 years, the fourth-century commentary by African-born Italian bishop Fortunatianus of Aquileia interprets the Gospels as a series of allegories instead of a literal history. "Dr Hugh Houghton, of the University of Birmingham, who translated the work, said it was an approach which modern Christians could learn from. "The find adds weight to the idea that many early biblical scholars did not see the Bible as a history, but instead a series of coded messages which represented key elements of Christianity, he said."1 point
I'm with Twinky. While the words sound nice about not rejecting other members of the body of Christ, in practicality and functioning this means a Way based splinter group as opposed to really believing those words with your actions. "We don't want to exclude anyone from benefiting from the teachings we are providing". Just like Rosie and the board of dolts, what is first and foremost there is their own ego and status as a "reverend" teaching scripture. Yo, wake up and smell the reality. The teachings you have been providing have been based upon horse manure stolen from another farmers barn. If you really want to fulfill those scriptures about your gifts and calling, how about go back to school, build some ties not associated with a cult, and start a church plant down the road in 3-5 years? Oh no, that would mean a reduction in status. I do also love the bit how some of them are going to be moving in and out among the disciples who fellowship with the Way and others will be functioning independent. Yah we get that. Those "functioning independant" who won't be moving in and out among the disciples who fellowship with the Way are like the vast majority of that lineup on the video broadcast. Why? Because JY de Loser marked and avoided you so all "disciples who fellowship with the Way" will be shunning you. The one dude on the end with the inbred relatives still living at HQ with Trustee Emeritus status, he and his family will be "moving in and out among the disciples who fellowship with the Way" because they are allowed. They really should spend some time watching youtube of JAL the animatronics bible teacher. Because that is their future.1 point
So, Now What.......? It's been like a month.......since the big Q&A "declaration of wanting-some-answers-from-headquarters"........ Did some of those "dissenters" go groveling back into the cult-fold? Or, were they ALL........presumably..........mark/avoid? If mark/avoid..........ain't that a "kick in the head?" lol The phone lines go dead........no more meetings to hustle to. No more reports. No more standing approved by the cult. DFAC............BOOM! Just that quick. Or........are they going to try rally the crew to sail The Black Pearl ......raising it from the sea floor? .1 point
LMFAO. It's a genuine spiritual revival. It is a movement of God. It's a sweeping Christian restoration movement. ........to those with the password. If you want deliverance, facebook All1s0n H0rn3y1 point
So.......admittedly, this group has been scheming a departure and "power grab" for at least 4 years. First of all, this RnR group will SOON REALIZE.......once people break away from the fear-based twit-cult, they will NOT automatically follow another "designated leader." Once the stranglehold is broken......and IF any venture on over to GSC......they will find whole new vistas of thought and freedom. Their critical thought processes will engage......AND......many will STOP GOING TO AN RnR-SPLINTER GROUP, as well. Many who went to CES..........don't anymore. Many who went to CFF..........don't anymore. Once people break free from the chains of fear, manipulation and exploitation........they ain't going to regularly attend RnR "fellowships" and give a hunk of their hard-earned money to ANOTHER group that preaches wierwille-adulation. Plus, add in some corps grad egos who want salaried........and, bang, off to the races they go with more in-fighting, back-biting, and splintering. Once people exit a cult..........it's a brave, new world out there. Go for it.1 point
More input after reading the Q & A comments on the live feed. I'm figuring out what bothers me most about this live feed. I think it is the lack of authenticity. What I mean by that is they are all coming off like they are working within the ministry, confronting things with scripture according to the Word, sending in their ABS to HQ and all. That is 100% a lie. Behind the scenes they have already planned out a coup. They have already started a splinter group. They already have a website up at the link I posted earlier. Allison Horn3y will give out the password to it if people PM her. They all pretty much know they are going to be marked and avoided, and have known this from the 7 page letter they sent last year in August. And they have already planned out a new splinter ministry, with those folks sitting in the circle as the new leadership of the new splinter group. There were other folks in the audience that signed that letter, like Jason Cart3r's parents. What they are planning right now is the exact same thing people leaving have planned for the last 50 years. Take as many people with you that are conditioned to give 15% of their income as you can. Try and make it as seamless and transparent to the people moving from the Way to your splinter as you can. Yes. Another exodus. We can even gauge the impact of this one. Invitations to the Q and A session went out to approximately 1800 people. There are now about 180 people in the R&R splinter. So they will probably peel off about maybe 10% of remaining Way followers. Maybe 20%. The Way probably has about that many on its rolls (1800) in the United States, including a whole bunch of people who are on the list but not really into it. So you can't really split people off that don't really care - let's put the potential influence at 70% of that - because there really aren't that many new people that have joined over the last 20 years. That puts Way numbers at about 1200 - maybe they will pull 20 - 30% of people left. So to sum up, the Way with all of its forced outreach, doctrinal error teaching about how the Word moved because people followed a systematic outreach plan, has an overall measurable impact in the country it was founded in that is about parallel in numbers to a medium-large community church in a city. But in impact it would be measurably less because the momentum a 1200 person church gives you in a community is substantial. The Way's retention numbers are abysmal. On a basic human level, that is completely foreseeable and logical. It is proportional to how they treat people throughout their time in the Way. The Way treats people who have given their lives to the cause like dung. Always has. These people have no business founding a ministry. If they were genuine and honest about it, rather than doing the power grab run, they would leave, go to a seminary somewhere for a couple years, then graduate and do a church plant with someone not from their background so they could have practical experience with getting over that "household of God" lie. They can't even see that lie when they are directly affected by it with JYDL declaring the household boundaries as outside their group. Does this justify the Way in this scenario? H3ll no. 100% of the stupid one point they are making is correct. Rosalie is a deluded cult leader who at 77 isn't going to change, and the two John's she has seduced are under her thumb and not leaving because of her Communist Stalin Hitler like tactics of sending dissenters to Siberia. God, the scriptures, revelation, the body of Christ, none of that functions freely under that kind of oppressive onerous lording over people leadership. We are witnessing the birth of one more stupid cult. YASC. Yet Another Stupid Cult.1 point
