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  1. Yes, writing is hard! Who knew?
    2 points
  2. Just for the record, from my experience in the 2nd Corps, when VPW was trying to explain principle #1, he said, among other gobbled jargon, that it meant having common horse sense, so LCM parroted that. Initially, I was confused as to what VP really meant by it. I think he was, too. Maybe he got the idea from someone else. Ultimately, I decided it meant listening to my intuition, which I thought came from God, like directions for my personal life, what we used to call "revelation." To me, that was spiritual perception and awareness. If you ask me, that is different from common sense. Who knows? Why do we care? I care insofar as I use examples like this to show people (college students in particular) how mixed up and manipulating VP was. He usually gave conflicting and/or confusing messages, so no surprise here.
    2 points
  3. Principle #2 Practically apply psychosis in the marketing skills of spin and propaganda.
    2 points
  4. Principle #1 Induce and magnify egocentric cognitive dissonance into a full-blown psychoses.
    2 points
  5. God bless u aboundingly abundantly as u read this tremendously tremendous post. With the mighty way corps 46 prevailingly graduating this weekend i was blessed to see this wonderful picture of these 5 tremendous prevailing way corps principles. My question is how many times are they going to revise and rewrite the damned things? Prevail!
    1 point
  6. T-Bone, I concur, the pyramid conclusion is hard to swallow as well as some other points he writes about. There's a lot of end times passages in scripture that have no obvious answers and some that we can surmise we know the answer, but who knows, it's like seeing thru a glass darkly. Maybe we'll know after the Lord returns and that might have to be sufficient.
    1 point
  7. Wow. 1) CP#5 changes to areas of concern interest and need in the household. I think this represents the cementing of doctrinal error into the leadership body. Practically they ignore the community and focus internally. There are marriages to be manipulated, budgets to control, people of weak and unstable mental habit patterns who need a controlling force to make all the major decisions in their life. This also cements the guiding principle in the doctrine of a cult. To get the attention of vp worshippers, "the Dead Sea is dead because it has only inlets, no outlets". Nice quote there from PFAL that applies to the current leadership body of the Way the Way Corps. I mean who cares about the community you live in? Except to instruct fellowship coordinators how to lie and say there isn't a business operating as a church in your residence in opposition to zoning laws. Use the community, manipulate people. I absolutely believe the "household of God" teaching of the Way is false and erroneous doctrine from a false prophet. We are not a nation of Israel anymore since Christ, not one blood, one nation, one group. The body of Christ is all encompassing to those who call Christ Lord. He is the head of the church. Just because man judges and can't see the working parts doesn't mean they aren't there. All Christians are brothers, Catholic, Protestant, Apostolic, community church, Messianic Jews, and hundreds of others that are beyond my knowledge and grasp. The seperatist doctrine of the "household of God" is much more suited to a cult. Like Victor Barnard and the River Road group, a documented nightmare on Dateline. That is what seperatist cults produce. The New Knoxville cult is not that much different - just a different shade of veneer, a different coat of whitewash. Also, hypocrites. I heard one of the things kicking up the Revival and Restoration group was Rosalie confronting all the field Corps towards the end of last year for not running enough classes. Their main tenet communicates circling wagons and focusing on household, but it's their fault for not "moving the Word' when your teachings are so dull on the services that nobody wants to dial in. 2) CP#1 - this was always in my opinion kept nebulous enough where people could accuse or excuse. Treated like a superstitious spider-sense of sorts. "Why did you get in that car accident?" "Your CP1 must not have been functioning". or "You must be dull and not operating CP1". 3) CP#2 - training doctrinally and practically in the whole Word - this to me sounds like a cover up for not having a certified teaching staff with PhDs. Or master's degrees for that matter. Doctrinally, by any measure other than a "withdraw from the body of Christ and make up your own measure" is deficient in training. Corps in-residence re-take the classes, and study them in-depth. They don't study the Bible. Training in the whole Word practically makes no sense. So you're going through the Levitical sacrifice processes? Or just the ones that have to do with gay bashing and tithing? 4) People like lists - it's true - research has proven that articles that consist of a list get more clicks than not. Constructing a list of this nature, even though he spent 10 minutes on it, is kind of genius. I mean how many people have dedicated their entire life to living that list? I knew plenty of people in the Way who were not happy unless they had a list. A calendar list of events, with teachers and topics, a list of outreach events, a list of annual events, a list of things they must do daily to be a "good" Christian. Many groups and organizations boil their list of beliefs down to a list. Many religions guide people towards a list of virtues. Other lists are just moral code tenets. For example, when i was a kid I took Tae Kwon Do, a Korean martial art. What are the "5 Tenets of Tae Kwon Do?" Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-Control, Indomitable Spirit, Sir. I would say that living those tenets probably catches God's attention more than the cult tenets, or "Corpse Principles"
    1 point
  8. TWI is also a system where prey, prey on the prey.
    1 point
  9. Predators prey on the weak....like Twinky said we all have our weaknesses...and I think the most vulnerable are those with weak critical thinking skills.
