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  1. That no one was there to witness the hookey-pook specialist, vpw, at work..... Skeptics press release: If spirits are deemed cast out and no one can corroborate.....credit goes down the crapper.
    1 point
  2. What if wierwille cast out the spirit of the hook shot… and with it seven other spirits more inept than that… let’s see…there was… the spirit of plagiarism the spirit of Drambuie the spirit of roofie the spirit of Elmer Gantry (usually pairs up with spirit of roofie) the spirit of hissy fit the spirit of The Third Reich the spirit of Kool Menthol Cigarettes hmmmm…I was at Advanced Class ’79 – and if those spirits were cast out – I don’t think “the teacher” would have showed up.
    1 point
  3. I prefer to think of the situation.. the vicster was a hapless, degenerate, sex and Drambuie crazed moron, who just happened to be in the right place, at the right time..
    1 point
  4. yes, absolute control. it only goes to illustrate that where the requirement to be debt-free to participate in certain twi functions was everyday business to all of us in spite of RR's blatant lies under oath, the twi policy on debt went so much deeper. we also had one-on-one sessions about our income and the percentage of our ABS, and certain people at HQ also went on fact-finding forays to get income information from fellow members when the meetings didn't yield satisfactory information. I'd just like to say to all the twi jerkoffs who hassled me about debt and about my loser ex that you didn't want me to divorce because he was so sweet and I was such a bitch, please take all your BS and stick it here: I am so happy I don't have to deal with those people any more. oh and guess what? I have debt! guess why? because my ex is still a loser! guess what else? I'm still far happier in debt and out of twi than I was in twi and free of "debt".
    1 point
  5. Wow.. Having to pay off your debt so you could get pregnant.. If that ain't control, I don't know what is..
    1 point
  6. .....and I'm getting hives just thinking back to those days of filling out the blue forms and making charts. I kid you not! "They didn't keep track" .....L....MSAMTFOTF!!!!!! (Lauging so hard I tipped my sombrero and my taco fell on the floor!)
    1 point
  7. HAving sat on a board of Directors for a preschool, and an after school care program let me just say that we knew where every penny came from and where every penny went. and where we planned to spend every penny for 6 months at a time! as to tracking your tithe they knew eveery penny we gave... note the blue form... who gave what and how much and how hard is it to do the math? anyway not only where we admonished to give ten percent but Damn it it better be Gross not net you know! this was in the early 80's. Have I mentioned how glad i am I left... and what a lying piece of work Rosie is!
    1 point
  8. Yes,.... you might steal their money... you Ba$tard. You'd have time to sit and scheme of ways to not give them what was theirs. Could be you'd go to a fast food place or something,.. Who Knows what from there?!!
    1 point
  9. This whole "money tracking" thing was a point of contention for me just before I left twi in 1987... I sat down with the limb coordinator (clergy) and reminded him that God gave the increase...that He kept track of who gave from the heart...not people...I then announced that all my future tithes and donations would be given without reference to my name... He was furious...but had absolutely no scripture to back him up... ...Of course I never gave them another dime...and shortly thereafter, I left.
    1 point
  10. Lawyer: "Your company, General Motors, makes a model called the Corvette, is that correct?" President of G.M.: "I think so. I'm not actually involved in the production process. I'll have to get back to you on that."
    1 point
  11. Some thoughts regarding income tracking: 1. As twig leaders,in the 1970s, we were required to file a weekly financial report informally known as "the blue form". This form listed individual donations as well as group offerings. Twig members were strongly "encouraged" to donate by check so that records could be kept. 2. These records were reviewed when a person would apply for the Advanced Class, Way Corps or Fellow Laborers. It was a written requirement that any applicant for Fellow Laborers must be actively donating to The Way. It was a matter of record. 3. I personally (as in first-hand knowledge) know of a twig that was disbanded by Way Int. HQ because their abundant sharing record was sub-standard. These people were all retired seniors, many of whom had "kids" in the WC and WOW programs. They were on fixed incomes and didn't have much to spare. Official word came down from New Knoxville that they would have to either disband the twig or cease to represent themselves as being associated with The Way. The "official" reason given them was that, because they were all retired seniors, there was not enough "diversity" in the twig. They broke the hearts of good people who had not only given of themselves, but, had given their children over to this avaricious cult. But they don't track such things?? MY AZZ!!
    1 point
  12. not to be confused with rugala, which is much nicer... Mmmmmm RUGALA.
