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After reading so many historical timelines of the way international here on GSC, and being an eyewitness to many of the changes implemented during/after the Allen lawsuit, it all comes down to one perpetual whitewash. The way international is a whited sepulcher. It all makes perfect sense to me now, especially when I consider the past that the way international does not want revealed in any capacity - unless of course its the approved version they teach the in-res corps through Ms Wierwille's incomplete biography of vpw, etc. But let's not forget the approved versions of the many nostalgic character traits vpw supposedly demonstrated as the man of god for our day and time. I was 32nd way corps, graduated in 2003. From 1996 - 2003 I spent my time immersed in all things the way international. Lived with my fellowship coordinators, moved with them, as they became candidate corps, went way disciple as they did - only in a different state. Was an assistant fellowship coordinator the remaining six months after my first way disciple year. Started my candidate year as a fellowship coordinator then went way disciple my apprentice year and was assigned to HQ. Spent two years in residence only to be assigned as assistant department coordinator at hq upon graduation from the corps. Became department coordinator within two years. Within a year as department coordinator was asked to be on the presidunce cabinet. Two years later I made my exit in 2008. Starting in 96 I was blown away by martindale's teachings, classes, etc. In my youthful zeal I choose blinders that suited my comfort level. Martindale was the man of God in my mind. I was told by my fellowship coordinators (who had been dropped from the way corps and been around damn near 30 years and were going corps a second time) of some of the history, fog years, the importance of the present truth, why the past was so bad - the adversary uses it, the importance of staying lock step with hq/Martindale, etc. During that time I witnessed the debt policy implemented, the no gift policy, learned of the no pregnancy BS, kept a tight schedule that my fellowship coordinator approved and oversaw. I was the perfect cult leader in training. I was so gung ho that when craig had us dial in on the phone hookup and admitted to a one time consensual affair with Mrs. All3n that I knew it must be the devil trying to take out my MOGFODAT. But during this time of supposed one time consensual affairs.......my exposure to dissension within the ranks from my branch/limb coordinators at the time began in full. But I was still lock step sold out to twi and craiggers.....aaaaaaannnnnd then I was assigned to hq for my second tenure as way disciple and my apprentice year. During this time I began adjusting my blinders to allow more light to shine. - 1999 - A couple months after I arrived at hq craig was asked to leave. My cabinet guy informed us that a major impediment had been removed. - Shortly after craig's departure dissenting top leadership (S@iler, Pannasmello, et al.) were rounded up, told to move into founders hall for monitoring and then either quit or were fired if they didn't get in line with Rosie the riveter. - Afterwards, hq staff were informed via their pres. cabinet that the board of dummies had invited two cult experts to hq and instructed hq staff to answer any questions honestly while going about our wayfer lives as normal. - During this same time frame so many changes were ushered into staff's and way corps' routines. Examples follow (but are not limited to): the pregnancy policy abolished, staff moved from need basis pay scale to salary based on an hourly basis (aka start of 46 hour hour cap with ot approved by presidents cabinet up to 52 hours and more hours than 52 approved by BOD,) Coerced volunteer time was now separate by cabinet area and coerced with department coordinators signing up those that didn't volunteer), staff personal schedules were no longer required to be turned in for approval, two by two travel was no longer mandated but encouraged, bod were forced to implement a harassment policy into the staff hand book as a system of redress for hq as well as staffers, STS attendance was now supposedly voluntary but checklists were still gathered by department every Monday morning, the noon meal was no longer mandatory, etc. - All of this gave the impression that rosalie was our great deliverer. Us plebe staffers had no idea that behind rosalie were lawyers hired by TWI to diffuse lawsuit ammo and whitewash the cult yet again from craigs lunacy. Whitewashed it so far and thorough that teaching responsibilities were decentralized from the president of TWI to many chosen folks. That way there was no charismatic leader to point the finger at. Wax on, wax off. - It was during this time that I was transferred out of my department and onto a large project to repair the main electrical loop that had fried from neglect. I found myself a fly on the wall to so many long time staffers and way corps that kept telling the same stories about craig and vpw. Abuse, adultery, large scale involvement of way corps to procure and hide that vpw and craig