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  1. I know Grease Spot Café is going to close down. I appreciate Paw keeping it up for all these years. But I feel like there are still some things that need to be said. So here goes. I don't ever want to deter anyone from deliverance or the peace the word of God is able to bring someone. If TWI is able to give that to somebody, then so be it. I wouldn't want to talk someone out of it. If God delivers I don't want to tear it down, no matter where the source it comes from. But in my experience TWI stopped being effective in a Godly way a very long time ago. Historically TWI has had the poorest of leadership. They truly did not know how to minister, or they were unwilling to. When a believer admitted to having a problem or an issue, leadership would often use subterfuge to handle it. Instead of ministering, they would 'turn the tables' so to speak. They would yell at the person who had sought help, accusing them of "not renewing their mind" or "being possessed". No matter how long someone had "stood" with TWI they were usually "mark and avoided". Basically thrown out of TWI in their darkest hour. No support from the ministry they had "stood" with. My Worst experience was with J and K N. They were both very uneducated. J had run away to a homeless shelter and K had never risen above being a waitress. (I'm not Prejudice against waitresses, not at all. Just trying to show the experience and education this particular leadership had). They were both incredibly arrogant, especially K. They were both full time paid staff on the field, yet expected their home to be cleaned by believers for free, expected to receive child care for free and demanded gifts they had specified. K threw many temper tantrums. It was basically an excuse for her being uneducated and having no idea how to minister. To this day they are leadership with TWI. They are probably too fearful to venture out on their own because they truly do not have many skills. I want to say to young people in TWI. You may be excited and committed. But do you realize you are serving an organization that may not be there for you when you need them? When you are old, will they support and help you? It's important that you get yourself educated and have a savings account so you are not out in the cold when you are no longer deemed useful by TWI. I know a man who "stood" with TWI for over 30 years. He had worked on staff at HQ for many years being paid on a "need basis" only. He left HQ and was a very active member on the field running fellowships and being at the beck and call of "leadership" for TWI. A couple of years ago, he had some financial issues. He turned to the TWI leadership for guidance and help. He was devastated to be told he was no longer welcome at TWI fellowships. They were not interested in helping him or "believing with him" to resolve his issues. It did not matter how many years he had stood, sacrificed and worked for free. When he needed help, TWI just dumped him. Please think about your future, because the TWI leadership have proven to be only fair weathered friends. They will most likely use you for as long as possible then turn their backs on you when you need them. Be careful and protect yourself, because they will probably not. I have more to say, I'll try to get to it later. Any comments about this? Thanks again Paw for giving us a voice.
    1 point
  2. If you wrote a book of your twi experience..... 1) What would you title your book? 2) Where would you devote your greater message and chapters in the book? ..a) Twi's deception and betrayal ..b) Manipulation and exploitation ..c) Friendships, relationships and adventures ..d) Learning wierwille's version....and then, rejecting much of it ..e) A whole new world of learning after those youthful days in twi ..f) Other? I would entitle my book.......BEWARE OF SUBTLE INDOCTRINATION: My Life Story In my book, I would subdivide it into four parts -- three or four chapters each 1) My background and desire to know God......and twi's subtle deceptions 2) Classes and programs that deliver a collective message and, stealthily oppress individual boundaries 3) The struggles and challenges with coming to grips with twi's seduction and betrayal 4) Walking away from twi, starting a new life and a family overcoming obstacles to achieve accomplishments Yeah, like I'm really going to take the time to write a book.....
    1 point
  3. DWBH, holy s--t, what a post!! I wondered why Don wasn't his father's successor; now I know. AOTS was a huge embarrassment for TWI, but I was informed that LCM could not be talked out of it. Jerk!! How sick, and twisted VPW was when he destroyed the lives of his son Don, and then Don turned on his mother, and siblings, made me want to scream!! He didn't care, the sick SOB!! How wicked can a man be??!! In his case, a lot. I am having a very hard time trying to understand all this garbage. The games VPW played with the head honchos in TWI, make the political games played here in DC look tame by comparison.