    1 point
  13. Thanks OldSkool for finding this... Somehow I'm unable to download the first file.. Something else I find interesting and ironic were her answers regarding what they did with Martindale.. Q: So the Way disapproves of Adultery [ Rosalie Rivenbark ] : Absolutely Q: Now, when did it come to your attention that Craig Martindale violated this teaching? [ Rivenbark ] : It came in - let's see - June of 1998 Q: Could you briefly describe how you became aware [ Rivenbark ] : We were having an Adv. Class at The Way International. A woman and man that were in the class got into an argument. She revealed to him that she had an affair with Martindale, and it just blew up from there. The next thing I [Rivenbark] knew, I was invited to a board of trustees meeting, and Craig Martindale told us that was indeed true, apologized, said he would never let it happen again and that it happened in the past and that's where it would stay Q: All right, so is this the first time it had come to your attention that Craig Martindale had been involved in an extramarital relationship? [ Rivenbark ] : Yes Q: Did the board do anything in response to this information? [ Rivenbark ] : Yes, first we were shocked, and then we began to consider how to handle it. And one of the things is that, because he was our chief teacher, he studied and did research a lot and worked considerably on his own and had a rather loose schedule. And another we noted was that he was a dynamic teacher and there were a lot of girls, women, that found him very exciting. And we thought we need to do something about this. So we pulled his plans and checked them out and discussed that we'd like for him to work on a schedule a little bit tighter, where we knew where he was and what was going on, and that when he traveled, that either his wife would go with him, or someone else, and that he wouldn't go out and teach on his own. Q: All right, And did it ever come to your attention anytime after June 1998 that Martindale had been involved in an additional adulterous relationship? [ Rivenbark ] : Yes, it did. Q: How did that come to your attention? [ Rivenbark ] : That was in March 1999, And I was at home in bed, and I got a call from the secretary treasurer saying that Paul Allen was at the Way International demanding to meet with the board of directors. SO I got up and went over there. Paul Allen said Martindale and his wife had an affair. And he was very irate, and demanded to have Martindale come over. So I went to the phone and called him and he came over. And he apologized, offered to do anything he could to make up for it, told him he knew it was wrong. Paul was very irate. and it just didn't go anywhere at all. Q: All right. Did you learn when this affair between Martindale and Allen had taken place? [ Rivenbark ] : Yes, I did. That was one thing I was concerned to know about. We found it was prior to the Adv. Class episode in 98. Q: All right, did you change anything after learning about this, in terms of Martindale's schedule and the like? [ Rivenbark ] : Well, we were monitoring rhings pretty closely. We had already changed his schedule and the travel and all. And since it was prior to that, we thought we had a good handle on things. Q: Now the Allen's eventually filed a lawsuit. Is that correct? [ Rivenbark ] : Yes, they did. Q: That was in March 2000? [ Rivenbark ] : Yes, that was. Q: And what was your reaction to the lawsuit when it arrived? [ Rivenbark ] : I think "shocked" is a good word. Q: Why is that? [ Rivenbark ] : Because when we met in March '99, the way the conversations went, it was a consensual affair. In the lawsuit it implied coercion, and there were a lot of exaggerated charges in there. Q: All right, so what did you do in response to the lawsuit? What did the board do? [ Rivenbark ] : In response to the lawsuit, we asked him to step down as the chief teacher of the ministry. Q: Why did you do that? [ Rivenbark ] : Because we felt that after all of this, and as upset as people were, that there was just no way he was keeping the standards, and he wouldn't be an effective teacher for the ministry. Q: Now, sometime within a few weeks, did the board decide it was necessary to take additional action with regard to Martindale? [ Rivenbark ] : Yes, we did. Q: And what did you do? [ Rivenbark ] : We asked him to resign. Q: Resign from the board? [ Rivenbark ] : Yes, and resign from the presidency. Q: Why did you ask him to resign? [ Rivenbark ] : Because it just was - it was a very hard decision. People had loved him for years, and believed in him. And he had fallen short, and people were angry. We were very concerned. He hadn't upheld the standards of the Bible. And we just thought he couldn't do his job anymore. So here's what I'm getting at if you read all that.. Rivenbark lies, saying she had no clue until 98, when it's proven she knew prior to this, at least in 1995. Secondly, their "spiritual" insight said to just watch him closely and monitor his schedule when they did find out. That was all the board of directors felt was necessary in knowing he had extramarital affairs. So when the Allen affair came into knowledge, and knowing it was started earlier than their "close monitoring", that there was no need to do anything, leave Martindale teaching. He can do his job teaching, no need to stop that just because of some sexcapades. It wasn't until the lawsuit hit that they decided, Oh dear, people know, I guess we should remove Martindale! How's that for spiritual insight? Before the lawsuit, or had none happened, we keep everything hush hush. But when a lawsuit, oh dear, let's make changes. Get rid of Martindale. And she says in the last line, "Because he hadn't upheld the standards of the Bible, he couldn't do his job".. Umm no, that's not why, liar. You already said when you found he didn't uphold those standards that the only thing you needed was to monitor him closely.. He was able to do his job. Be honest, you wanted him gone. You wanted his seat. He was bad PR, so get rid him, Nothing to do with Christian ethics, the Bible, or God. Everything you do is for the looks! The vain glory, the outward appearance. Be honest for once! Geez..
    1 point
  14. I haven't been a part of TWI since 1987, so I can't speak for practices after that time, but my experience was that someone communicated numbers back and forth from HQ to twig leaders. We deliberately mailed our checks to HQ so that our twig leaders would not know how much we were giving. We never shared what our income was with anyone. Not that we weren't asked. One of our children was born early and had a lot of health issues because of prematurity. When I went to our twig leaders to request prayer, I was told my baby's issues were a result of our "lack of giving". Once I recovered from that remark, I wanted to know how that person could possibly know how much we were giving as we never gave through the twig. That's when I was told that the information was communicated to them from HQ. I went home and called HQ and told them that under no circumstances was our giving anyone else's business. That was the only time we were actually "confronted" about giving.
    1 point
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