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Ralph posts here from time to time. He's insightful and hilarious! Don't think it's my place to reveal what he goes by but if you read the posts enough you'll figure out it's him.1 point
yeah Skyrider pretty much nailed it on the head with that one. I met Jean-Yves twice, he is one of Rosalie's 'boys' when she says jump!! he will be saying 'how high?apart from that he was not impressed with me since i fell asleep during Rosalies welcoming speech at Founders Hall for International students(no bad intentions at the time) funny now LOL! and i ask myself how people would want to continue in a deceitful cult like this led by someone who does this kind of thing to families?! Brainwashed i say! but its the modus operandi of the way nothing new...1 point
Not sure I'm doing this correctly, so please forgive my lack of computer expertise ...year I left 1988....actually left the country....and when I returned to the US, I moved to a different location, but it seemed that everyone I knew disappeared (speaking of the folks in the area where I lived before I left the country). Over the years, I've reconnected with a few folks who are doing their own thing. I've been on here many times...as a visitor, I never created an account or signed in other than this account --touchofspice....I hope that answers your question. Topics that I read....What happened with Martindale and TWI...part of the reason I left when I left the country was because of Martindale's blustering....read more about it on this website clarified some things for me that I had heard through the grapevine. I also read/saw the fax sent by Howard Allen (if memory serves me) telling some f9olks they were not welcome at headquarters. I was curious what happened after I left. Before leaving I saw a large number of people leaving. I heard about some folks getting fired, etc. I am very surprised at some of the posts I've read, apparently, my experiences with TWI are very different from many of the folks on here. And I don't understand some of the reasons why people stayed--based on their experiences and how they were treated. Another reason I left because of the back biting....things that I saw were definitely contrary to what I believe God Word wanted for his people. As I lost most of my research library when moving, I was looking for resources, including the PFAL if it was available, however, I have no desire to break the law. Yes, it may seem odd to post here as so many are opposed to TWI. I still believe in God and I still do as much as I can--researching the Word on my own. As it's my understanding that TWI doesn't use PFAL anymore...that's the reason I asked about it. Hope I've answered your questions....short on time here, but I will return when I have more time be well1 point
Thanks for the information, Rocky. Interesting reading and listening. I haven't been on GS for quite awhile. Peace, homies! I was surprised my dancing Calvin dude is gone. I must have missed an upgrade. Not to worry, Calvin is always *here*. Got a heads up to this topic sent to me by a friend-o. This has been a developing story for several months, first heard about some of this movement a year or so ago. But if they don't land in front of my face I don't hear about this kind of stuff. DWBH! Yes, indeed. I see Ed and Jackie Horney there. Knew them back in Miami, they were both coming to our fellowship way back when, when they were dating. I love them, although I haven't really seen them for many years and have only friended Ed on farcebake recently. I'm glad they've separated themselves from the Way, any degree of separation will benefit them. They, as all of us, deserve a lot better than what's being funneled out of The Way Nash these days. But true - all of these people were active in the past 30 - 40, 50 years (dang, we're getting old aren't we???). I find it amazing they can suddenly be so critical the last few months, or years, of policies and actions that have been so for decades and that they themselves embraced and participated in. Y'know? Watzupwiddat? That business about the Way employee who was scheduled to teach a SNS and was pulled the last minute.....oh, the horror, it wasn't even announced, a new teacher took the podium, no explanation and worst of all, everyone from his domain area that had dialed in didn't know what was going on! Oh, the confusion they must have felt! As if that's a new scenario in the Way......? That kind of thing has happened and most assuredly continues to happen ALL THE TIME. the Way's byline should be "No, We Don't Answer Questions".....they never tell anyone anything about what they're doing and they're constant press-release communications amount to "You're ALWAYS welcome at the Way!", which is an english translation of a greek phrase that originally meant "Fu ck You". So, agreed, they're apparently nuts, damaged goods, dented cans, smiling icons of a lost race of people once thought to dwell in central Ohio. Museum artifacts. We be pretty far from any concerns as to what they're "revive and restore" business will be about but I'm sure it will be taking donations soon enough. Take care, my friends! Jesus is the way, the truth and the life! He was dead and lives again and God forgives and saves to the uttermost any and all who come to Him through Christ. Reckon yourself dead to sin and alive in Christ and enjoy that "new life" smell all the time!! You deserve it! Peace!! Well, that's about it. This is my bi-centennial post. And speaking of donations, I know you're probably wondering how to show your gratitude for this enlightening presentation. I get it and rather than complicate things, I've set up a number of ways for you to give back, and all for your convenience. 1. Use the "socks paypal" account to contribute to this important work. It's easy - go to paypal, find the "MoneyIsLikeLoveButCrisper" account and choose an amount. Think big. God doesn't like little thinkers. 2. Kickstart donations - yep, you can fund my next Big Idea. And I've got some great ones! Get involved! It's not going to fund itself! 3. Send those love dollars directly to me, socks. Use my email account: TakeMyMoneyPleaseSocks@ReviveAndRestoreMySockDrawer.com Peace out!!1 point