    1 point
  4. When accepting a Totalitarian Mindset one confuses the belief system with one's identity. So without him, nobody can do anything right. Also, everything becomes a threat to him. Even the followers. Destructive decisions begin to flow naturally.
    1 point
  5. Sure, you can handle all the money.............but let me count it first.
    1 point
  6. So much for the great accreditation scam. Busted in 1975, 76, and eradicated from ANYTHING and ANYONE legitimately granting accreditation and degree-granting status of any authentic validity. As I said before, ding-dong felt betrayed AGAIN, by his father. Don did work hard and diligently to EARN his PhD. He earned excellent grades in a real Aademic environment. However, everything he did was completely wasted by the old man, whose desperate search for acceptance and validation of himself at the expense of everyone and anyone in his minus-tray or in his way, was simply the outworking of his malignant, paranoid narcissist personality disorder. Again, the stuff of genocidal dictators and abject psychopaths. That's what DP was......just like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Breznev, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, both Assads, Sadam Hussein, the Iranian Mullahs, the Saudis and the Islamic terrorist jihadis, Hamas, Hizbollah, Al Qaeda, ISIS, Putin, the Kims in North Korea, China, India, Brazil, Venezuela, Greece, ad infinitum. Psychopathic totalist cultures are exactly the same psychodynamically. The words are different but the purposeful, deviant process is the same. Dictor was an inconsequential self-deluded alcoholic serial rapist. That's a given now, factually, historically and legally. His malignant, paranoid narcissist personality disorder was never confronted nor treated Psychiatrically. It raged and fulminated unchecked and untreated for his entire life. Disgusting but absolutely true. And the ungodly long list of victims is spread throughout the entire pathetic 40 years of his incredible .... minus-tray. Donnie knew exactly what he was being used for. He hated the old man since he forced Donnie and Dotsie and Karen on the Indian much-ado-about-nothing tour. He forced Dotsie to sell the furniture and abandon her newborn son, JP. Donnie hated his old man for forcing them to do dictor's thing above anyone and everyone else's. He hated him for treating Dotsie like a piece of property and not an equal human being. He hated being forced to go on that ego trip. He resented being dictated to by a father who don KNEW was a lyin' sack-o-poop. He knew the history of his old man in his hometown. He knew the old man wanted don to take over the minus-tray in his stead. But, don's total lack of effective public speaking skills, and his negatively hypnotic speaking style were obvious enough to keep him outta the presidency. But, don ran the way from the minute he became vice-prez. To see the horrible devolution of his being during the 1990's up until his death from lung cancer was horrifying. He became the destructor of his own bloodline, and the mother he once loved so deeply. It's like a Greek Tragedy, or Shakespearean. To learn how deeply dew descended into his own pathology as he knew cancer was killing yet another wierwille was deeply disturbing. Tragic. Sick. Evil.
    1 point
  7. In another thread, Penworks mentioned that dictor paul had a ghost writer for his "By The Way" editorials in the St. Mary's Evening Leader. She named Alison Heaney Freeland. She grew up in Rye, NY. Her brother Brian Heaney was a 2nd corpse grad. They were both "groovy Christians" along with one chris geer, the bus driver. Both geer and alison were 7th corpse grads. She was hardly the only ghost writer dictor used. Here's a brief list of who else wrote numerous BTW columns. Bill Winegarner, beence finnegan, da forehead, dave Carley, and myself wrote at least 6-10 each. I myself wrote 12. Ding dong wrote at least a half dozen, coward allen wrote 2 (with lots of help from cookie lofstedt). art poling wrote several, earl burton wrote a couple, as did Bo Reahard. I personally know those I mentioned wrote those columns for him. I never even knew heaney wrote them too. All of those on the president's cabinet were given letters from believers all around the world written personally to dp to answer for him and he signed his name to them. I got the majority of USA letters, Bo, finnegan, and coward got the Int'l Outreach letters plus numbers from the US Trunk. Da forehead got the corpse ones and ding dong got corpse and college letters. Winegarner (Bill), burton, and Reahard got the word in business and questions about the finances letters. Coward pawned almost all of those off to those guys. Rosie handled the letters re: Way pub, and Lombardi helped da forehead with the corpse letters along with jallyroll, Jenkinson and moynihan. That was daily practice for all of us. DP was too busy being spiritual, SITing for gawd and the universe and the entire