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You know, over the years, I'm sure a lot has been said about the Greasespot Cafe Forums, and its participants. I'm sure at times over the years, posts have been used from this site to ferret out folks unhappy with the Way and mark and avoid them. I'm sure the general consensus to all the Waybrained is that we are all devil possessed, have turned our backs on Gods ministry and Word and are working evil. It's OK. They can have their opinion. Mine differs. But you know, in a lot of ways all the behind the scenes stories we tell here really serve a higher moral purpose. You see, the Way as I mentioned in another thread, is continuously engaged in what I call the Way International Whitewash and Denial Society I call it that because everything we post about here, originating from Victor Paul Wierwille and the Way International and his perverse drunken sexual behavior, including what has carried on with second President Craig Martindale, his lurid and perverse sexual behavior, public lawsuits, divorce from his wife, and the 3rd President Rosalie Fox Rivernbark, her rise to power, illicit lover's relationship with the 2nd President's ex-wife, all of this is nowhere to be found in any material about the Way International. We have a biography of the founder Victor Paul Wierwille, called "Born Again To Serve" highlighting a fairy tale life and ministry, which ended well before the people running the show now were involved. If there were a sequel to this biography encapsulating everything to the highlight of the 40th Anniversary of the Way celebrations of Wierwille, his turning over the mantle and retiring, and the end days of his life where he incited an antagonist Chris Geer to tear down what he built up, all of his escapades on private motorcoaches and at Way campuses, all of these things were not written about. In fact, the sequel to "Born Again to Serve" probably would more appropriately be entitled "Born Again To Be Served". Served - young ladies, drugged or not, copious amounts of Drambuie and Kool cigarettes. Served - conspiracy theories by the dozen. Served - cancer by cigarettes. So because "Born Again To Be Served" will never be written, and all of the people involved including 3rd President and current Chairman of the Board Rosalie Fox Rivenbark and 4th President Jean Yves De Lisle are currently and have been involved in a campaign to cover all of this up, they are living a lie. How big of a lie? Well, the wife of the 2nd President Donna Lombardi Martindale, and the current BOD Chairman Rosalie Fox Rivernbark, have had an ongoing lesbian romantic relationship for decades. Donna is divorced from Craig Martindale (I don't know about the legal papers involved), and lives currently in New Knoxville at the Way Headquarters where Rivenbark lives. The Way's Biblical teaching classes have always taught that homosexuality is wrong, and have taught it was Adam and Eve's original sin in one of their foundational classes, with Eve supposedly mentally getting it on with the devil in a serpent format or something like that. You see the Way is and has been for some time now living a HUGE GREAT BIG LIE. Greasespot Cafe helps with this. How? By telling the truth, and encouraging the Way to live and tell the truth. You can't change what you don't admit. So thanks patrons for all your support in HELPING THE WAY TELL THE TRUTH !!!!!!!!!!!1 point
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We didn't have a gun to our heads but I do remember the teaching in WOW training about "vowing a vow" so we were trained to believe that we were breaking a promise to God if we left the WOW field and thus bad things would happen to us. A mental cage.1 point
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Page 216, 217.......Mrs. Wierwille's book: Victor Paul Wierwille............Pastorate E&R Church in Van Wert, Ohio Ended, December 8, 1957 Before leaving church..........Wierwille had asked 12 people to support, work, and pray with us for one year. "Now if I had to do it again, I would do what Paul did -- take all my people with me......" Wierwille expressed himself further, "We did not allow them [the denominational synod] to control our lives; that's why I had to resign from the denomination. The only way I could have stayed would have been to give the denomination control over what I taught, what I spoke, and what I did." THE CULT DICKTATOR AND HIS NARCISSISTIC HYPOCRISY.........as he goes on to build his cult and control "his corps" in all that they taught, spoke and did.1 point
