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Hi all! i went to the Flickr site to look at the pics, and felt the same as Skyrider did. Just disgusted at the blatant lying and phony smiles. I was on the in-Rez corpse crew which took down that cabin in the woods from where it was originally located (about 30 miles from HQ), marked and numbered every log, and rebuilt it where it still stands today. John Somerville was the head of that crew, and I remember who the crew was. Hard to believe it's still there! I vividly remember how much fun John Somerville made that project. There were 2 third corpse guys and 4 fourth corpse guys. It was a great experience and we learned a lot from John. Always learned a lot from John! I also recognized Donna and Eddie Doersam, frumpy, plumpy Ros-a-lie, Wanda and Coward Allen. That was it. Saw no pics of Queen Lombardi. They all look as old as they are. They must have taken those pics when every black person on Earth who is a member of TWIt was at HQ! LOL! How pathetic! I also remember the slave labor of the poor 7th and 9th corpses who were "assigned" to Gunnison to work on building the whole damn place under the direction of Grand Lake Log Homes, believers from CO, who also donated their labor. Seeing it now, and remembering what it was like in 1984 the last time I was there, was sad. I loved that place. It was crowded and alive and away from HQ, Emporia, and Rome City. It was rustic and refreshing. Now it looks like a golf course or country club. Huge, empty buildings, gates, enclosures, a time warp of TWIt in the 1980s. The biggest impression I got from viewing the pics was that the place is DEAD. It is pristine in a mausoleum way. All dressed up and ready for the open casket burial. There will be nothing left to bury when the old guard dies off. The place will fold. I wonder who will wind up buying it?? Wonder who'll get the money? What a shame to think of all the love, blood, sweat, and tears poured into those properties for free, by thousands of innocent, enthusiastic, Bible-believing Christians, only to have them melt back into the OH landscape and fade from the memories of all those folks who built it all never to be known again. An overwhelming ambivalence floods my mind as I think on these things. Really glad to see the place return to dust, but still enjoying the good memories of the people and times we shared there. Gunnison will never be sold unless they run out of relatives and emeritus twustees. LOL! Soon, HQ will look like a landscape from Planet Of The Apes, and there will be urban legends spun about that whacky Nazi cult that used be right off highway 29 in rural west central OH. No one will remember the name of the cult, or its malignant, lying "leaders", but EVERYONE will be glad it's gone. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Selah.2 points
Yeah.....even that die-hard "R&R corps group" mounted enough critical thought and dissent to stand up to this abuse.....albeit decades too late. But of these some-60 outspoken corps exiting the cult........their kids? siblings? family? contacts? Will this ripple into a tidal wave of dissent? Another exodus of corps coordinators, limb coordinators, hq-staffers, etc.......and the cult had to go into major damage control mode. What do they say in business.......pi$$ off a customer and he/she will tell 12 others about the pi$$y product/service from your business. The negative will travel faster and further than any shiny pictures on the internet. When you sit down in your lofty dining hall at camp gunnison all 12 of you cult and emeritus directors.......be sure to keep that 13th seat open in honor of the one who rules your edicts, who proliferates strife, division and the devouring of others, Lucifer.2 points
Yeah.......green grass and flower beds that are immaculately kept to perfection. The pictures of Camp Gunnison are deeply deceiving to those of us corps who slaved hours upon hours on those logs, railings, walkways, patios, stonework, and the grounds........as part of our "corps training." Yeah, right......ppfffffttt. More than headquarter's property, to me the camp gunnison property with its multi-million dollar log cabin compound is a testament to DISPOSABLE people. I remember the dozens of 7th corps electricians, carpenters, masons, plumbers, and construction guys who were sent "on special assignment to camp gunnison" to help with its completion. It didn't matter if these 7th corps missed Greek class or whatever was in the academic curriculum (cough, cough) that block.......the twit-cult needed their cheap/slave labor and the academic side was given a wink and nod. And, today........where are those dozens and dozens of "corps leaders" who were in the construction industry? GONE from the cult.........that's for sure. Sure......take those pictures when the grass is green. Take those pictures when there an "Advanced Class Special at HQ" that fills the auditorium to the brim.....yet, Sunday after Sunday Service and the attendance can hardly fill the front four rows before the staffers take their seats. Those pictures are the deceptive nature of the cult. When you've lost Boob and Doodie Moneyhands......you've got major problems at the root. Except for the picture of Ed and Donna D0ersam, I didn't see any long-time followers in that flickr slideshow. Where are ALL the corps leaders and advanced class grads from days gone by? Oh, that's right......a majority of them exited or were kicked to the curb. The new and improved cult has uploaded these pictures to the internet of their once-in-a-blue-moon event at hq.........fresh faces who come to greet, for the first time, the dolt-directors.....er, cult leaders. The whole thing is so staged, but then......SO WAS THE BRC-PROMOTIONAL VIDEO OF 1965. Remember that one.....where cars were pulling up to the brc and excited people getting out and entering the brc.....and mrs. wierwille told us at one of the corps in-residence sharings that people walked straight thru the brc, out the other door and got into another vehicle to "make it look like there was lots and lots of people coming to the way international." Deception even back then......oh my!! The cult has made its $68 Million off the backs of good-hearted people who were deceived. Today, it is still unrepentant of its evil. Yet, the record is clear.......where are the 3500 corps graduates who went thru their work/study/training program? Where are the 550 clergy? Where are the thousands of advanced class grads who gave their support to this organization? And, the answer is..........the cult uses and abuses people in its efforts to amass money, property, adulation and power. The Scriptures gave us plenty of warnings of seducers, hirelings and thieves.2 points