minustray, getting revelation from "daddy's cookie jar" 24/7, and bangin' and boozin' his way through as many in-rez corpses as he could at every "root locale", and enjoying his old flames on da field wherever he went. THERE IS NO CONSCIENCE in sociopathy. Not even a "seared" one! Zero, zilch, nada, nichts, nothing. Add to that alcoholism and serial rape/sexual assault, and you'll begin to realize that the only "ministering" dictor paul ever did was to administer drugged booze to unsuspecting corpse girls and then force himself on them sexually to "teach them about gawd's love". It's embarrassing that we stayed so blind for so long, only to be cruelly betrayed by the moggies. The books JCOPassover, and JCPromised Seed, had not a single word contributed by DP in either of them. Are The Dead Alive Now was plagiarized from Bullinger. The only publication that DP did a good bit of actual writing for was JCINotGod. The shortest and most illiterate and textually inaccurate book of the whole lot of them. Every other book DP actually "wrote" was a transcript of either pfal or SNS, or some other "live teaching" dictor did wherever. It's hard to write when your too dumb, drunk, and lazy to do it. So really, in actuality, dictor paul never wrote ANYTHING himself! Not one sentence. Literally. I read his "doctoral thesis" on Peter and it was just like reading one of the old "collaterals" from early piffle classes after the '67 filming. If it wasn't for Donna Randall, wally cummins, Karen Wierwille and the growing numbers in the "research department", you'd have nothing at all for American Christian Press to publish. What a complete and total fraud. Wish he were here to read his real biography. He lived his lying false one until the day he died.
    1 point
  8. Funny, huh, SkyRider? Let's just face it. Dictor Paul was just a country-bumpkin, ignorant, abused, drunken, redneck dumbdang from rural American Germany in Ohio. He was just plain DUMB! DUMBER! DUMBEREST! He was a joke to his own family, a joke to his hometown, a joke in high school and college, member of America First in the 30's and 40's to keep his buddy hitler safe from US entry into WW II......hence, a joke to his country, and a joke to the god, Christ, and world he wanted to dominate. He was an insignificant malignant paranoid narcissist, alcoholic, serial rapist and sexual abuser who lied, conned, and bullied his way through a meaningless and viciously destructive existence on this good earth. Good riddance.
    1 point
  9. Ya know Skyrider....."to the very end" is a loaded phrase for me because it is so stunningly literal. Vic took his perverted pathological delusions with him to the grave. He put on his last production, his last ROA closing night, as his epitaph to himself. His athletes of the spirit to end it all with his staged "turning my face to the wall to die" routine. THAT's why he could only trust one guy on the whole planet it to be executive producer.....psychogeer. I saw vic the day he came back from Gartmore in May of 1985. Or, I should say, I saw the icteric rotting shell of what was left of him. Met him at the airport, Logan, and was the only one of our small greeting party to go onto the coach, which Geer was now back in charge of, while Peter and Christie Edmond seved as complete human crutches. He had called me onboard because he brought me two six packs of my German grandfather's favorite beer.....Moninger.....as a good-bye gift. All he was, was his paranoid narcissistic delusions smashed on morphine and Drambuie. The creep behind the curtain had been exposed. He turned out to be a wretched gnome of a creature.....Rumpelstilsken-esque....some medieval horror story caricature of a man of gawd. He was only his delusions now. No attachment to anything resembling reality or remorse. Nope! He was gonna commit suicide for God for all to see that Vic was the only true head of twit 4EVER, and the ONLY real mog of the 20th century, the last Paul of Tarsus. The greatest "teaching prophet" since Paul, and the only great king since David, "a man after god's own heart". You, my surrogates are to blame. YOU forced me to do this! YOU, in effect, killed me and my ministry! Vic was the one who destroyed twi. If he couldn't have it nobody else could either. There was NEVER an ounce of remorse for the hundreds he had raped and abused. In his fog they were lucky to have been assaulted by him. Everyone who ever knew him was lucky as far as he was concerned. He built it all and now he was taking it with him. There was no guilt. There was no shame. There was no need to repent. He never did anything wrong! It was everybody else's fault. Vic was just a victim. He was living his dreams now. He had become the man he wished to be and he did it his way. Sociopathic, paranoiac narcissist, alcoholic neoNazi sexual predator, racist and misogynist extraordinaire. The mighty man'o'gawd Pauline style. Lying and cheating his way through life and now death. What an utterly detestable fraud.