were serial sexual predators who preyed on any woman they found vulnerable. Personal misuse of ABS by board of trustees/directors over the years. Heck, this was such a big deal that even rosalie had to pay TWI to have grounds cut her grass at foxhaven lest she be found guilty of private inurement which would risk TWI losing its 501c3 status. The list could continue. Needless to say that my blinders were just about off at this point. - It was during this time that rosalie announced that twi had settled the lawsuit with the Allens. This announcement was during lunch in the OSC so all staff were present. Most people were in a daze filled with relief that the adversary no longer could seek to destroy TWI through this lawsuit. There were handfuls of people that simply sat there with a blank stare and I was one of them. I sat there and thought WTF does rosie mean she settled a RICO case (and other charges) that had been levelled against TWI? Settled, that's a payoff to keep it out of court, right? Guess my critical thinking skills were developing in their infancy at this juncture. Ok, after leaving HQ to go in-residence at camp gunnison this is where I started to learn some very startling truths. It was during this time I learned that rosie had two known lesbians living in her basement at foxhaven. Frankly, I coulda cared less about it except twi was so extremely anti-homosexual. I also took time to peruse through old corps night tapes of LCM. Rosalie hadnt had the chance to purge the study hall library at gunnison late 2001. So I heard first hand so many tapes where he defamed standing way corps, et al., went on cursing tirades against the IRS, etc, and was just a complete hateful a$$. Definately not words a true minister would impart. She purged it all before I graduated. Next I dove into university of life. I devoured tape after tape, but it was VPs Roman teachings that I was enthralled with. I was told by one of my corps brothers at the time to read Just and The Justifier by Charles H. Welsch - a student of E.W. Bullinger. I was shocked that the content of the Roman teachings were straight outta Welsch's work, yet no credit was given. VPW took all the credit for the teachings....period! Naturally, this started to open my eyes to the issues TWI should have with vpw's years of plagiarism. They should have but don't care at all. Upon my graduation into the way corps I was starting to become keenly aware of the many problems twi had in front of them to survive as a church/ministry. I was still under the impression that rosalie was the deliverer and was slowly changing things from the inside for the betterment of God's standing belivers in the household of the way. Pfffft. My assignments at hq as assistant DC, DC, and prez cabinet opened my eyes fully to the sad truth. The truth that if the Allen lawsuit never happened nothing would have ever changed. in TWI But change happened anyway so that must be good and rosalie still TWI protector, right? Wrong Wrong Wrong! During a cabinet meeting one Thursday afternoon rosalie went on a rant because a certain clergy member at TWI had skipped the STS to attend their kids softball game. She plainly stated that she hated all the changes that had been forced on TWI over the years as a result of the Allen lawsuit. She said if she could, she would take a baseball bat to the dude who had skipped the STS. If she could she would undo all the changes forced on TWI by their lawyers. IT was during this time that I fully started to realize the simple truth. The way international had been hide vpw's evils for years. But because of craig martindale's evils being brought into a court of law they have had to white wash every aspect of TWI into the bland, boring crap it is today. Most disgustingly, they blatantly hide vps plagiarism, the fact that he was a sexual predator and adulterer. They hide that he was a drunk. he was mean, short tempered, kept body guards. They especially hide the way east and west and the hostile takeover vpw did to Heefner and Doop. My God, where would the list stop if I were to continue? They way is a preservation society that has elevated victor paul wierwille above Christ and knowingly covered sin after sin of it's founder and successor(s). Most importantly rosalie rivenbark has hid her own sins as someone who not only knew that craig was a sexual predator but also helped him conceal his crimes until she risked too much exposure. The way international truly is extremely deceptive in how they have handled God's Word. I'm thankful I witnessed what I did and can put it out in plain sight, So much more could be said, so much more had been said. Here's part of my two cents. - -2 points
DWBH has a medical background. DWBH has both study and experience in medicine, at some level. vpw didn't- and still spoke at length on cancer. It was common for vpw to speak at length on topics on which he was factually ignorant.2 points
