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So with JY de Loser taking the reins of course we all have some curiosity as to how he is going to handle the hidden sordid past of the Way, the internet, and truths about how the Way leadership is (including how de Loser really is) and what they want to portray with their whitewash campaign. Now the honest ethical spiritual approach would be to acknowledge the evils, disband the organization that for as they say "70 years" has operated like a MOG cult lying to people about them being a "Bilbical research ministry" and manipulating them, and to contribute the $65 million in assets to any other charitable organization on the planet that genuinely helps people, and to pursue a different avenue in Christianity. But of course we know that the Stalin-like structure of the Way leadership and the extreme actions of marking and avoiding people (then denying they have that policy) will never allow them to give up on the $$$$ and do the right thing, but they will forever be engaged in what I refer to as the Way International Whitewash and Denial Society until they die. JY de Loser is the current President of the Way International Whitewash and Denial Society. So, what is he going to do? I mean we can't let this pesky internet business sink the ship we've spent all our lives building. I mean the ship has to sail on, regardless of the trail of dead bodies left in its wake. We have to fight back. What are we going to do? Well, you know, we at the Way are really really technology backwards, because Rosie hates the internet. That's why Linder has to print out all those sheets for her to read. Well presto, with a new President we can change that. Woohoo - commencement - internet warfare mode. What are we going to do? #1 Priority - we have to get Search Engine Optimization going to that the Greasespot Cafe, and John Juedes site can't be found by our young little fresh dupees all ready to obey unquestioning and increasingly controlling mandates. So let's start up a whole bunch of Way related websites. This will tremendously advance us in the Way International Whitewash and Denial campaign. What are they? 1. thewayministries.com - oh wait we can't use that one - it is already an Isrealite Nazarene ministry. that's ok though it helps. 2. thewayministries.org - the sister site to the Nazarene org is available - let's buy it up. Here is a fantastic place to take pictures of all the cards made for MOGLETS. At the end of each foundational class, it is mandated to make cards for the Board of Doolittle Dummies. (BOD) here on this site, we have photo pictures of all these cards. Of course we don't have the sappy cult-sounding innards of the cards, just the pictures. all on this site. 3. thewaymagazine.com - wow here we can repost old Way mag articles to spam content nobody ready in 2005 when it was published, but we can recycle them here. One regurgitated article a week, not new content, but taken from all years. Wow, some of the way mag articles they are reprinting took place during the worst times ever, as written about at GSC. That's OK, they can just lift out any content that doesn't have people's names, places, etc. in. and regurgitate. Because that's what the Way is great at - regurgitation. They call it research. 4. www.slideshare.net/TheWayInternational - Cool a new place for sharing presentation slides. Except for that the Way has never used these 6 presentations in any teaching known to mankind, it is just an exercise in some poor fool in Way Publications putting together another generic vanilla presentation with nobody's name on it. Never been used, never been published, never shown on a screen anywhere. Yes yes the Way slideshare. 5. thewayinternational.weebly.com/ - Weebly - a one page site with a nice picture and a generic organization description, external links to articles and content on the Way site. Hey that will help raise the search engine rankings 6. thewayinternational.strikingly.com/ - Strikingly - another external links site pointing back to theway.org - for SEO. Here there is a cool tagline "Sharing the Rightly Divided Word of God". And it describes how they "draw from decades of research". Which technically isn't 100% a lie. I mean there's no research going on now, and hasn't for a while, but they used to have a research department. All we need to do is make sure nobody can find the only originally authored piece produced by the person whose name is on the title in the entire research department published anywhere. And the only one you can pick up at Barnes and Noble That is Charlene Edge's book Undertow - https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/undertow-charlene-l-edge/1125195298. You see this one wasn't published by "American Christian Press" or whatever dummy non-existent publishing org the Way owns - some publishing company that is external to the Way actually read this book, approved it as a project, and it is published through normal channels. Congrats, Charlene, you finally modeled to the Way how to publish something correctly in the world. I hope they can't cover it up. 7. Twitter - @thewayinternational - now you too can have 140 character whitewashed daily devotionals spewed to you. 8. Flickr - www.flickr.com/photos/thewayinternational - all photos all the time, Flickr. Dang. Look how beautiful those multi-million dollar log cabins are at Camp Gunnison. Look at all the fresh grass there mowed so beautifully. It is divine. I mean that grass is so pristine. It gets less use than a PGA tour golf course on a Monday. Nobody is laying on that grass. Nobody lives in the buildings either. A skeleton crew - all to run an Intermediate class with 15 people in it for a few weeks, and have a semi-occupied hotel at other times that nobody stays in. Any former member would either be not allowed on grounds or if they were it would be total creepsville anyway. Actually Camp Gunnison is starting to look more and more like that deserted hotel in the Shining with Jack Nicholson. And we can see pictures of all these people too. The old bat looks like an old bat still. Rupp has some grey hair going on. Is that because you got passed up for Pres there guy? And De Loser still looks like a major condescending d-bag, just like always. Fun times on the internet for the Way. I'm sure they will think up more crafty strategic approaches for The Way Whitewash and Denial Society as we progress. I mean the show has to go on. There are more people to be marked and avoided. And more $$$$ and power to collect.2 points
An interesting line of thought…and I’ll tell you what – stepping back – I can say I even learned a few things in my overall cult experience but I’ll narrow it down here to my corps training – suffice it to say there is one thing that I won’t do that I did when I joined a cult - - I will never just chuck something away without some serious – really serious thinking first – like many of us did when we first joined TWI and were encouraged to get rid of anything that reminded us of our “old man” nature…Penworks’ book Undertow resonated with me on so many things she said – especially the part about getting rid of our old identities when we joined TWI. my review of "Undertow" Getting back into the flow of life FAR and AWAY from TWI – I prefer to manage any accumulated knowledge, nonsense, memories, skills, experiences, etc. with a little more wisdom now. Yeah – I own it all – I’m not going to play games and deny something didn’t happen – I’m not going to throw out anything – but I can choose how all that will affect me. There are numerous passages in the Bible that speak to the injured, the hurt, the unfortunate, the deceived… not only to console or enlighten or warn or redirect but in time how those same people can then empathize with others who suffer …and not just empathize but actually lend a helping hand! Maybe that’s what keeps making me address any corps still standing with TWI…..(Now switching to my impression of Darryl Hammond’s impression of Bill Clinton saying) “I feel your pain” (bites lower lip) hey folks, wake up and get out… - - -(switching back to regular T-Bone voice) … Ok….back to previously scheduled programming….corps training – what did I get out of it…. Let’s see…getting into biblical Greek was fun – I’ve held onto the Analytical Greek Lexicon and a few other real reference tools I bought when I was in residence - still refer to them occasionally and I did like participating in the public speaking courses and Way Productions; while all this did give me a taste of public performance – it also helped reaffirm my preference for being in more of a supportive role to whatever is going on. In other words, if it’s about putting a teaching or study together – I would have loved doing the research on it or outlining the main points so that it all flowed logically. I prefer to contribute or collaborate – I have no desire to be the star of the show. If it’s music – I lean more towards being a recording artist or composer - rather than a performing artist (I’m a great bass player in my head but I can’t re-record a stinky live performance like I can a bad bass track in the studio ). You know…I’m a self-taught musician – and they say people who cannot do – teach - - oh my goodness – will the circle be unbroken ? Maybe it’s a survivor’s thing that I can salvage anything – I dunno….generally speaking I think putting up with the corps’ meathead leadership, sleep-deprivation scheduling, constantly berating us over the most nit-pickiest things, and a gazillion other torturous routines produced in me some qualities that help me to survive in the real world – especially if there’s any egotistical shallow inexperienced know-it-alls in the mix who think shortchanging, bull$hitting or some razzle dazzle will fool me. I’ve learned how much I can endure. I’ve learned how to spot bull$hit a mile away. I’ve learned that to survive and yea thrive in any legitimate business environment I have to embrace the mission and truly make it my own. Perhaps the biggest things I’ve learned – (the hard way I might add…which is learning from my mistakes of depending on “the principles” and “keys” that I learned in TWI / the way corps) – is that simple stuff like common