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  1. After reading so many historical timelines of the way international here on GSC, and being an eyewitness to many of the changes implemented during/after the Allen lawsuit, it all comes down to one perpetual whitewash. The way international is a whited sepulcher. It all makes perfect sense to me now, especially when I consider the past that the way international does not want revealed in any capacity - unless of course its the approved version they teach the in-res corps through Ms Wierwille's incomplete biography of vpw, etc. But let's not forget the approved versions of the many nostalgic character traits vpw supposedly demonstrated as the man of god for our day and time. I was 32nd way corps, graduated in 2003. From 1996 - 2003 I spent my time immersed in all things the way international. Lived with my fellowship coordinators, moved with them, as they became candidate corps, went way disciple as they did - only in a different state. Was an assistant fellowship coordinator the remaining six months after my first way disciple year. Started my candidate year as a fellowship coordinator then went way disciple my apprentice year and was assigned to HQ. Spent two years in residence only to be assigned as assistant department coordinator at hq upon graduation from the corps. Became department coordinator within two years. Within a year as department coordinator was asked to be on the presidunce cabinet. Two years later I made my exit in 2008. Starting in 96 I was blown away by martindale's teachings, classes, etc. In my youthful zeal I choose blinders that suited my comfort level. Martindale was the man of God in my mind. I was told by my fellowship coordinators (who had been dropped from the way corps and been around damn near 30 years and were going corps a second time) of some of the history, fog years, the importance of the present truth, why the past was so bad - the adversary uses it, the importance of staying lock step with hq/Martindale, etc. During that time I witnessed the debt policy implemented, the no gift policy, learned of the no pregnancy BS, kept a tight schedule that my fellowship coordinator approved and oversaw. I was the perfect cult leader in training. I was so gung ho that when craig had us dial in on the phone hookup and admitted to a one time consensual affair with Mrs. All3n that I knew it must be the devil trying to take out my MOGFODAT. But during this time of supposed one time consensual affairs.......my exposure to dissension within the ranks from my branch/limb coordinators at the time began in full. But I was still lock step sold out to twi and craiggers.....aaaaaaannnnnd then I was assigned to hq for my second tenure as way disciple and my apprentice year. During this time I began adjusting my blinders to allow more light to shine. - 1999 - A couple months after I arrived at hq craig was asked to leave. My cabinet guy informed us that a major impediment had been removed. - Shortly after craig's departure dissenting top leadership (S@iler, Pannasmello, et al.) were rounded up, told to move into founders hall for monitoring and then either quit or were fired if they didn't get in line with Rosie the riveter. - Afterwards, hq staff were informed via their pres. cabinet that the board of dummies had invited two cult experts to hq and instructed hq staff to answer any questions honestly while going about our wayfer lives as normal. - During this same time frame so many changes were ushered into staff's and way corps' routines. Examples follow (but are not limited to): the pregnancy policy abolished, staff moved from need basis pay scale to salary based on an hourly basis (aka start of 46 hour hour cap with ot approved by presidents cabinet up to 52 hours and more hours than 52 approved by BOD,) Coerced volunteer time was now separate by cabinet area and coerced with department coordinators signing up those that didn't volunteer), staff personal schedules were no longer required to be turned in for approval, two by two travel was no longer mandated but encouraged, bod were forced to implement a harassment policy into the staff hand book as a system of redress for hq as well as staffers, STS attendance was now supposedly voluntary but checklists were still gathered by department every Monday morning, the noon meal was no longer mandatory, etc. - All of this gave the impression that rosalie was our great deliverer. Us plebe staffers had no idea that behind rosalie were lawyers hired by TWI to diffuse lawsuit ammo and whitewash the cult yet again from craigs lunacy. Whitewashed it so far and thorough that teaching responsibilities were decentralized from the president of TWI to many chosen folks. That way there was no charismatic leader to point the finger at. Wax on, wax off. - It was during this time that I was transferred out of my department and onto a large project to repair the main electrical loop that had fried from neglect. I found myself a fly on the wall to so many long time staffers and way corps that kept telling the same stories about craig and vpw. Abuse, adultery, large scale involvement of way corps to procure and hide that vpw and craig were serial sexual predators who preyed on any woman they found vulnerable. Personal misuse of ABS by board of trustees/directors over the years. Heck, this was such a big deal that even