The difference is......
After LCM graduated from the 2nd corps, he was consistently assigned to hq-staff corps director, president-elect, president. At NO interval was LCM sent on the field to run a Limb or Region (maybe Oklahoma, for a short year, ??) make his mark (mark off territory) and establish a loyal following like the other splinter guys.
Finnig@n..........New York
C@rr..............New York
Geer..............New England area/International
Many of the splinter guys were Region guys who simply STAYED IN THE REGIONS after Geer's poop paper hit the toilet. No stress, so strain......these guys just assumed "the top position" of new structures, new splinter groups.
LCM had NO "base camp" to return to.......he was NEVER on the field in any major position of authority. In many ways, he was an exception to the rule......most all other 'leaders' were sent on field assignments throughout their twi tenure.