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I think the study of Biblical figures of speech might reflect this concept. I mean, most people know that figures of speech serve valid literary function, both in the Bible and in profane works. But, this idea that Biblical figures of speech reveal some profoundly "spiritual" insight into life and living is a bit like your aforementioned fascination with a coffee cup.2 points
Yeah.......and twi's "way tree" was as counterfeit as a $3 bill. The "gift ministries in the church" are ACCOUNTABLE to the Lord Jesus Christ, the head.......and then, are to serve honorably and uprightly in that One Body. Nearly everything about wierwille-doctrine and his centralized authority needs to be thrown in the trash. .2 points
Apparently, if you take mescaline, one thing it does is make things of little significance super important. When we first encounter something, like a coffee cup, we might find it interesting. Over time we understand it, have a memory of it's purpose, and don't really notice them or don't really become excited by their novelty when we see them, along with countless other objects. Mescaline sort of stripes people of that memory . . . and everything becomes super interesting. Which might be fun but isn't practical for survival. Just thinking of that in light of Waybrain. Things that had no significant meaning to most were significant to the Wayfer. Having Waybrain is like being on drugs? edit to add (which is shown in that silly book description, IMO)2 points
We were to Burn the Chaff - get rid of any identity regarding our families, our interests, talents, individuality. Yet, the Wierwilles were all about Weirwille Weirwille.1 point
There is nothing false about the premise I laid out. If God is the source of objective morality, then his law should be objectively moral. Any argument to the contrary proves my point (namely, that he's NOT the source of objective morality, and therefore the imperfection of the law is no surprise). There was never a time in history when it was an objectively moral punishment for a rapist to "have to" marry his victim and pay her father 50 shekels. An omniscient God would know that. So either he's not omniscient, he's not moral, or both. It makes sense that a society's laws and understanding of morality would evolve with time. It makes no sense that a God's understanding of morality would evolve unless he were imperfect and immoral (or at least imperfectly moral) to begin with.1 point
Correct as I understand. VPW's abuse of substance would have relatively, permanently screwed up his wiring. He was an evil robot. LCM did not use drugs or alcohol like VPW did is what I understand. But, he learned to be motivated by what VPW taught him. Later . . . In an STS, LCM would shout nonsense, people in the crowd would clap and cheer. Nonsense was celebrated with positive reinforcement. Which would affect both the speaker, LCM, and the every individual in the crowd to some degree. Their minds would then associate garbage with good. (Unless they resisted).1 point
Yes, he did... 1) Delusions of grandeur and 2) sense of entitlement. Especially when it came to sexual favors.1 point
https://www.google.com.mx/search?q=how+dopamine+works&rlz=1C1GGRV_enUS751US751&oq=how+dopamine+works&aqs=chrome..69i57.4231j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Just trying to understand what was seen and how to undo it.1 point
There's systems in our heads that release dopamine when we achieve a goal. It feels good. It also causes our brain to reinforce memories or circuitry that lead up to that event. So that's it's easier to repeat later. This is a good thing and natural for when you work hard toward a goal. A lot of drugs hijack that system to give immediate reward. The mind immediately reinforces circuitry leading up to that event, such as where you were, who you were with, what you ate and did. If you see any of those people, places or things later, you feel the strong need for that drug. Makes the drug hard to quit. Between love bombing, sleep deprivation and other things described on this site you've got a number of ways to hijack the system. They rewire heads. One way our reality gets framed is social reinforcing. One person says "these figures of speech are so deep", next person agrees excitedly, dopamine hit, the problem is reinforced. (Disclaimer: This post may or may not be mescaline induced rambling. Probably not. Maybe just rambling. Probably)1 point
I think that may be similar to wierwille's "creative" process - I bet if you kept refilling his Drambuie mug he could contemplate his navel for hours on end.1 point
Not only that, but as I was completing a bachelor's degree in accounting in the mid-1980s, it became apparent to me (from the Book of Acts) that accountability in twi was bass-ackwards. The ministers were supposed to be accountable to those they were ministering to. But because twi consolidated (centralized) the power of its resources (ABS), they developed the misguided notion that the "leaves" were supposed to be accountable (subservient) to those at the root.1 point
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What the hell??!! A lot of you Corps people didn't swallow all the BS that VPW came out with??!! I'm shocked, just shocked that some of you Corps had the brains, and gumption not to swallow all of his S--t!! I guess that's why so many of you went on to successful careers; you were able to use your critical thinking skills even while you were in??!! How dare you do this??!! What, you have the ability, to do this??!! How dare you??!! Don't you know that we in Way World, don't think for ourselves??!! Oh, no!! Not us, hell no!! We pride ourselves on not using our critical thinking skills, and swallowing everything VPW said as the Word of God!! It doesn't matter if he was right, or wrong. We are still going to swallow everything he said. Oh yes, we will!! Even if it ends up killing us, we will follow what our MOG said to the end of our days!! Yeah!!1 point
There are lots of "lifelines" still dangling out there on face-book. And you know how to make them seem attractive to some people? Put a little tag on them that says "Dr. said".1 point
Same here....... Howard Allen was the one who came up with the title...."Lifelines." Figures. Only the most sycophant-cult follower wants to dwell on one-liners and clichés of the cult leader........and Howard falls into that category. No doubt that the bus driver was one of wierwille's biggest promoters. And, if the cult follower should ever find that he has fallen away from the mother ship..........all he needs to do is delve into wierwille's Lifelines. The definition of "lifelines" is a line thrown from a vessel that people can cling to in order to save themselves from drowning.1 point
Stephen King, The Dark Tower, Volume 1, "The Gunslinger." (For the record, I didn't even find that thing when I moved.)1 point
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It's best to start the Indoctrination process at an early age... ....maybe you've heard of another one of wierwille's classics "Goodnight Brain"1 point
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DWBH, please correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't Mrs. W forced to leave baby JP behind, when they went to India?? I would have taken my baby with me on the trip, or not taken the trip. It must have been very hard for her to leave her new baby behind.1 point
"Now, fellow twiggers, let's take our String Along The Way Chair books and turn to that wonderful old hymn, Wasn't That a Mighty Wind?"1 point
That video of the guy moonwalking, is it still there? What a closet case he is. Yep, Rosalie, there's nothing quite like having your musical talent imitate dance moves that were created by a creepzoid child molester. Way to go, girlfriend. What a way to edify the body of Christ.1 point
The way I'm looking at it is: Saint Vic said he wished he was the man that he knew himself to be. Well, combine that with what he told G33r(?) in POP, that Craigmeister was "going to ruin the whole thing." One interpretation was he saw his con coming to an end. Another is he was wishing he could perpetuate even greater cons. SoCrates1 point