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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/16/2017 in all areas

  1. The investigation of the Penn State/Sandusky evidence has crystallized to excoriate the leadership and institution. By all accounts, "The report is a horrifying account of individual and institutional failure, based in part on a “culture of reverence for the football program that is ingrained at all levels of the campus.” So, too, is the growing evidence against The Way International. Here at this Greasespot Forum, with 131 pages of threads and posts......destruction of lives is twi's legacy. Books have been authored by many who detailed the horror that they experienced at that hands of twi's leadership. Podcasts have been recorded to clarify viewpoints of the cult-mindset, the manipulation and the exploitation of years in twi service. With testimonies of sexual predation, rapes, abuse and driven to suicide surface from time to time, there are also a plethora of accounts illustrating the destruction of self and soul and family. Perhaps, those who scoff at twi's association towards evil.....might gain a deeper perspective of institutional failure by reading the following article. From my experience, I think the "shift toward evil" took place in the heart of wierwille before The Way, Inc. ink had dried from the incorporation paperwork. But, that's me. And, as the marching corruption increased its numbers, the destructive evil increased exponentially. For those who read: see any similarities to twi's institutional evil? Click Here - Penn State Shift Toward Evil
    1 point
  2. "Gradually it was disclosed to me that the line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either, but right through every human heart, and through all human hearts. This line shifts. Inside us, it oscillates with the years. Even within hearts overwhelmed by evil, one small bridgehead of good is retained; and even in the best of all hearts, there remains a small corner of evil. The challenge of civilizations has been to set up institutional arrangements that take into account the human condition and channel it in ways that encourage the good and place a check on evil. What this means is that in our universities, in our churches, and in our political systems – in virtually every human institution – we need checks and balances. We need accountability. And we need transparency. The concentration of power — when combined with pride, arrogance, ambition, and fear — can lead even impressive people to act in unjust and repellant ways." Very incisive above quote from Solzhenitsyn, Skyrider - thanks for that post…and funny thing – I was thinking of that whole Penn State sex abuse scandal the other day in light of the occasional post on Grease Spot that suggests cutting wierwille some slack over his licentious and predatory lifestyle because he also “taught the word like it hadn’t been known since the first century.” The “logic” behind that kind of thinking by secret wierwille admirers is beyond me! Regarding the Penn State scandal we’ve heard about how the general public was so outraged…offended…horrified by such behavior and people looking the other way. Yet it’s odd how that sense of what’s right goes out the window for some die-hard wierwille fans. I don’t know – maybe it takes the insidiously-powerful-mind-twisting tactics of a cult leader to throw off one’s moral compass – causing a major shift in one’s sense of what’s right. Well, cult leaders are shifty after all. …
    1 point
  3. The cult cannot survive out in the open.......it seeks the shadows and the darkness. Open discussions on the field and open internet forums will NEVER happen. Rivenbark tried to take the upper-hand by extending a sappy "invite to hq." Wierwille perceived that seclusion on a farm setting would build his cult. It hasn't changed from its inception........and it ain't gonna change now. Old McWierwille had a farm......ee i ee i o And, on this farm he built a cult......and that's "the way" to go.
    1 point
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