I came upon this thread indirectly – I think from Skyrider making reference to it on his 1989-1998 Timeline: Insanity on Steroids thread…anyway, just wanted to comment here. At Grease Spot I occasionally experience little “realizations”….it’s getting another small glimpse of the big picture…another layer of the onion is peeled back.
I love to analyze something to the nth degree but that can only get you so far if all you’re doing is theorizing with little practical experience in the matter. Regarding another thread The Way Corps: Victims or Oppressors I was trying to narrow down the reason for TWI’s quick demise – and Skyrider made the point one could easily make the case for multiple factors in its downfall – and the most notable factor in my opinion – now, after mulling over this thread – is the unreasonable and unsustainable demands made on the way corps.
My wife and I left TWI barely out of in-residence way corps training. We were not yet worn down by years of the daily grind as active corps on the field. Regarding “a lifetime of Christian service” – we were just cranking up the old treadmill. After reading Penworks’ Undertow, and some of the stories of Skyrider and other seasoned corps – I feel a tinge of survivor’s guilt in that I was not put through the wringer - aka the daily grind of the TWI-machine – a lean, mean, exploiting machine – and from what I gather, the wheels turned slowly but ground exceedingly fine.
I want to leave a final note to way corps still involved with TWI. I still have fond memories of the many good and decent folks I met while at the Rome City campus. We were all so idealistic, filled with hope, determined that we would make a difference in The Way and in the world. And to you all I say…you deserve better ! You should find a group, a charity, a church, a community, a service…someplace that is worthy of your talents. You are not disposable!
Love and peace