OMG............. No thanks. I'm done with cults, splinters, fakers, takers, and pontificators.1 point
Isn't that the album that ends with (To Where you Once Belonged)? :P1 point
Well, that's just it. I never really wanted to leave in the first place. I got conned into leaving under the guise of doing what's best for the greater good. Sooooo---- Now that I realize there was never really any "greater good", I feel cheated. Thus, I have feelings of regret.1 point
Here's something that maybe a bit of a tangential thought. In about 1978-1980, there was a big push for believers who owned companies to hire other believers. Now, along with that, the owners were "encouraged" to pay their employees on a "needs" basis. How exactly do you determine those needs without sticking your nose into private financial matters where it doesn't belong? When I first heard about this, I knew people who were on both sides of the deal. (employer/employee) From the very start, I thought it was a load of cr@p. And, I was not at all reluctant to tell my wife (now ex-wife) exactly how I felt. She, on the other hand, was sure it must be right because it was coming from "on high", so to speak. We had some heated discussions on the matter, which led to heated discussions/disagreements on various other Way doctrine. Did that lead to our split? Probably not. It surely didn't promote "harmony in the home", though.1 point
Oh, it's not all sad. Lots of good things came with the move. Still, when people ask me if I have any regrets about my life, I'm reminded that I regret leaving home and never going back-----at least not in a permanent sense. I guess there's a certain amount of sadness in that. The song is more of an emotional catharsis than an actual depiction of events.1 point
The vagabond lifestyle predates the no debt policy. One time in 1974 or 1975, the limb leader had me quit my job and move to a completely different area of the state. After selling my furniture and large items, I put everything else I owned in my car trunk and took a room in a boarding house. Apparently there were no AC grads in that area to run classes. As if my being an AC grad gave me special insight on stringing chairs and stretching coffee. I've only moved 4 times as a direct part of my TWI involvement. I guess I got off easy compared to many others.1 point
"Nor did they ever have to move themselves." The cure for "getting complacent" was to move. If you moved every year or few you started over, renewed and rekindled purpose, resolve and expectations. Kinda drastic medicine looking back, you'd thnk there'd be a better way, no? The tradeoff is that you won't get the kind of fruit that comes from long term planting and sowing. That requires time and attention. "Seasons". By constantly turning the field over for new seed it prevented the Way from becoming a mature plant. Or tree might be a more fitting metaphor. The current state of the Way Nash perfectly demonstrates this - there's no large scale growth, no huge numbers of anyone new doing anything, only the ones they still have turning it over to their children and a few added as they go along. Those heavily committed aren't doing anything even close to what The Way was doing 20 30 years ago if they're succeeding and I know at least some who are. They've settled into a place, a home, an area, have connections with family and community and spend ample amounts of time working, as anyone would. Those who live that way are very happy, as you'd expect. It's more effective to see what's really happening when everyone and everything isn't moving all the time and can be observed and evaluated over a period of time. When The Way had 100's of "WOW" and lots of Corps people moving around, coming and going, etc. etc. it gave the impression of growth in both quality and quantity.1 point
Skyrider, I think you gave a very good reason. LCM never did go on the "field." I know in NYC, VF had been in NY for awhile, so everyone just kind of gravitated towards him. All he had to do was have some large limb meetings and advances and it was easy for the people - they basically did the same things they always did, just didn't hear from HQ anymore. Same with the guys in Ohio (Merrill, Townsend, Burke, Wajnberg, Wrens, Clark and others) - they all had built a reputation over the years and people willingly followed. LCM never had a field following. All my years with TWI, I never heard of LCM or his wife ever winning anyone. They'd travel around, visit, you would think they would have set the example for others to follow and won someone. Did you ever notice the "leadership" from HQ never witnessed? I guess they figured they paid their dues, were in top positions, and - what did they care? I remember one time VP said some of them should go on the field and they started quaking in their boots. The whole TWI would be watching if they could win people and run back to back classes - you know darn well they couldn't. Sometimes, while in residence, it was amazing to hear people being groomed for leadership in TWI, sent on the field their interim year give excuses why they couldn't get classes together. I think LCM was lots of talk, as were others. The field guys, who liked being on the field, and spent years there, were actually pretty good at it.1 point
He couldn't immediately after the lawsuits and, well, now, those double shifts at Home Depot wreak havoc on a guy's schedule.1 point
if they were using my ABS to monitor the devil's site, i'd be p i s s e d1 point
Here we have a figure of speech Rosie thinks that she's a peach Or we can use a metaphor She munches carpet (not on the floor!) What's that? You want a simile? She looks like a chimpanzee. I've stretched this poem long enough I better go do important stuff.1 point
Roses are red violets are blue rosie dont know how to be true ya see she is just plain cruel rosie she does rule stubborner than a mule1 point
Most roses are red, Some Rosie's seem dead, At least her southern drawl, No longer gets in my crawl, So glad I don't have to hear it, or even be near it, or indeed fear it, I certainly don't endear it, The Way of Rosie has no merit, For they haven't Holy Spirit. Just my humble thoughts if you will permit it!!!!!!!!!1 point