rosalie had to pay TWI to have grounds cut her grass at foxhaven lest she be found guilty of private inurement which would risk TWI losing its 501c3 status. The list could continue. Needless to say that my blinders were just about off at this point. - It was during this time that rosalie announced that twi had settled the lawsuit with the Allens. This announcement was during lunch in the OSC so all staff were present. Most people were in a daze filled with relief that the adversary no longer could seek to destroy TWI through this lawsuit. There were handfuls of people that simply sat there with a blank stare and I was one of them. I sat there and thought WTF does rosie mean she settled a RICO case (and other charges) that had been levelled against TWI? Settled, that's a payoff to keep it out of court, right? Guess my critical thinking skills were developing in their infancy at this juncture. Ok, after leaving HQ to go in-residence at camp gunnison this is where I started to learn some very startling truths. It was during this time I learned that rosie had two known lesbians living in her basement at foxhaven. Frankly, I coulda cared less about it except twi was so extremely anti-homosexual. I also took time to peruse through old corps night tapes of LCM. Rosalie hadnt had the chance to purge the study hall library at gunnison late 2001. So I heard first hand so many tapes where he defamed standing way corps, et al., went on cursing tirades against the IRS, etc, and was just a complete hateful a$$. Definately not words a true minister would impart. She purged it all before I graduated. Next I dove into university of life. I devoured tape after tape, but it was VPs Roman teachings that I was enthralled with. I was told by one of my corps brothers at the time to read Just and The Justifier by Charles H. Welsch - a student of E.W. Bullinger. I was shocked that the content of the Roman teachings were straight outta Welsch's work, yet no credit was given. VPW took all the credit for the teachings....period! Naturally, this started to open my eyes to the issues TWI should have with vpw's years of plagiarism. They should have but don't care at all. Upon my graduation into the way corps I was starting to become keenly aware of the many problems twi had in front of them to survive as a church/ministry. I was still under the impression that rosalie was the deliverer and was slowly changing things from the inside for the betterment of God's standing belivers in the household of the way. Pfffft. My assignments at hq as assistant DC, DC, and prez cabinet opened my eyes fully to the sad truth. The truth that if the Allen lawsuit never happened nothing would have ever changed. in TWI But change happened anyway so that must be good and rosalie still TWI protector, right? Wrong Wrong Wrong! During a cabinet meeting one Thursday afternoon rosalie went on a rant because a certain clergy member at TWI had skipped the STS to attend their kids softball game. She plainly stated that she hated all the changes that had been forced on TWI over the years as a result of the Allen lawsuit. She said if she could, she would take a baseball bat to the dude who had skipped the STS. If she could she would undo all the changes forced on TWI by their lawyers. IT was during this time that I fully started to realize the simple truth. The way international had been hide vpw's evils for years. But because of craig martindale's evils being brought into a court of law they have had to white wash every aspect of TWI into the bland, boring crap it is today. Most disgustingly, they blatantly hide vps plagiarism, the fact that he was a sexual predator and adulterer. They hide that he was a drunk. he was mean, short tempered, kept body guards. They especially hide the way east and west and the hostile takeover vpw did to Heefner and Doop. My God, where would the list stop if I were to continue? They way is a preservation society that has elevated victor paul wierwille above Christ and knowingly covered sin after sin of it's founder and successor(s). Most importantly rosalie rivenbark has hid her own sins as someone who not only knew that craig was a sexual predator but also helped him conceal his crimes until she risked too much exposure. The way international truly is extremely deceptive in how they have handled God's Word. I'm thankful I witnessed what I did and can put it out in plain sight, So much more could be said, so much more had been said. Here's part of my two cents. - -
    1 point
  2. Hey- keep chasing off the top layer of talent, and eventually you scrape the bottom of the barrel. As we can see, when this continues, we find out what's left when you lift the barrel..
    1 point
  3. I'm no expert on his reactions. However, judging from how he tended to view women as inferior (and treated them so when the cameras were off), I think he'd be more offended that the top spot in twi was held by a woman, ahd have been offended that lcm let women completely run his life and all his actions when he was President. Anything else might offend him a lot less. Women running the thing, hunting and fishing less popular, no hunting dogs around-I'm sure he'd think it was all just to get rid of all the things he enjoyed. The whole "now you can't just rape the women" thing would be a part of that, since other people to him were just things to get him what he wanted.
