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  1. I don't if they are intentional or not. I do know TWI has a reputation for being cheap. I also know protein is the more costly part of a meal.
    2 points
  2. 1 point
  3. Rich........in 178 pages, lots of topics have come up in this About The Way forum. Greasespot Café has many forums and missions......BUT one of the main reasons for this website is "to tell the other side of The Way Ministry." You are posting on a forum that directs its emphasis to ALL THINGS ABOUT TWI. During these 17 years, we've conversed with people who think Jesus will be returning to earth with wierwille's orange book in his hand [the wierwille-worship]........as well as several women who've told their stories of being groped or raped in wierwille's motor coach. The stories and accounts have run the full continuum. Clearly, you must realize that coming to a website and preaching wayspeak to those of us who've exited twi's doors is a fool's errand. If we wanted wierwille-doctrine, then we'd still be there, right? Or, in an offshoot, splinter group that espouses the same doctrine. Many of us went thru wierwille's corps training.........a few of us were ordained. We KNOW whereof we speak. Until you break free from the buzzwords, pfal slogans and one-liners.......imo, you are STILL following wierwille, the man, and all his ilk. Check out this link......Wierwille and the Pauline Epistles. Rich, just a reminder.........don't paint all GSC-posters with a broad brush. It makes you look petty......and engaging in strife. Surely, your Christian values are higher than that, yes? One of the main reasons I come to this website is to help those who've been bruised, burdened and broken [Luke 4:18].......and, I've come to understand that wierwille skewed and skewered plenty of scriptures along the way to stealthily build a cult with anti-Christian tenets. The Book of Galatians should have been heeded in the early 70s !!! Stick around..............we've been addressing these things for 17 years.
    1 point
  4. There. You revealed the essence of what's going on with you. You declared that you speak for God. But that's just not true. You don't know what's in DWBH's heart.
    1 point
  5. "As the familia churns" (It's a real gas, man.)
    1 point
  6. Yeah....come to think of it....TWI was like a really bad soap opera....."Daze of Our Lives"... The one about the corps was my favorite "the young and the sleepless "
    1 point
  7. Wow! It's like Lawrence Welk on quaaludes.
    1 point
  8. Didn't you mean feces-ious?
    1 point
  9. Rich.......you still have the wayspeak-buzzwords down pat. One of the most generic concepts was "The Word"........when chris geer wrote his patriarch paper, it was filled with psycho-babble and how he was delivering wierwille's "last will and testament." It was loaded with buzzspeak that the corps were "off The Word".......yet, no specifics. Nothing. Nada. When you talk about "the body divided"........do you NOT realize that wierwille taught division, us versus them, twi vs denominations? Family versus Household? Household versus The True Remnant? Corps versus Non-corps? I don't know what way ministry you are referring to........when I was inresidence in 1978, I was reproved for spending time with a College Division girl during self-structured time? Twi implemented and taught a caste system. Twi divided people by class, nametags and allegiance. Very, very few teachings expanded on making Jesus lord of our lives, allowing him to be mediator between God and man. All those accounts in the gospels where Jesus went out early in the morning to pray...........in wierwille's corps training, we had to have our butt in a seat at 5:20am so that "they could teach us the word." You see, Rich......much of what you yearn for, I see as FALSE TEACHING. In so many areas, we were taught by a FALSE TEACHER. Here at GSC, some posters who've attended REAL seminaries.......expound on the scriptures in whole new vistas of light. You might learn some things if you stick around.
    1 point
  10. Naw... let's just blame the thief. The zero teacher.
    1 point
  11. This is why we left and what we felt happened in our lives. This is just in part for it is far to deep to cover in one post. We left TWI because my family was in bondage. My children were being hurt. I was in bondage by TWI. Our lives were not lived but dictated. Our beliefs were dictated. The more classes we took, the more responsibility, the deeper our enslavement. The lingo changed over the years but the crap was the same and getting deeper. It started out think for yourself, "know that you know that you know" . Later we felt it was simply just follow your orders from headquarters and our LC. Our twig, latter family fellowship was no longer self governing but dictated enslavement. Even though we coordinated it we noticed we weren't in charge of those people we knew most personally. We were teaching three times a week in the end from tapes that we had not even had time to make our own. Had not had time to study for ourselves. I am ashamed but I feel we became mini me's for LCM or whomever was on the Sunday Service Video. Don't question the MOG just do as told. We found ourselves repeating the MOG after the years passed. Using the same inuendos. This is humiliating even to admit, but I must. I knew this was wrong but things were moving so fastly, it felt as if I were on a merry-go-round and the bully pushing it wouldn't stop. I was getting sick and needed to puke. I had to stop. I had to get off. Had to do the right thing in my heart. We visited people who had been marked and avoided, had to find the truth, had to help. This sent my family thru the ringer. We were ostricized in front of our peers, accused of things we had not even done, words twisted and perverted into lies. Accused of questioning the MOG which I did do, but how dare I, who the He!! was I? Well my husband and I truly believe if one sheep is lost, it needed to be found. We had a responsibility to do all we could to find them and bring them back into the fold. We finally came to the belief that TWI was not the fold that God had intended at least not in our area. We would no longer teach, repeat the inuendos of the day or enslave Gods children. We walked away humilated in front of our peers. We knew this would happen because we had been on the other side of the table. Sometimes I wonder why we even went to that meeting, we had already decided to walk away before we were given the choice to conform or walk. Gods kids deserved to be free of fear and we were not going to be the ones who helped them live in fear of speaking their mind because their words would be twisted and perverted. We would no longer believe accusations that were unfounded or be part of trying to put cases against people who might possibly disable TWI. We made a free will choice to be FREE and no longer be afraid for ourselves, or afraid for our brothers and sisters in Christ because of our involvement. We truly wanted to help our brothers and sisters in Christ and our choice to leave and not conform I would like to believe sent a bigger message than our staying. We left for all the above and so much more. What once I believed beautiful became an ugly beast that reared its head, bared its teeth and growled like a true beast. We are sorry to those lives we assisted in invading, and did it so ignorantly because we believed that only the goodness of trying to help them was at stake. We now know they knew things we didn't. There was no excuse for our ignorance we should have seen through what I now truly whole heartedly believe was manipulation for other reasons than the word. I am glad we are no longer part of TWI. Digi
    1 point
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