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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/22/2017 in all areas

  1. I'm not even going to bother listening/watching to the R&R presentations you all are talking about. I remember when we got the boot writing a four-page letter explaining our situation to the Reverend Mr. Fort. We felt we had been unfairly treated by D*&e M1ln$r, the branch coordinator, and wished to clarify what we saw as his sarcastic, legalistic, unreasonable attitude. The Most Exceedingly Great and Mighty Man of God the Reverend Mr. Fort wrote a snide, snarky sarcastic little note on the last page of our letter and sent it back. Something like "Amazing that you take four pages to explain what D.M. could explain clearly in four sentences in a phone call. Don't bother trying to come back." I did figure out where D.M. learned his nasty, sarcastic ways, though. The Moneyhands as you call them were limb leaders in a state we lived in. They were, to my humble observation, very very very very superior to us mere peasants. The Mrs. did offer to administer some kind of a personality test to me, which I declined. "Don't you want to know how you think?" she asked me. "I believe I'm supposed to think the Word of God." I replied. I don't have a terribly good impression of her brand of psychology. Didn't trust her then or now. I don't remember meeting any of the other people on the list. Sad, though, to think they are setting themselves up to delude, degrade, and destroy even more hapless souls than they already have. Not a single one of them is worth a penny of my money or a second of my time.
    3 points
  2. So johniam. Would you say that Chris Geer has changed from all of the depravity of his past? I would have a really hard time trying to see how this wasn't putting new wine in old wineskins. I don't see how a man who served as a complete VPW yes-man, including playing a part in the sexual abuse of young women, and then doing a power grab like he did, is a genuine Christian minister. While I am thankful there are Christian fellowships out there who take care of each other like you described with your fellowship's finances in an emergency, I do not support or condone the enablement of sycophants placing themselves at the top of a hierarchy of a new cult. And if teachings, research, works are based upon VPW, it is definitely a new cult.
    1 point
  3. My parents were involved in TWI during this time period. My father passed away when I was young but I do recall conversations with my mother about this era of TWI when I got older. She has dementia now so she remembers none of the details, but I will share what I remember from the conversations. My mother took VPW's PFAL class live during the late 1950's(57-59) in Dayton, OH or somewhere in that vicinity. She really believed VPW had taught the most accurate word of God since the 1st century. Little did she know that much of the content was taken from other authors such as Leonard, Stiles, etc. She eventually talked my father into taking the class. They were members of the Baptist church at the time and taught a Sunday school class there. At some point they began teaching things in Sunday school that they learned from VPW which prompted a confrontation from the Baptist church minister. They decided they would not "compromise" so they left the Baptist church and began following VPW exclusively. I remember hearing about the Sunday teachings being held in the building that was adjacent to Weirwille Rd.(BRC??) They met Bishop Pillai there during that time and my oldest brother attended the 1st summer school that was held in NK. It was a very different culture back in those days. Much easier to conceal things. Back then they really believed VPW had special info. Wow, I just realized this thread was started in 2005.
    1 point
  4. Pretty cool illustration of how donations should be used to help meet peoples needs. I was in twi from 1996 to 2008. ANY and ALL donations went to HQ. Money needed within the regions was allocated by HQ and sparingly at that. Twi hoards money for the sheer greed of it. Barely any monetary compensation is sent to non-salaried way corps to cover expenses incurred while doing ministry business. Those who ask for money are heavily discouraged from doing so by their limb or region leadrship. The bone heads running the show at HQ figure theyve taught people how to fish instead of giving them the fish they need. Law of believing / tithing /abs / plurality giving. Sink or swim in other words. The Way International is highly reprobate when it comes to using donations to help those in need.
    1 point
  5. Hi All! Well....I actually finished forcing myself to listen to those lying, sanctimonious, self-deluded fools. I could only take it in 8-10 minute segments, once a day. I felt as if I was watching the defendants at the Nurenberg trials lying their sleazy butts off. Where were they 30 fucking years ago?? These self-serving phonies were the Goehrings, the Eichmanns, the Goebbels, the Speers, the Himmlers of dictor paul's Aryan Nazi cult. I remember some letter writings back in 1986 and1987. I remember these same little Nazi asskissers congratulating themselves over and over for coming to the aid of da forehead throughout the 1990's buying every absurdity he made them believe and thereby carrying out the grand atrocities he devised in his pathologically disturbed mind and corrupt soul. NO ONE HELD A GUN TO ANY OF YOUR HEADS YOU CHICKENSHIT SELF-SERVING PIMPS AND WHORES. I remember old Boob himself so strung out on self-pity and anti-depressants that all the little crybaby could do was sit in meetings with his head on the table crying the crocodile tears of a zombie-wayfer. Horney sounds like a tape of da dancing president. There must not remain a single coherent, non way-brained braincell left in that clanging cranium. And Funnyboy Fort. Get em laughing on the way to the Gulags or push em into the gas chambers, l'il standup wannabe, Mikey the trustee's kid. I won't even get started on their perky, cutesy, smarmy, little slut wives. What a ship of fools. The combined courage of the cowardly lion and a combined IQ of 70. They ALL KNEW the truth about dictor paul, Rosie, da forehead and Donna, coward, ding dong, townsends, cummins, geer, finnegan, lynn, wrenn, et al, as well as their own filth over these many decades now. I was there you jerks. I KNOW! YOU KNOW THAT I KNOW. BUT, MOST IMPORTANTLY, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST KNOWS. And he will surely say to all of you hypocrites and spiritual cadavers, "I never knew you!". And, certainly, and obviously, you have never known Him! Selah!
    1 point
  6. Maybe only 2 at a time...when it came to LCM. There was a bit of denial on my part concerning the "date and switch" until I actually witnessed it first hand and spent a fair amount of time telling the girl it happened to that no, it was not okay to be drawn into a Christian organization using those tactics. Then when I was told by the corp guy who did it that "anything was acceptable" to bring people to the class - well, that was the last class I ever had anything to do with. Tactics such as those do not inspire confidence in the truthfulness of what is being taught. Just sayin'
    1 point
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