The investigation of the Penn State/Sandusky evidence has crystallized to excoriate the leadership and institution. By all accounts, "The report is a horrifying account of individual and institutional failure, based in part on a “culture of reverence for the football program that is ingrained at all levels of the campus.”
So, too, is the growing evidence against The Way International.
Here at this Greasespot Forum, with 131 pages of threads and posts......destruction of lives is twi's legacy. Books have been authored by many who detailed the horror that they experienced at that hands of twi's leadership. Podcasts have been recorded to clarify viewpoints of the cult-mindset, the manipulation and the exploitation of years in twi service. With testimonies of sexual predation, rapes, abuse and driven to suicide surface from time to time, there are also a plethora of accounts illustrating the destruction of self and soul and family.
Perhaps, those who scoff at twi's association towards evil.....might gain a deeper perspective of institutional failure by reading the following article. From my experience, I think the "shift toward evil" took place in the heart of wierwille before The Way, Inc. ink had dried from the incorporation paperwork. But, that's me. And, as the marching corruption increased its numbers, the destructive evil increased exponentially.
For those who read: see any similarities to twi's institutional evil?
Click Here - Penn State Shift Toward Evil