I've never been on staff or had a paid position with the way international - but considering the practical aspect alone - I can relate to why some staffers may have stuck around for so long. I mean - setting aside all the manipulative entanglements that cults create to enslave followers - I think a strong work ethic may account for "career" longevity with some folks. I think a lot of us in the corps had that - you know the "work is its own reward, it builds character " type of thing. That's not a bad thing either....of course, being financially compensated for that is cool too! Combine that with being idealistic (as so many of us were) and grateful to have a paying job (no matter how meager the paycheck) - cuz that's better than no job....and I do tend to think something is better than nothing, anyway. Besides job-hunting is scary to me - and even though folks say there's less financial pressure to find a new job if you already have a job (even if it's a sucky job) - I get nervous anticipating interviews and fret over revising my resume as if it were a corps research paper. And I worry if there will be a well-stocked vending machine in the break room - by well-stocked I mean lots of salty items and snacks with peanut butter in 'em. ...I have a knack for getting real comfortable in my current job.1 point
Years ago, I got mixed up casually in an offshoot local to where I now live. Some big meeting took place "Rev" Robert Lightfoot came over. He spouted off about something which was incorrect. It included a point of grammar, but I mentioned it kindly to him because, well, I didn't want him to look more ridiculous than he already did. Instead he pontificated at me for a good half-hour, spouting his version of "the Word", not seeking any response from me, just in my face, ignoring my increasingly obvious signs of not wanting to continue the conversation, and not letting me get a word in edgeways. I let him run with it for a little while, to see when he might run out of steam. He didn't. In the end, I just turned round and walked away. It was all "head knowledge" and no personal "relationship knowledge." The Bible says this, the epistle of xx says that, PFAL says... Not, did it meet any part of my need or have anything to do with my (the hearer's) life. Not even how this extensive head knowledge had affected his own life, or about signs, miracles and wonders that he had seen or been a part of. He probably thought I was some copped-out Corpswoman who needed lecturing and who needed to get back into line. That showing off and boasting of head knowledge is so NOT the way to witness. Did you know that "wit" is an old word for knowledge? A witness is one who has actual knowledge. wit (v.) "to know" (archaic), Old English witan (past tense wast, past participle witen) "to know, beware of or conscious of, understand, observe, ascertain, learn," from Proto-Germanic *witan "to have seen," hence "to know" (source also of Old Saxon witan, Old Norse vita, Old Frisian wita, Middle Dutch, Dutch weten, Old High German wizzan, German wissen, Gothic witan "to know"), from PIE root *weid- "to see." The phrase "to wit," almost the only surviving use of the verb, is first recorded 1570s, from earlier "that is to wit" (mid-14c.), probably a loan-translation of Anglo-French cestasavoir, used to render Latin videlicet (see viz.). [Online Etymology Dictionary] Witness = tell what you know. In your heart. Our witnessing trips should have been our opportunity to show how Jesus works in our lives. How God so loves the world. How precious people are, in God's sight. Instead, witnessing was an opportunity to show off, or to try to get one over the "witnessee," to try to show where they were mistaken/wrong. Not to show them how loved they were. No wonder we all hated witnessing session!1 point
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Well.......since posting these questions in November 2014, the cult has definitely answered them for me. That "kinder and gentler" messaging was a lie. That "Revival and Restoration" Group addressed some of these concerns when Rosalie & Directors tried to initiate another "program" for those nearing retirement or retired. In essence, the twit-cult wanted to slave-drive these corps with hard-hitting schedules/quotas/discipline/control to keep them on the hamster wheel. THAT.......was the my driving concern for starting this thread "senior citizen servitude." In a cult...........the hard-hearted "servitude" never stops no matter one's age.1 point
Yeah, I remember that. He also said that, through the week, "the adversary" would look at what he had written and then work to turn the congregation against it/him so that the message would be poorly received on Sunday morning. Personally, I think he was just trying to rationalize his own laziness and lack of preparation.1 point
PFAL filming......blunders. "Zero Corps"......blunders. So, the plaf filming and corps program were instigated in blundering fashion. Could someone please explain to me how wierwille walked with Gawd.....blah, blah, blah?1 point
How many people were pushed to follow Wierwille's reckless behavior and "push through" problems that eventually caused them harm?1 point