    1 point
  10. Wayfer doctrine, when blindly submitted to, set up barriers. i.e. Ignore fears and doubts, because they are tricks of an invisible Adversary. It stifles further consideration and prevents opportunity for reflection and change. Wayfers are then corralled into using inflating one's ego as the solution to almost everything. One example is using lots of head knowledge (which they'll deny) on obscure points to alter the structure of reality. Encouraging the horse to drink is the trouble.
    1 point
  11. "Now, fellow twiggers, let's take our String Along The Way Chair books and turn to that wonderful old hymn, Wasn't That a Mighty Wind?"
    1 point
  12. You know when you've arrived at the pinnacle of "all 9 all the time" living, when you can fart by revelation! It's been described at times as "a rushing, mighty, wind"!
    1 point
  13. I know I've heard the expression. It certainly implied some . . . higher . . . state . . . or goal to live up too. At least that's the impression I got.
    1 point
  14. "Practice believing"...What's that old saying about a chain only being as strong as its weakest link?
    1 point
  15. Principle #4 Minimize self worth as an example to others.
    1 point
  16. Principle #3 Learn the principles of white-washed public image.
    1 point
  17. #4 Simply cannot be made anything close to right. As way corps im supposed to practise believing to bring material abundance to me AND the ministry. But "the ministry" offers little to no help of it's "material abundance" to help anyone that has need, especially the way corps. Just give to the ministry...give some more.....and more.
    1 point
  18. UGH............#5 "Go forth as leaders and workers..........in the household." The corps training/indoctrination is NO LONGER masked as a "Christian" endeavor, but an in-house and subservient role to the cult. When you realize that "the Word" is code for wierwille-doctrine..........there is not one thing in those 5 objectives that deem it has anything to do with Jesus Christ. They are blinded by their own deceptive tactics and cannot see it.
    1 point
  19. Don't know bridge; but friends in an old Twig taught me hearts and spades - fun card games - but haven't played either one in years - keep telling myself I'm going to get back into it when I retire.
    1 point
  20. Take your pick. Coveting his neighbour's wife. Adultery. Murder. Lying. Deception (or attempted deception, in trying to pass off his babe in the womb as Uriah's). Conspiracy to murder (with the other generals whom he ordered to withdraw, leaving Uriah exposed). A good many of these are "worthy of death" offences. And the penalty was borne by the innocent babe in the womb. Are there allegories here? We also commit "worthy of death" offences (maybe not murder) and our sins (David's sins, too!) are paid for by the death of the innocent Jesus? Is God's not requiring the death penalty his showing mercy to David, and giving a foretaste of the mercy we can all enjoy? Is God a respecter of persons, that David should be forgiven when confronted? Do we not all receive grace and mercy if, when confronted, we 'fess up? Note the worthy of death penalty - there isn't an instruction to kill such offenders. Indeed, God provided cities of refuge for murderers, a place to be exiled to where it would in fact be an offence if they were murderers. God delights in repentance, not in the death of people ("baddies" or otherwise). Moses too was a cold-blooded murderer. Well, okay ... a hot-blooded murderer. He served time in exile. As to the religious zealot and murderer Saul mentioned earlier - he went on to do great things, and it is thanks to him that we know the Good News now. He was forgiven by those whom he set out to murder - indeed, after initial fears by the believing community (new Christians), he was welcomed with open arms by them. Perhaps we should take our example from them. US justice is much more barbaric than British justice. In the US, the death penalty might be sought. In the UK, he would be sentenced (mandatory sentence) to life imprisonment. However, life prisoners are generally released on licence (paroled) after a number of years if (and only if) they are considered no longer a risk to society. There would be a minimum time (the "tariff") set for actual imprisonment, depending on circumstances surrounding the event, before he was eligible to apply for parole. Good behaviour (repentance) would get him out on parole earlier after the tariff was served. At any time after release, and for no particular reason, he could be recalled to prison. Is that right, fair? Better than being executed. I think I'd go along with that as an outcome for David, then be ready to welcome him back (cautiously!) into society. Still has many skills that he could use for the betterment of society (as, in fact, David did do after being confronted). If I were a man (which I'm not), I think I'd want to keep him away from my wife!
    1 point
  21. Jesus is the healer. Anytime anyone's healed *he* gives the gift and should get the glory. Not a man. Not a ministry.