So with JY de Loser taking the reins of course we all have some curiosity as to how he is going to handle the hidden sordid past of the Way, the internet, and truths about how the Way leadership is (including how de Loser really is) and what they want to portray with their whitewash campaign. Now the honest ethical spiritual approach would be to acknowledge the evils, disband the organization that for as they say "70 years" has operated like a MOG cult lying to people about them being a "Bilbical research ministry" and manipulating them, and to contribute the $65 million in assets to any other charitable organization on the planet that genuinely helps people, and to pursue a different avenue in Christianity. But of course we know that the Stalin-like structure of the Way leadership and the extreme actions of marking and avoiding people (then denying they have that policy) will never allow them to give up on the $$$$ and do the right thing, but they will forever be engaged in what I refer to as the Way International Whitewash and Denial Society until they die. JY de Loser is the current President of the Way International Whitewash and Denial Society. So, what is he going to do? I mean we can't let this pesky internet business sink the ship we've spent all our lives building. I mean the ship has to sail on, regardless of the trail of dead bodies left in its wake. We have to fight back. What are we going to do? Well, you know, we at the Way are really really technology backwards, because Rosie hates the internet. That's why Linder has to print out all those sheets for her to read. Well presto, with a new President we can change that. Woohoo - commencement - internet warfare mode. What are we going to do? #1 Priority - we have to get Search Engine Optimization going to that the Greasespot Cafe, and John Juedes site can't be found by our young little fresh dupees all ready to obey unquestioning and increasingly controlling mandates. So let's start up a whole bunch of Way related websites. This will tremendously advance us in the Way International Whitewash and Denial campaign. What are they? 1. thewayministries.com - oh wait we can't use that one - it is already an Isrealite Nazarene ministry. that's ok though it helps. 2. thewayministries.org - the sister site to the Nazarene org is available - let's buy it up. Here is a fantastic place to take pictures of all the cards made for MOGLETS. At the end of each foundational class, it is mandated to make cards for the Board of Doolittle Dummies. (BOD) here on this site, we have photo pictures of all these cards. Of course we don't have the sappy cult-sounding innards of the cards, just the pictures. all on this site. 3. thewaymagazine.com - wow here we can repost old Way mag articles to spam content nobody ready in 2005 when it was published, but we can recycle them here. One regurgitated article a week, not new content, but taken from all years. Wow, some of the way mag articles they are reprinting took place during the worst times ever, as written about at GSC. That's OK, they can just lift out any content that doesn't have people's names, places, etc. in. and regurgitate. Because that's what the Way is great at - regurgitation. They call it research. 4. www.slideshare.net/TheWayInternational - Cool a new place for sharing presentation slides. Except for that the Way has never used these 6 presentations in any teaching known to mankind, it is just an exercise in some poor fool in Way Publications putting together another generic vanilla presentation with nobody's name on it. Never been used, never been published, never shown on a screen anywhere. Yes yes the Way slideshare. 5. thewayinternational.weebly.com/ - Weebly - a one page site with a nice picture and a generic organization description, external links to articles and content on the Way site. Hey that will help raise the search engine rankings 6. thewayinternational.strikingly.com/ - Strikingly - another external links site pointing back to theway.org - for SEO. Here there is a cool tagline "Sharing the Rightly Divided Word of God". And it describes how they "draw from decades of research". Which technically isn't 100% a lie. I mean there's no research going on now, and hasn't for a while, but they used to have a research department. All we need to do is make sure nobody can find the only originally authored piece produced by the person whose name is on the title in the entire research department published anywhere. And the only one you can pick up at Barnes and Noble That is Charlene Edge's book Undertow - https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/undertow-charlene-l-edge/1125195298. You see this one wasn't published by "American Christian Press" or whatever dummy non-existent publishing org the Way owns - some publishing company that is external to the Way actually read this book, approved it as a project, and it is published through normal channels. Congrats, Charlene, you finally modeled to the Way how to publish something correctly in the world. I hope they can't cover it up. 7. Twitter - @thewayinternational - now you too can have 140 character whitewashed daily devotionals spewed to you. 8. Flickr - www.flickr.com/photos/thewayinternational - all photos all the time, Flickr. Dang. Look how beautiful those multi-million dollar log cabins are at Camp Gunnison. Look at all