Twinky, that is true. But, I prayed about my Breast Cancer, and then had it taken care of at the DCVAMC, in DC. I did exactly what I was told to do, and when I was told to do it. I know a lot of people look down at VA Hospitals, but my Medical Team was great. One of my Doctors told me, I was the talk of the VA, but I had no idea what he was meant. When I first learned I had Breast Cancer, I cried, and cried. Then I took action. My Chemo sessions weren't fun, but hell, neither was Boot Camp. Then I had Radiation Treatments, and they weren't fun either. But, I am a female Veteran, so I am tougher than a Brillo Pad. The Breast Surgery wasn't fun either, but having my sister with me after the surgery was!! Thank the good Lord, that I am a Veteran, and the VA paid for almost everything. Now, I understand why God wanted me to join the Navy.2 points
Now here is a bird that has truly scheduled the Devil out of her life..... For at least as long as she can breathe ....1 point
The Way mostly follows the plumber's rules: 1) Sh@#@#@t flows downhill. 2) Payday is Friday Except for on #2, that is all diverted to the "household of God" inner elite. The Pharisees of the Pharisees. $65M in assets, $31M in short-term investments in money market. And President's Cabinet salaries. Your ABS at work. I don't know why people stay. I mean the plumber's rules are there in all of life. If you don't have the second rule to look forward to, life can get kind of depressing.1 point
I worked in a cancer hospital for several years as secretary to a wonderful radiation oncologist. At The James Cancer Hospital they state that cancer is actually over 600 diseases! There are many different causes, and most of them we don't know exactly. For someone like GVC to get hit with cancer while doing the right things as we know them, no drugs, booze or cigarettes (or anything else that can be smoked) is a terrible shock. The doctor I worked for is a survivor herself, and said she suspects that there's a strong genetic component in a tendency toward having some kind of malignancy pop up in the body. In any event, I met some wonderful people who were not only survivors, but warriors in the battle against cancers of any kind. Early in my working there, I realized if I were still "in" I would have been strictly forbidden to take this job. And I got blessed to be a blessing so many times working there. To make a short story long, this whole business of cancer being caused by devil spirit possession, is in my opinion a bunch of horse?$hit. I greatly appreciate DWBH's post too; a great explanation. It is tragic the people who have been hurt by TWI's nonsensical approach to sickness and disease, not only cancer, but also any health problems.1 point
Bingo. Bonus points for "why you think anyone here thinks you have something to offer on a topic of substance." After years of nothing but smoke and allusions alternating with correctable/corrected errors, and elevation of the pfal books beyond anything vpw said about them, in between worship of vpw, we're skeptical you've anything of substance to bring to the table NOW. And if anyone's wondering what I meant by worship of vpw, I meant comments that he was "born with an overabundance of brains and brawn", that he was "overgifted" and that "where he walked, the earth shook." At that level, it is NOT hyperbole to call that "worship", at least "hero worship".1 point
Remember the good old days in TWI – when problem-solving was made easy. Any challenge, obstacle, problem 1, or issue could be handled by a simple formula, rule, list of steps/keys, principle, pat phrase, or when all else fails S.I.T. Needless to say – for the most part these "problem-solving" tips were great for relieving one of a very heavy burden - - - thinking. These became our repertoire in counseling, decision-making or in any typical problem-solving context. To receive anything from God you must first know what, class? What are the keys to walking by the spirit? What is the great principle? Believing equals what, class?.....i'll take what is bu11 $h it2 for $200, Alex. ~~ I've thought a lot about when I first heard The Passing of the Patriarch and the aftershocks of turmoil, confusion, frustration, doubt, fear and even anger. And maybe it was after the dust settled that many started experiencing a unique sensation called thinking. This was a milestone in the next phase of a journey – the re-awakening of problem-solving skills. It's been said a problem clearly defined is halfway solved4. I think there may be something to that. However, when you're knee deep in the BS2 of leaders blame-shifting, avoiding the issues, attributing any problems, failures and trouble in the ranks as being caused by devil spirits you have about as much chance of identifying the problem as a blind man would in finding a blue book in the middle of a stack of orange books3. Maybe an aberrant form of the inverse would apply here – any problem defined by TWI is as clear as mud and will take forever and a day to solve. So by discouraging thinking and stunting growth of problem-solving skills, TWI in effect just about guarantees that a follower will fail at solving the greatest problem of all – why life in the Way Ministry is so miserable. Perhaps if the solution was laid out in a simple list – more folks would leave TWI… In order to be free of TWI you must know 1. Freedom is available: I can recall many a teaching that laid out their prophecy of doom – any choice other than the ministry's way leads only to oblivion. Don't believe that BS2. Think outside the box5. 