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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/06/2017 in all areas

  1. P.S. POOP spelled backwards is constip..........eh, nevermind
    2 points
  2. Peter: Peter was a lowerclass fisherman from Galilee, one of the most illiterate places in the world during a time when literacy was very low in general, even among town notaries. He could not write. He didn't write. There are a half dozen similarly dated books of Peter (Gospel of Peter, Apocalypse of Peter, etc). Writing books in the name of Peter was a cottage industry. Paul: Only 7 of the Pauline epistles were penned by the same person (Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Philippians, 1 Thessalonians, and Philemon), the remainder are either likely forgeries or certain forgeries. At any rate, Paul was not a witness to the acts of words of Jesus and never met Jesus. He saw him in a vision much later. John: John had his own competing ministry according to the earliest manuscripts. He is not named as the author of the gospel in his name. The only mention within the text of an author is "the beloved disciple" at the crucifixion. The only person who was referred to as that anywhere was Lazarus. The book of John dates no earlier than c. 95 AD and has a very different view of Jesus than the earlier texts, including Paul's letters. It has a different trial for Jesus and the only "high" view of Jesus's divinity. Anything that might suggest Jesus was divine, or rather, claimed to be divine, comes from this very late book. In short, I would be cautious of basing any belief on the latest, most dubious, most different texts of the modern New Testament alone. It's ok to say "I don't know".
    1 point
  3. No wait I think you're on to something - it's like believing in reverse...you have to learn to $h it gears - - errrrr I mean shift gears.
    1 point
  4. If you read the POOP paper it strongly implies he wanted them as adversaries and played the victim about it. So, I guess we should feel bad for him, from a spiritual perspective. P.S. POOP spelled backwards is POOP.
    1 point
  5. Is there an "end game" that justifies executions for trivial offenses? Is there an "end game" that justifies having a woman marry the man who raped her as his punishment for rape? You guys are better than that. You know you are. Your objections are hollow.
    1 point
  6. Because them offshoot leaders have to make a living somehow! I mean, garsh. If they can't run an offshoot, they would have to get a real job and fantasyland would have to close. That would mean they would have to face the fact that, really, they're not so special. No one really relies on their every word, and the rest of the world doesn't really care much about them.
    1 point
  7. Wierwille had his 12 years (1970-1982)......... Martindale had his 12 years (1982-86, '90-'98)..... Rosalie has had her 12 years (1998-2010)........... Sure, one could say wierwille had lots more than 12 years, but the numbers were so pitiful in the '60s that its really a non-issue. When wierwille had his 12 years in the spotlight, he purposed a corps-driven twi. The timing-devices were set for an upcoming implosion. Martindale had basically 12 years, as well....with the interuption of those "fog years." Much of his early reign was eaten up by "The Man: In Tights" dancing production and victory laps. Was it the lap-dancing that ended his reign or the dunce-laughing at the pending lawsuits? Whatever. Rosalie had been eyeing the big chair for many years. So, when Rosie sits down.....what does she decree? Planning and micro-managing the masses will be her mantle. She is NOT "the teacher".....NOT "the athlete".....BUT "the administrator. She is the Chairwoman of The Bored Board. The Sunday teaching are red-penciled in advance.....like any good school teacher would do. Why, she has planned the devil completely out of twi......finally! What? People are still leaving? 1) Putting pfal in old wine skins. Yawn. 2) The debt and mortgage issue is absurd. 3) Double-standards and elitism, still? 4) No one wants to work on staff? 5) And now, the Adam Hirschfeld fiasco..... Gee, hopefully.....donna and her sister are not mad at your blundering and spiritual perception on this. I mean, twi is supposed to be "in the promised land of milk and honey" where investments are NOT frauded and stolen. Where did you miss it, Rosalie? Where did you veer from your planned schedule and ALLOW THE DEVIL IN? Time to Resign......Rosalie. Turn in your resignation. Turn out the lights. Turn off the smugness. Turn loose the captives. Turn over the assets. Turn to God...and repent.
    1 point
  8. Wierwille was a cherry-picker..... He picked a scripture here and there......but no substance on the two great commandments on love. Figures. Wierwille would side-step this and look for the lazy way out. If there was such a thing as cherry-drambuie.....wierwille could be in line.
    1 point
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