the fresh grass there mowed so beautifully. It is divine. I mean that grass is so pristine. It gets less use than a PGA tour golf course on a Monday. Nobody is laying on that grass. Nobody lives in the buildings either. A skeleton crew - all to run an Intermediate class with 15 people in it for a few weeks, and have a semi-occupied hotel at other times that nobody stays in. Any former member would either be not allowed on grounds or if they were it would be total creepsville anyway. Actually Camp Gunnison is starting to look more and more like that deserted hotel in the Shining with Jack Nicholson. And we can see pictures of all these people too. The old bat looks like an old bat still. Rupp has some grey hair going on. Is that because you got passed up for Pres there guy? And De Loser still looks like a major condescending d-bag, just like always. Fun times on the internet for the Way. I'm sure they will think up more crafty strategic approaches for The Way Whitewash and Denial Society as we progress. I mean the show has to go on. There are more people to be marked and avoided. And more $$$$ and power to collect.1 point
Why set up a system, or a "training program" where one has the possibility of having grovelling followers, and the power of summary judgment over other people's lives, if one does NOT have the intentions of actually allowing them to grovel, and kick their a** just "because"? No real checks and balances.. no REAL trained staff.. probably not any kinda trained medical personnel in case people get hurt in the middle of nowhere.. maybe they can just (make)believe.. and then convince people that this "priviledge" is God's will for their lives.. a year and a half, and they can be gawd's "elite"? If it was some kinda "rehab" or something.. to help get someone on their feet, physically fit, back into SCHOOL.. or on a path to a career- it would sound a heck of a lot more "humanitarian" or "godly" to me.. well, one thing I can smell- lawsuit. Even if you have a fifty page long hold harmless agreement, a court very well may rule that a REASONABLE (or sane) person would not sign it.. and award compensation anyway. How many acres do you say you have?1 point
The Way Whitewash and Denial Society.........INDEED. And Yet........in March 2017 dozens of corps leadership, who gave 35-45 years of their lives to the cult, signed a detailed letter of dissent. Might this be why the Moneyhands were M/A? In the past 10 years, twi is hemorrhaging corps leadership.......150 corps exited, and counting. New class graduates do NOT stay in the pipeline........thus, NO NEED for an advanced class each year. High turnover rate of staffers at hq......and a steady decrease of those wanting to work there. Attendance at the hq sunday services is consistently .....er, pathetically low. The Way International has a book value of $68 Million in assets.........and no transparency. Targeted character-assassinations and mistreatment of long-standing leadership.....with no recourse. Unrepentant Board of Directors continue to move ahead.......refusing to amend heavy-handed ways. For some who found this "utopia" over 40 years ago..........THAT WORLD just came to a screeching halt. .1 point
In a Totalitarian System you are in utopia and everything is must be perfect. Because why wouldn't it be perfect? It's Utopia. If you admit there is anything wrong then that is admitting the system isn't perfect. The (Way) World falls apart. How dare You. Therefore if something is wrong it can't be the system. It must be You. And You wouldn't want that, would You? So nothings wrong. Ever. It is Utopia, right?1 point
Ralph You are a great man even though I wasn't around 'fog years' I am thankful you took a stand against all the evil happenings during that time And for that I salute you Sir1 point
"Vomitorium" Yeah well you shoulda been around in the late 90s or 2000 to hear the spew out of der vey mr gig0@ and his lovely wife were thrown out of the way for being too prideful as well to adhering to old wineskins. Believe it or not I still like them,They seem honestly sincere in thier desire to teach the vord. People can call this place what they want,If paw shut down tomorrow something would take its place. I will not stand in anybodys way to move the vord ,just be honest please... I have actually been to the mcmul#n farm in ole mississip picked up his sister took her to the limb.It was (is?) a nice place. To Johnny and the rest I have no beef with the new whatever they call it,but if it is any thing like the old organization it fall sooner or later. Look at the way now buncha old farts sitting on millions,buying cars ,clothes .vacations ect..living the good life alll on the bqacks of people who put thier heart and soul into somthning that told em all byebye we dont need ya1 point
I don't think they owe me any answers ... I'm just curious if they are going to make a bunch of young kids endure old tapes and call that training. Farm work and site development might be good training, but if they went to New Orleans they could make $25/hour for some construction work and get real training. And have a lot more fun with their time off. But maybe they'll have a good ol' time out in the woods ... it wouldn't be the first time some kids have wasted a year or ten of their formative 20's. If someone was planning a year in the Sowers thingy .. they might read this and consider a little more deeply what they were getting and what they are giving up. And they might even decide then it is just the ticket for them, but they'd go in with a little stronger position, and less likely to be bowled over.1 point
I guess that unless he completely renounced his grandfathers religion, I would have serious doubts as to whether pr not it could be a christian ministry ...no matter what his heart and intentions are. Prolonged contact with that doctrine appears to warp a person, no matter how good their intentions are. Gosh honestly consider what so many of us turned into in twi. In my opinion, one needs to start over fresh from a new perspective.1 point