2. How to receive it: pack your bags and high-tail it outta there. Pass "go" and do not collect the abundant sharing – matter of fact, give any collected money back to folks. Believing you're free equals you'll be leaving the Way Tree. 3. What to do with it after you've got it: don't look back! Join Grease Spot. Witness to friends & family about your new found freedom. 4. Your willingness to comply equals their ability to ensnare you: become rebellious. Pray in the name of Davey Crockett at your next twig meeting. Question everything they say. Pour cayenne pepper on the critical thinking lobe of your brain. 5. Needs and wants don't have to be parallel: they don't have to be perpendicular, concentric, or elliptical either. This is America for gosh sakes. Land of the FREE and home of those brave enough to thumb their noses at pseudo-religious control-freaks. ~~ ~~ footnotes 1. Note to reader on the above use of "problem"; in case you've lost your TWI Secret Decoder Ring, in the beginning "problem" was encrypted to appear as "opportunity". When was "the beginning"? According to the gap theory, it was sometime between plagiarizing the material of Kenyon, BG Leonard and a host of others. How long was that period of time? You can make it as long as you like. If any of you scholars out there want to place the dinosaurs in that time period, feel free to do so. As a matter of fact that will be addressed later in my class when we look into the evolutionary process of fossil fuels changing into snow covered gas pumps….by the way, tonight's message boys and girls is "….take more PFAL…" 2. bu11 $h i+ and BS, also known as the rightly divided word of vic. 3. To be fair, there are numerous cases on record of blind people easily identifying the Blue Book from the Orange Book when book covers were in Braille. There are also numerous cases of people with a unique form of mental blindness who cannot tell the difference between the Bible and any of the PFAL books. 4. Perhaps the other side of the coin that states "a problem clearly defined is halfway solved" might read "the biggest obstacle to solving a problem is being unaware that there is a problem. 5. The box refers to the itty bitty room where you first took the class, and specifies the exact dimensions of your projected growth – analogous to the idea that fish will only grow so big inside a very small tank. Jump out of the tank why dontcha! ~~ edited in this day and time and hour by someone who has not mastered the art of telling time1 point
glad you're ok Grace - and thank you for your service - you are one tough sister ! love and peace T-Bone1 point
For sure, T-Bone. Also, I live spending my time, and money on things that are important to me.1 point
DL, I know a bit about cancer. I had Breast Cancer 13 years ago. I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs. Yet, I still ended up with it. I don't think my Cancer was caused by DS; I think Craig, and VPW were DS themselves. How I got Cancer, is a mystery to me. However, once I got it, I got it taken care of immediately!! So far, I haven't had it since, thank God!!1 point
I used to think there was comfort in "knowing that I know that I know, ad infinitum". I now realize there is a sense of relief in accepting I'm not as smart as I once thought. It gives me the freedom to explore, to change, to learn in ways that I may have avoided in the past. It was a bit scary, at first, learning my foundation was built on something defective. Wierwille used to say "You can't go beyond what you're taught." My wish for you is that you discover how very wrong he was about that.1 point
Rocky recommended some good reading material – and I wanted to add something regarding your question “Do you think john is still living the delusional "the way" mindset?” Referring back to the doctrinal thread STF’s REV that I recommended in my previous post, I would answer your question with a big YES! victor paul wierwille/TWI twisted the Bible to match their theology. If you have any biblical Greek reference tools to consult - you will find a distortion of scripture by STF in just the first chapter of John of their REV translation. It is one thing to formulate a systematic theology based on the plain statements of Bible texts but it is quite another thing – dishonest really – to translate a Bible text according to one’s theology even if it goes counter to the definitions, syntax, etc. of the biblical language of the text. Perhaps it is a carryover of the TWI mindset why some folks are so enthralled with STF’s material. It has to do with learned helplessness. TWI had a knack for convincing folks they could not make sense of the Bible and life all on their own – but instead desperately needed TWI’s help. That’s why I suggested you get into doing your own “research” on another thread: Is it ok to recommend wierwille's books? Maybe something that goes along with learned helplessness is how a cult’s viewpoint becomes the most dominant thing in one’s life. I used to have this idea (in my former TWI mindset) that life revolved around my knowledge of the Bible (or more specifically, how