    1 point
  22. Thanks for witnessing to us.....over and over and over again. Some things never change. Thankfully, the GSC provides a place where you can espouse whatever floats your boat. These folks you're ceaselessly promoting and praising do not do ANYTHING for my Christianity other than insult it. One man's ceiling is another man's floor. One man's man-o-gawd is another's messenger from hell. C'est lavie. Enjoy your new Dominionist Cult Jim. Not many "hungry" converts here. I've thrown up and out this worn-out, greedy, self-aggrandizing form of "Christianity". As The Who sang...."We won't be fooled again!" Thanks for all the time you put in for your White-Curry team. They should hire you. Do they have a WOW program you can join?............peace.
    1 point
  23. Seems to me the "experience is no guarantee for truth" was one sided for vp. My experiences or your experiences were no guarantee for truth, but "his" were. The alcoholic that came to his church, the man with the paralyzed arm in India, the woman whose child was hit by a car at the bus stop, the red drapes lady, etc. All his experiences we were expected to believe as truth.
    1 point
  24. Yes I do Jim. I feel that basing an entire belief system, with its own idiosyncratic doctrines based on the experience of one or more individuals, will lead to just another "way" among thousands of how to believe correctly and what you can then accomplish with this "new" Jesus power. Indeed, some of these salesmen may have genuine "gifts of the spirit" which they "manifest" in unique ways. However, no such gifts are given except from the Lord Jesus Christ, and no prescription on how to "do-it-yourself" can be given based on anyone's experience(s). I believe that so doing is exactly what dictor paul did to replace personal experience and even fellowship with Jesus with his "rightly-divided Woid". He just prescribed his anti-Christ teachings as being "the Word", the only "way" to "manifesting the power of gawd". He replaced "the living Word, the Word made flesh", the Lord Jesus Christ, with vp's fictitious "rightly-divided Word", thereby absenting Christ from TWIt and its followers, and replacing Christ with his phony "man-o-gawd" self. That is why I disagree with relying on ANY man or woman's experience as a matter of faith or as a "prescription" for a stronger or better manner of that faith. That does not deny the existence of spiritual gifts or manifestations, nor does it disparage them. It simply does not elevate them to the status of being "correct" nor "more rightly-divided" than any other human experience, regardless of chosen religious faith. There may well be something YOU believe YOU can learn from them. And that's great for YOU. For me, "experience" remains "no guarantee of truth", nor does anyone's personal interpretation of scripture but my own, determine what I choose to believe. Peace.
    1 point
  25. Paula White is a mega-Church TV "Evangelist". She was married to Randy White who started her off in his own mega-church TV Evangelist business. They divorced and she kept his name and eventually took over his church. She's "giving the Invocation" at the Putz's upcoming inauguration. She's another "Christian" who is a useful idiot for the Putz's phony appeal to the "Evangelical Alt-right" who voted for him. Just to clarify why I asked. No fan of Todd or his cohorts. But, that's just me.
    1 point
  26. I think we're all kind of saying the same thing. One of the main techniques they brought in from the Dale Carnegie class is to listen to what people are telling you and use that to identify their "needs". Then, show them how the class can "meet" those particular needs. So, yeah, in that sense, they are searching for your vulnerabilities so they can target them correctly, using the appropriate bait. They recognize that everyone (as Twinky said) has vulnerabilities.
    1 point
  27. No. They don't specifically target "the vulnerable." They target everybody. But everybody's got vulnerabilities. The "benefits" of PFAL on the back of the witnessing card are specific areas where everybody can be vulnerable. Who wouldn't want "more harmony in the home"? All those parts on the back of the card ... they help target where any individual might be vulnerable. And some other people are just hungry for positive bold Christian teaching, where their local churches seem weak, boring or irrelevant to what's going on in individuals' lives.
    1 point
  28. Like vacuum cleaner salesmen........twi's sales target family, friends and co-workers. It's a soft-sale when, for instance, a troubled youth turns his life around and the parents are thankful. Sometimes, they in turn show interest and involvement. The first few months of "love-bombing" is a deceptive ploy to get others involved. Rarily, have I seen a higher ranking leader (Region/Trunk/Cabinet/Trustee) display the kind of genuine Christian/Good Samaritan qualities for the sake of simply reaching out to help one in need. They are selling....and if you're not buying....then they wipe "the dust from their feet" and move on. Who ever hears of hospital visits? rehab visits? juvenile center visits? prison visits? Why? One of twi's major erroneous teachings, imo, is from Acts 6:3,4 -- where seven men were chosen and appointed "over this business...to give themselves continually to the ministry of the word." In other words, THEY STAY IN THEIR OFFICES AND RE-SEARCH VIC'S WORDS TO TEACH EACH SUNDAY. Getting people to their teachings and classes is the best thing, in their minds, that they offer. To them, the Lord's business is running classes. ppppppfffffftttt
    1 point
  29. Looking back at my own experiences, I think it's pretty hard to predict who'll be drawn into a cult. All sorts of people got sucked into the Way vortex, from hippies to blue collar workers to people with advanced academic degrees. Who a cult will target and why is a whole different matter.
    1 point
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