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  1. I've consulted with the mods (no I haven't). Well, with all the mods who check in regularly (which means me and pretty much no one else). The ban stays. No politics.
    3 points
  2. It all goes back to the non-existent *law of believing*. You were supposed to *believe* for things to get better. If they didn't, it was your own fault. Then, to add insult to injury, you were considered a spiritual weakling. Many people suffered trying to believe their way to health. Some even died. I personally knew one who did. They criticized him, in death, for not being strong enough to survive. It's insidious.
    2 points
  3. millions thousands now smoking what do you think his soot looked like? I bet it wouldn't win a beauty contest
    1 point
  4. I hauled all of Wierwolfs books, about 3000 total, to the city dump.
    1 point
  5. Thread Title: Is it okay to recommend wierwille's books to others? Alternate Title: Is it okay to burn these books to protect others from the cult snare?
    1 point
  6. I came upon this thread indirectly – I think from Skyrider making reference to it on his 1989-1998 Timeline: Insanity on Steroids thread…anyway, just wanted to comment here. At Grease Spot I occasionally experience little “realizations”….it’s getting another small glimpse of the big picture…another layer of the onion is peeled back. I love to analyze something to the nth degree but that can only get you so far if all you’re doing is theorizing with little practical experience in the matter. Regarding another thread The Way Corps: Victims or Oppressors I was trying to narrow down the reason for TWI’s quick demise – and Skyrider made the point one could easily make the case for multiple factors in its downfall – and the most notable factor in my opinion – now, after mulling over this thread – is the unreasonable and unsustainable demands made on the way corps. My wife and I left TWI barely out of in-residence way corps training. We were not yet worn down by years of the daily grind as active corps on the field. Regarding “a lifetime of Christian service” – we were just cranking up the old treadmill. After reading Penworks’ Undertow, and some of the stories of Skyrider and other seasoned corps – I feel a tinge of survivor’s guilt in that I was not put through the wringer - aka the daily grind of the TWI-machine – a lean, mean, exploiting machine – and from what I gather, the wheels turned slowly but ground exceedingly fine. I want to leave a final note to way corps still involved with TWI. I still have fond memories of the many good and decent folks I met while at the Rome City campus. We were all so idealistic, filled with hope, determined that we would make a difference in The Way and in the world. And to you all I say…you deserve better ! You should find a group, a charity, a church, a community, a service…someplace that is worthy of your talents. You are not disposable! Love and peace T-Bone
    1 point
  7. caught the last 15 minutes of it - didn't know it was on....anyway - when she's reading a letter from her Mom and the gist of the letter was that her Mom did not like her talking bad about Barnard who victimized her daughter for years! She made some comment along the lines of how powerful an influence Barnard has over his followers - wow - no $hit !!!!! I think being a cult survivor myself gives me a weird dual mental processor sometimes - in that I can understand cult tactics from two different angles: first and foremost - from a sane person's viewpoint- all I can say is how horrible...despicable...and almost unbelievably evil someone like Barnard can be While at the same time I can understand the blinding and emotionally-numbing mindset a cult leader will foster in his followers - that can even subvert the natural familial instincts of a parent - like her mom siding with the sexual predator of her own child...I can understand how that mindset is so powerful - but I also think that too is horrible...despicable...and almost unbelievably evil - that a cult leader will instill unnatural familial-like "instincts" in followers ....yeah vpw "our father in the word" - not on your life - I ran away from my TWI "home" to escape from that evil step-dad. i must say she is a very courageous and strong woman for speaking out about this stuff ! And I'm glad she has a very supportive aunt too.
    1 point
  8. Above the hills, higher than eagles we're glidingSuspended in the skyOver the moonStraight for the sun we were ridingMy eyes were filled with lightBehind us, black wallsBelow was a bottomless canyonFloating with no soundGhosts far below Seemed to be suddenly risingExploding all around HERE
    1 point
  9. By "advanced", do they mean to move forward in (wasted) time? Really this all means that the spiritual maturity of the home fellowships have risen to a level where the Advanced Class is not longer needed (for wasting ABS). This is cause for celebration.
    1 point
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