life revolved around TWI’s interpretation of the Bible). What about turning that around? Why not you (including wife and kids – if you are married and have kids) be at the center of your “world” and the Bible and other interests revolve around that? I’m into music and art. I also get into big reading projects. A few years ago I read quite a few books on JFK’s assassination. Now I’m into reading stuff on World War One. I’ve got that book Rocky mentioned on my Kindle and listed on my long reading list spreadsheet – the best way for me to manage the little bookworm inside me. Life is big and it's not just about books – so don’t let anyone put your mind in a stifling little box. Bottom line is you are free to chart your own course in life. I wish you the best and may you be wise in what tools to use to navigate your journey. love and peace T-Bone1 point
Twinky, Hope your enjoying your holiday! These threads are a treasure collected over years and years of heart poured truth Greasepot Cafe is where it's at1 point
Sitting through a video presentation of ANYONE expounding the Bible again is just not something I ever want to do again! And it's not because I think the Bible is BS (I don't) or any number of negative things some may say it is -- but just because I feel I've sat through enough Bible "teachings" to last a hundred lifetimes!! Hehehe. It's funny ... the fact that one man is still doing the same thing he did for well over 30 years now -- in exact style and content and delivery -- over and over and over again ... is sorta weird to me! Also, when I've popped on JAL's facebook page or clicked on a couple of his YouTube videos ... what I see and hear just does not seem authentic to me. It doesn't seem to be coming from the HEART of the man ... that sacred core where our deepest convictions/passions reside. His presentation almost seems robotic to me ... like some of those eerie Disney displays at the 1964 World's Fair -- where the characters look life-size and true to the human form, but move and talk in a slowed-down, mechanical way! I don't know ... maybe I'm being too harsh in my impressions. Or maybe all those teachings of "a hundred lifetimes" have just taken their toll on me. All I can say is that I've never been so thankful to have walked away when I did from the programming that I acquiesced to in TWI for far too many years! Real life and real people living in the REAL world are just a whole lot ... well ... more REAL than anything I ever lived in when I was a wayfer. Hearing JAL do his JAL thing is like going back in time to the unreal! "Get a chart - get a life"? I don't think so!1 point
Very funny, T-Bone. You know, though, that a fundamental thing that escapees need to know, to really know, that's absolutely completely completely know - is that : GOD LOVES THEM - STILL - wherever they are and GOD IS NOT DISPLEASED WITH THEM. GOD IS NOT ASHAMED OF THEM, and THEY ARE NOT A DISGRACE TO HIS FAMILY. GOD DELIGHTS IN THEM ONLY LEGALISTS REJECT THEM That maybe has to be understood before "what's available" can really clip in.1 point
I had one Corps grad (I won't mention names) actually try and physically throw me out of my parent's house once. Why? Because I stubbed my barefoot toe on the kitchen table leg and cursed. And it really wasn't anything bad. All I said was "Oww, s@@@, that hurt." Idiot. Did I mentionthat at that time I was 6'5", over 275 pounds, and had many years of martial arts training? Out of respect for my parents, I didn't hurt him. I just put him on his butt. Then he started yelling at my father about how I was "possessed because a true believer would never raise a hand to a man of god". My father decked him for that. When he got up, my mom whacked him behind the knee with her cane. I picked him up and threw him out the door. We never went back. This was all before the "mark and avoid" garbage.1 point
In the early 80's I had been running a twig in a small midwestern town for a few years when we were sent WOWs...long and short of it, I was not allowed to have any influence with "LCs WOWs". One of the WOWs had history of heart problems. She became very ill and needed to be taken to the hospital. I called the LC and told him I was taking her to the hospital, he proceeded to tell me I was interfering with his WOWs and he would make the decision to let her go to the hospital. He was 50 miles away and had not even come to visit her...anyway, I said F this jerk I'm taking her to the hospital. The Dr. said she needed immediate IV dose of antibiotics and fluids to prevent her condition from worsening. None of this mattered to the LC, he was more worried about the Dr. calling him a cult leader than the girl's condition. He immediately came over to my house after visiting the hospital and reemed me for taking her to the hospital. Being a product of the rebellous 70's (one reason I got involved in the first place), I told him to F off. Even, better the girl wanted to leave the field and go back to NY after getting out of the hospital. I bought her a 1 way plane ticket. She was very sick and wanted to go home to her family, who wanted to take care of her. To this day I believe I did the right thing for her.1 point