sense, logic, humility, and honesty are some of the best components in designing a system, a process, a business, a product, a service – cuz not a whole lot of that was used when wierwille designed the way corps program – and you can see how well that worked! Now I will say this…it may take some re-tooling of the mind – but I think all that stuff about commitment, attention to detail, integrity, accuracy, serving others, physical discipline, etc. that we had drummed into our heads is great if it’s not misplaced…if it’s not so I can be the best sycophant for whoever is prez of TWI…yeah - let ME be the one to decide what MY priorities are. Let ME choose what I want to dedicate MY life to…let ME …oh, you get the idea…God bless and good night… (ok last subliminal message: hey corps still standing with TWI, wake up and get out! )2 points
They're believing in their believing that all is hunky dory in Way World.1 point
Lots of cult events in that slideshow........and smiling cult leaders. Smiling faces tell lies........and I've got proof.1 point
That gives me an idea for a re-make of "The Exorcist" adapting a silly old slogan from my days in TWI....have it on the poster promoting the movie: "I'm operated by all nine all the time"1 point
A lot of Christianity is sacrifice. It's a simple concept to know if you withhold gratification there will be future benefits. Invest your money and it will grow into more than you have now. But in the future. (Mathew 25:27) Money is a simple example. In TWI we gave money and time because we thought God would bless us and others back somehow. . . . That didn't pan out. So it's easy to dismiss the whole idea of sacrifice after that mess. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. If you think of Heaven, and God, as The Future that we negotiate with, or put our trust in as we make sacrifices or delay gratification for some purpose, sometimes not fully understood how it will work . . . Maybe a lot more people, who've left Christianity, do think and live like Christians more than they might realize. They don't think "treasures in Heaven" they think "Future prosperity and stability for all".1 point
1 point
This is a guy who preached against "private interpretation" (another scripture used out of context) and then proceeded to build an entire organization on that very practice.1 point
Does anyone ever wonder if these kids sit around and swear to not repeat the mistakes of their past? Their Dad. Their Gramps? I know I would. It is a possibility, even though the packaging doesn't look like something we would be attracted to. I'm neither defending nor opposing this whole thing. It's not something I would go for and I wouldn't allow my kids to join, for obvious reasons. From the little bit that can be seen on that website, I believe the program is not framed properly to be successful in the least. That doesn't mean that the people behind it are evil - they may be trying to take what they thought was a good structure and "do it as it was intended." Just a thought....1 point
If someone came forward, a former Branch Davidian, changed his last name to Koresh, and announced he was continuing the Branch Davidian legacy, there would be some interesting discussion. A LOT of people-those who know SOME of the harm wrought in the Branch Davidians BY David Koresh- would be VERY skeptical that this would be good for society. They'd say that the Branch Davidians were harmful to their own members, and subtracted from society the FIRST time. They'd not be interested in seeing it happen AGAIN. And that's without getting into claims of "slander", or "what did the NEW Koresh ever do to you" or "what makes you think the NEW Koresh doesn't have the noblest intentions" or any of that. NOW do you see why people are more than a little ready to expect this to go badly?1 point
Yeah ... I think those hold harmless statements are small protection. If there is any negligence they mean next to nothing. Especially if there is money taken, or unpaid work being performed. I have some woods that could use the attention of some slave labor students seeking spiritual enlightenment. If they can come up with $500/month, I will even feed them millet and show them which end of a paint brush to hold. Oh and I have a rusty truck, a rusty van, a rusty tractor, and a rusty 3 bottom plow, and some rusty barn roofs. So my rust trumps V2P2's. Maybe RonG could come up and teach a block on old stuff rehab, and another block on weapons training hunter safety. Other spiritual wise guys out there can apply for the honor of teaching here for free. Of course there will be a large fee minimal level of donation to assure the suckers apprentice MOGs receive the most from their training. I'm discounting all this training, but I will require that esteemed graduates pay me 15% of their earnings for life. My Way Tree will not have twigs, but saplings, with the individuals being called "saps". Actually though Ham, it would make a good rehab program maybe ... or training for young folks. But I think that is why people have parents, and they have 4-H, or Future Farmers ... etc.1 point
1 point