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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/22/2017 in all areas

  1. The irony is hilarious. Gifts of the Spirit. Power from on high. Manifesting the spirit. Spirit. The very thing a cult seeks to crush.
    1 point
  2. Oh I understood your meaning ...I just saw another humorous angle...I also know the Borg Queen had the hots for Data....makes me wonder if Borg Queen types are attracted to certain mindsets - I mean positronic brains - resistance is futile.
    1 point
  3. What's the difference between the Borg Queen of Star Trek and the TWI "Borg Queen"? One has to do with the hive mind - and the other has to do with an irritant if you don't mind hives. (Sorry this post was due to a rash decision)
    1 point
  4. Maybe, someone could introduce rrobs to the Borg Queen (of twi)..........so he can be more-fully-joined to The Collective.
    1 point
  5. There's a certain amount of irony that a man who CLAIMED to want to free people from religion and ritual claimed that to a bunch of anti-establishment hippies, recruited them, then began instilling his own brand of religion and ritual, which now is followed by people who still condemn the religions and rituals of others.
    1 point
  6. this pitiful post added nothing to anyone's day. This kind of nonsense shows true immaturity and lack of creative input.
    1 point
  7. Should this anecdote even be true, it's more like using your authority to force someone to laugh at something really disgusting and teaching your staff that this is acceptable behavior in a food establishment.
    1 point
  8. waysider/oldskool......the grass is NOT the big issue here. Yes, it's part of the messaging, but there is a manipulation factor in play. Wierwille WANTED these graves dug by hand.... ...1)staff/corps were emotionally/physically involved during the digging ...2)revered respect for trustee lives was handled at lunch microphone ...3)digging graves by hand IMPLANTED vivid imagery and loyal commitment ...4)cheap labor was used and, with Ermal's grave-digging, it was finished around sunset The double-standard for trustees vs others shows the wide chasm between THEM....and others. And, how many were simply cremated with ashes in the way woods.....or elsewhere? <_<
    1 point
  9. Apparently, because of their rural isolation, news has not yet reached them that a new tool has been developed to address this type of situation. It's called a rake!
    1 point
  10. As Ham points out., there is a difference in being cheap and stingy......reusing disposable cups and coffee grounds and being thrifty and frugal. Taking some time and a little effort to stretch the money I work hard for is a source of pride with me. Recently I have been approached about doing PSA's on the radio....money saving minutes. I will be sharing tips on how to stretch money to make everyday purchases. A few years ago I found myself supporting two households......working too much more wasn't an option as I also found myself caretaker to a sick individual. I had to learn ways to stretch a dollar. I learned how to coupon and to take advantage of money saving programs at large chain stores like CVS, Walgreens, and Rite-Aid. . . . . Target. It is the best thing I could have done for my situation. I actually had more than I could ever use once I got the hang of it. I no longer support two households, but I still use all the money saving tips I learned and I donate items such as food, diapers, formula, personal care items, and clothing. In some families toothpaste is actually a luxury item. The difference now is that I do it because I like it and because I like to use my "talent" to help others. While in TWI, I was cheap because I was always broke by shoveling what income I did have into that organization. TWI's promotion of cheapness, seems to stem in part from a desire to control people and to squeeze them dry. I don't see much wrong with stretching a dollar....we work for them, why not work a little more to get the most from them? I do see a problem with stretching them and denying self to give money to a group like TWI. I don't think it is right that they encourage people to live on the cheap so that they can gather ABS. TWI's ABS system seems to be some kind of spiritual usury or some strange indulgence racket. If you are going to be frugal...do it for your benefit or the benefit of someone who needs it....God isn't broke, He doesn't need your cash to survive and TWI has plenty of money they manipulated from the backs of hard working people, many whom they have tossed aside. I can't think of a LESS noble and useless effort than throwing money away by giving it to TWI. End of sermon!!
    1 point
  11. "He was a mean man.".....Mrs. VPW (overheard at his memorial service)
    1 point
  12. All this cheapness....from an organization that claimed to have cornered the market on the abundant life. It goes beyond irony.
    1 point
  13. "I'm still here!"...VPW Remember that?....ROA (I don't remember the year.) O.K.....You're still here...Sooooo, stop the rain, yourself, moron.
    1 point
  14. And, speaking of work.... When wierwille addressed our corps and said NONE of you ever learned how to work......he was WRONG! There was not one thing in the corps training that I hadn't learned regarding work, not one! My brothers and I were up at 5:30am and headed to the field to move irrigation pipe before school. In the summer, I started driving tractors at 10 years old and the combine one year later. With wheat, corn, milo, alfalfa, beans, cattle, and sheep......farm life was quite a childhood. The corps work program was a joke!
    1 point
  15. I wonder if un-mucking the vicster's pond was engineered to be a "likeable event" as well.. but anyway.. the Illusion of leadership seemed to exist on so many levels.. how many *leadership* blew the whistle on the sexcapades, rape, adultery.. unclean behavior and the like, before they HAD TO or were forced to? just seems to me, a leader's prime duty would be to protect those around him/her/it. maybe they had the illusion, that an ORGANIZATION held more importance than the people it encompassed..
    1 point
  16. DogLover.....yeah, probably the same place. I, too, liked being outdoors, but mostly it stands juxtaposed to TWI'S CLASSROOM INDOCTRINATION. For me, having grown up in rural America......hunting pheasants, riding motorcycles, farm work, sports and games, being outside was a given, not a treat! Just seemed like twi used "work days" like this, to score a 'likeable moment in corps training.' I will forever view the corps program as INDOCTRINATION WHOLESALE. The corps coordinators incrementally lulled us into accepting the wierwille-worship. I'm quite sure this post sounds quite harsh.......but I can't sugarcoat twi's evil. Gee, they "let us out of class so we could work for 3 hours!"....how wonderful. Isn't that a technique used by captors?
    1 point
  17. Posted on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Raf - Leonardo Enrique Olmeda Born: 8:48 AM 6 lbs, 15 oz 18.5 inches long Mother and son are doing fine! They have their cellphones on!! Congratulations, daddy, and happy birthday, Leonardo!!
    1 point
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