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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/06/2017 in all areas

  1. Sorry I thought this was asteroid. pew pew . . . pew pew pew pew . . . pew . . . pew . . . pew pew pew pew pew pew and was covered in The Class. You people just don't remember.
    2 points
  2. You think that, because it's what you want to believe, so it becomes the only way you can see it. But, as mentioned in an earlier post, I have personally heard (probably on more than one occasion) vpw plainly and very clearly say (to paraphrase) that when it was written, there was no editing of it. None whatsoever. Paul didn't start to write it one way, then back up, change a word, then continue writing. It flowed out, and that was it. Which is dang near the opposite of what you are supposing. Personally, I think it makes no difference how long before any bits and pieces (or chunks) of truth were revealed and made known to Paul. I suspect most (if not all) of what is later referred to as "his gospel" was revealed to him over a course of time spent in Arabia after his escape from Damascus, years before the school of Tyrannus, which also was years before what was written to the Thessalonians. And to put it bluntly, VPW said a lot of things in WC teachings that were just his opinion, and should be as viewed nothing more... or you'll miss things (concerning the truth) a lifetime, and never know it. For instance, Paul taught at the school of Tyrannus (prior to his trip to Thessalonians.) He also taught in Thessalonica (duh...) Why would anyone think that much of what is written in Thessalonians was "brand new" to them, or that they had never heard any of it before? So, why "limit" the truths in it to just having been taught to Timothy and Silas prior to it being written? Makes no sense. Neither do I think that Paul was diligently practicing, rehearsing, or in any other way deliberately "getting ready" to write Thessalonians ahead of time. Was God preparing him ahead of time? Of course. That doesn't say or mean that Paul knew what (all) God was prepping him for. After all, who ever does? But when it was time... write! And, there it was.
    1 point
  3. ......or HQ: and only corps are present? Branch Coordinator: yes ......... (but doesn't state that the whole branch of 70 will be arriving shortly.....he thought they should hear the bullsheet that the corps is being fed week after week. Then they can decide for themselves if they want to STILL be involved with this cult.)
    1 point
  4. HQ: how many corps are in attendance ? Branch Coordinator: ten HQ: and only corps are present? Branch Coordinator: yes (then thinks to himself "though not all are standing corps") HQ: and you're NOT recording - is that correct? Branch Coordinator: that is correct (then thinks to himself " Craig hasn't started blabbing yet - so we'll wait to record his bat$hit crazy stuff and technically I'm not in charge of recording tonight, George is.")
    1 point
  5. Warming up for the big chess game, the lone pigeon kept chanting "be the pawn...be the pawn...be the pawn."
    1 point
  6. I agree that it is "garbage" insofar that it is propaganda. But I think it does have a certain value: it's a good case study on VPW's sick thinking (and lack thereof) and a red flag about the dangers of cults, showing people with a story (instead of a dry explanation) about how cults reinforce their beliefs by spinning their own closed-group fantasy that, to them, makes sense. On a personal note, psychologically it's weird for me to read it because part of my recruitment episode is in that book told by my 19-year-old self. For my daughter, it's a window into her parents' former lives (her dad is in the book, too) showing her our idealism and misplaced trust in VP. It shows his manipulative practices, delusions, egomania, false humility, and narcissism (and other things too many to list here). Just my 2 cents ...
    1 point
  7. Sorry I am not glong to give you a pass for calling me a coward when you are too lazy and deluded to get to know me or my story. I focused on God and truth. you on the other hand are an armchair quarterback hyping your self up on a sick man's stolen work, all while being too cowardly to look behind the curtain at the fruit as Jesus instructed us. What you accuse others of oozes out of your post like an open sore. you are not in the way and didn't have to live the Word with the people teaching it like I did. I damn well know the difference between someone living and teaching God's Word and someone who is trying to teach what they are not living. So why don't you with all your .... accusations crawl on back out of here where you came from and kiss 100% of my @$$ on the way out. Or be a man and apologize. And stop lying about all the many way leadership you have confronted and backed down with them running away with their tail tucked. None of the people named here has ever been seen by anyone responding to Joe believer confronting them in this fashion. I mean I could believe you talked harshly to your lady twig coordinator and made her cry based on your post but certainly not anyone we post about around here. If we would have mastered his books. idiot we pored over those hours a day for years. More than you have even dreamed about. Rosie has spent the last decade plus dumbing the Way down to the collaterals. And it is worse now than ever before. I have a lot of tolerance for people but about zero for seagulls who want to fly by crap on things and then fly off. And Mike with visions of Jesus returning holding an orange piffle book? I mean someone who can elevate vps book above the words of the Father like that is not even remotely close to being sound of mind. Closer to tinfoil hats and alien abductions. Tune in to the revelation channel where you can live for the devil and speak for God all at the same time God is not mocked what a man sows he reaps.
    1 point
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