    1 point
  4. OldSkool, many thanks for your story, a litany of abusive tactics if there ever was one. Your first-hand accounts from more recent years than mine (1970-1987) is valuable to me and many others! This part of your story can't be said enough ... "The way international had been hide vpw's evils for years. But because of craig martindale's evils being brought into a court of law they have had to white wash every aspect of TWI into the bland, boring crap it is today. Most disgustingly, they blatantly hide vps plagiarism, the fact that he was a sexual predator and adulterer. They hide that he was a drunk. he was mean, short tempered, kept body guards. They especially hide the way east and west and the hostile takeover vpw did to Heefner and Doop. My God, where would the list stop if I were to continue? They way is a preservation society that has elevated victor paul wierwille above Christ and knowingly covered sin after sin of it's founder and successor(s)." Keep speaking, keep thinking, keep the healing going ... Ciao for now, Charlene
    1 point
  5. Not that there's anything wrong with that.. (Just the hypocrisy)
    1 point
  6. At the risk of encouraging further ridiculous input and illogic from Mike, I offer the following, against my better judgement and waste of time. Mike.....your entire rap is based on the acceptance of dictor paul's illogical, private interpretation and outright, abject, voluminous plagiarism in and throughout his entire phony "minus-tray". IMO, that is a completely false premise. Your ONLY evidence and back-up is based on the presumption that whatever dictor wrote was "revelation", or "godbreathed". It is a false presumption full of logical fallacies and confirmation bias on your part. You continue to delude yourself, after all these years, that everything dictor wrote was "written by the finger of God". That is simply untrue. Your illogic is filled with false equivalencies, straw man arguments, red herrings, and purely unprovable anecdotal "evidence". Your basic premises are false premises based on your own misguided interpretations of dic's alcoholic and drug induced misinterpretations and plagiarism of the works of Bullinger, Stiles, Leonard, Kenyon, Ralph Woodrow, Lamsa, Oswald Chambers, E. Stanley Jones, Glenn Clark, Rufus Mosely, Oral Roberts, Rosalind Rinker, Charles Welch, Norman Vincent Peale, Dale Carnegie, AA, Billy Graham, and the John Birch Society, to name a few. He was a drunk, suffering from malignant, paranoid, sociopathic, narcissistic personality disorder with the accompanying compulsive pathological lying. He was a Nazi and Aryan Supremacist. He was a misogynist. He was a serial sexual batterer and rapist. He was a gross lecher and pervert, along with being a child molester, including his own daughters. He was a thief and a charlatan, and from 1982 until he died in May, 1985, he was an opioid addict (codeine and morphine). He was a serial adulterer. He was severely and debilitatingly mentally ill. He was a low C student at his "academic" best. He was an academic fraud and scholastic charlatan. He died of metastatic melanoma, which, by his own definitions, meant he was possessed by debbil spurts. He had the intellect of a lava rock and the personality of a poisonous sea slug. Yet, YOU put him on the pedestal of Mr. "Revelation", the 20th century Apostle Paul. All false presumptions, and logical fallacies. All YOUR CHOICES. YOU choose to believe they're all "god breathed". YOU ARE GROSSLY MISTAKEN AND MISGUIDED IMO. Your entire "argument" is built on the shifting sands of illogic and private interpretation, along with a debilitating confirmation bias based upon your presumptions and personal prejudices. Many of us here have heard all this before, ad nauseam. IMO, the fact that, after all these years you remain haplessly self-deluded in the false doctrines, wrong practices, and prideful, perverted delusions of a charlatan dead now for 32 years, is quite disappointing. You are a peaceful man of wholesome character AFAIK. I've always known you to be a gentle soul, and a kind man. But, to see you so willingly and devotedly stuck on stupid is sad. I am not trying to insult you, or demean you, or disrespect you. I am honestly and forthrightly expressing my opinions and observations. I accept the possibility that I could be totally wrong. However, I honestly and humbly do not think I am. Your rap is old and worn Mike. It is not only disinteresting, but frankly, really annoying. We have all been here before. I for one, have absolutely no interest or desire to revisit the fruitless and time consuming "discussions" with you based on all the illogic, and narcissistic devotion to a dead drunk. Honestly? I am amazed you still do. Peace to you Mike. I'm outta here.
    1 point
  7. OS, I didn't realize you were so young!! I'm 60, so to me, anyone under 50, is young. I heard VPW teach live several times; I thought he was boring as hell. I know some would disagree with me, but that is my opinion. I think Honey, you are starting to grow up, and I don't mean that in a condensing way. I think you, like many of us here, gave your youth to a cult. I got involved in 1978, and exited in 1988. I had no idea of all the garbage that went on behind the scenes, in Way World until I came to the GSC a few years ago. I thank God that you got out of that damn cult. One thing I am learning is to make my life count. I help people as much as I can with my limited resources. I treat people the way that I want to be treated. For me, life has gotten so much better since I left TWI.
    1 point
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