    1 point
  10. Skyrider You've been doing exactly that for a LOOOONG time now! So happy to see you still here plugging away blowing the ole ram's horn. You have made and continue to make a positive difference in many lives through these years!
    1 point
  11. When I was young, I felt like I had so much time. I became involved with twi as an impressionable teenager. I wanted to understand the bible and bought into what they said about being the only ones with the truth. And honestly, at that time they were teaching more than I had been taught at the churches I had attended up until then. But while they tried to paint all churches as evil, I had good experiences at the churches and youth groups I'd grown up in. I have many fond memories, and yes I learned some bible before twi. But I was searching for more and came to believe I'd found it in twi. So anyway, back to thinking I had time to do what I wanted to do with my life. I had always known what I wanted to be "when I grew up". I had talent and natural ability in the area's I wanted to work in. twi was heavily promoting several programs. I was heavily encouraged, challenged and "confronted" about going on a one year program. I complied, actually wanting to go and thinking to myself: I have a lot of time, it's only a year. However, that year turned into many as twi led me to believe anything I did on my own behalf was selfish, education was irrelevant and if I was believing, my needs would always be met. I spent many years working for free or on a need basis. In the back of my mind I continued to think I would one day have time to pursue my dreams. But as the years went on, the twi leaders made more and more demands. Three to five meetings a week in addition to mandatory witnessing hours. Cleaning limb homes and babysitting for free. Cleaning public buildings we had rented before and after a twi event. (Buildings were already clean- but ahead of time we were supposed to make it spiritually clean, and afterwards we were supposed to leave it better than we found it. Even areas of the building we had not used). Helping to run classes, limb meetings etc... God forbid you lived within a 250 mile radius of a root location. Forget about a nice Sunday at home. There was no time for me or my well being. I was too busy doing their constant bidding. When times were tough, I looked for guidance from twi leaders. They either raged about how I should be believing God or were indifferent. No help at all. (ie: Limb coord wife insisted I give up several shifts at work for 3 weeks so I could come clean her home and baby sit because there was a class being run at their home and it was the spiritual priority. The region coord wife had told her this and we were to be on the "obedience to abundance" track)...... I was broke and starving. I am now becoming educated and working towards my goals. I have much greater success, happiness, well being and friendships now than I ever did in "the promised land of the prevailing word" of twi. Although I am decades behind most in accomplishing these things, I'm thankful I didn't let twi take my entire time here on earth. My advice is, take care of your own life first. Volunteer along the way, be giving and helpful but don't ever let any organization, especially twi or others like it to consume your life.
    1 point
  12. Makes me think of Joe Coulter and Carrie Williams. Both good men, talented, motivated, hard workers. AFAIK, still with TWI. Are they there because they truly believe that they are working for God? Or because they are old and gray and TWI will (maybe) take care of them and they don't have any other options. I don't know. Just seems sad, no matter how I look at it. He tore out a part of your heart, but you've shown you still have plenty of heart left. I've loved reading your posts over the years. You're a great lady and I'm sure you're a great mom.
    1 point
  13. 1) Oedipus Rex: The TWI MOG Version 2) How to Brainwash Friends and Manipulate People : An Adventure in the Misuse of Dale Carnegie 3) How to Cheat Your Way Through Education and Make a Lot of Money - the Story of VPW 4) Pharisees : A Case Study into How to Make a Threefold Child of Hell Don't get me on a roll :biglaugh:
    1 point
  14. I think it would have to be a coloring book. (only black and white crayons allowed)
    1 point
  15. "TWI involvement: a long, convoluted detour on the path of life"
    1 point
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