Hey Rich........context, man. Remember?
Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz.....call the Orkin Man!!
Fumigate this thread.
Robson.....resistance is futile!
You are the "spurchal" Borg. ------- Borg ....appear as recurring antagonist.
Watch out for all dem Debbil spurts!
They're all around ya you know!
Everything gives off something don'tchya know!
.......you give off debbil spurt vibes
You better start "all 9 all the time" for "real"
Looks to me like DWBH responded in sarcasm to the absurdity of your recurring stance on pfal/twi allegiance....
You read it as "an idle threat".......???
Wowsers, talk about "spurchal" perception and discernment.......