Hi All! Well....I actually finished forcing myself to listen to those lying, sanctimonious, self-deluded fools. I could only take it in 8-10 minute segments, once a day. I felt as if I was watching the defendants at the Nurenberg trials lying their sleazy butts off. Where were they 30 fucking years ago?? These self-serving phonies were the Goehrings, the Eichmanns, the Goebbels, the Speers, the Himmlers of dictor paul's Aryan Nazi cult. I remember some letter writings back in 1986 and1987. I remember these same little Nazi asskissers congratulating themselves over and over for coming to the aid of da forehead throughout the 1990's buying every absurdity he made them believe and thereby carrying out the grand atrocities he devised in his pathologically disturbed mind and corrupt soul. NO ONE HELD A GUN TO ANY OF YOUR HEADS YOU CHICKENSHIT SELF-SERVING PIMPS AND WHORES. I remember old Boob himself so strung out on self-pity and anti-depressants that all the little crybaby could do was sit in meetings with his head on the table crying the crocodile tears of a zombie-wayfer. Horney sounds like a tape of da dancing president. There must not remain a single coherent, non way-brained braincell left in that clanging cranium. And Funnyboy Fort. Get em laughing on the way to the Gulags or push em into the gas chambers, l'il standup wannabe, Mikey the trustee's kid. I won't even get started on their perky, cutesy, smarmy, little slut wives. What a ship of fools. The combined courage of the cowardly lion and a combined IQ of 70. They ALL KNEW the truth about dictor paul, Rosie, da forehead and Donna, coward, ding dong, townsends, cummins, geer, finnegan, lynn, wrenn, et al, as well as their own filth over these many decades now. I was there you jerks. I KNOW! YOU KNOW THAT I KNOW. BUT, MOST IMPORTANTLY, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST KNOWS. And he will surely say to all of you hypocrites and spiritual cadavers, "I never knew you!". And, certainly, and obviously, you have never known Him! Selah!1 point
And..........Tom M1tchell was attempting to talk to his wife Ramona so that they'd leave hq-compound together. Well, Craig was in a meeting and got wind of it.....and he immediately sent messenger-boy Bill Green3 to get Ramona and tell her "....don't leave, Craig wants to meet with you." [Craig told Bill.....you married them, you therefore have entre into their lives.] From what I remember.......Craig relayed to Ramona that if she left with Tom, her life was in danger. Craig convinced her that Tom was irrational and open to devil-spirit possession......thus, staying "at headquarters, with the household" was the right choice. [And therefore.......their sex romps could continue.] Ramona stayed. Tom left hq........and soon thereafter, went out into the backyard and "blew his brains out." And now..........messenger-boy Bill Gre3ne's son, Chandler is twi's corps coordinator.1 point
How soon we forget. This was the same R@mon@ who was married to T0M M1TCHELL. Anyone here meet him? He was married and he and the Mrs were living on-grounds during the lcm era. Sometime after Tom found out that lcm was doing his wife, he got into an argument about it with her. Witnesses said they overheard him shout that he couldn't compete with Craig, and he stalked off. That was the last anyone saw him alive-he went off and blew his brains out. He certainly didn't deserve that. (I'd known him- he deserved a beatdown with fists, but not for his wife to cheat on him, nor to be driven to suicide because a group's second leader worshipped his predecessor so much that when the guy said adultery was fine, he agreed and did it. She's the same R@mon@.1 point
When someone asked vpw why he (single-handedly) selected lcm as his successor, he told them outright that it was because lcm never questioned him, he just followed orders. There were a number of competent people at the top (competent for twi, at least), but lcm was the one who would follow vpw over a cliff. There was also some thinking that the corps would fall in line with lcm like they wouldn't with anyone else. If you read the digest of "VP and Me", lcm's book about how much he worshipped vpw, you'd see how lcm spent his entire adult life after college in twi itself-with no training outside of college or twi. If that doesn't scare you, I don't know what will.1 point
At this point, it seems likely that the intent of this R and R group is a wholesale coup d'etat to gain access to the $50million+ assets that Rosie and Yves now control. They as much as telegraphed that intent when they denied they plan to start a new splinter ministry. Of course, I could say that I received revelation to that effect, but that would be bull dung. It IS a hunch on my part. What irks me most about the situation is their declaration that they intend to oversee a spiritual revival in TWI. I mean, come on... how freakin' arrogant of them. Even if they had a humble attitude, wouldn't it still be up to God rather than people to determine whether there was going to be a spiritual revival? The people seeking the overthrow of the current administration of TWI have LOTS of baggage themselves. Have any of them demonstrated anything even close to resembling repentance for their own wickedness? Just sayin'.1 point
1 point
I have seen posts that say the same things, or worse, about her. I heard WPW teach several times, and I thought he was boring!! I think one of the best teachers I ever heard teach was Ralph D. What a great teacher he was. Funny, but sharp!! I thought he should of been appointed the head of TWI, when VPW died, instead of Craig. I know he was badly treated by the BOT, but they were a--holes, and he wasn't. From what I understand he lives/lived in Massachusetts. I wish him a long, and happy life.1 point
1 point
Hi all! imho, anyone who accepts anything any of these brain-dead Nazis says, "teaches", writes, or thinks about, or is not delusional, paranoid nacrsissistic psychobabble, should now, once and for all have their doubts explained or their "consciences" seared. What a total crock of shit. LMAO at these self-important, self-inflated, and self-deluded morons.1 point