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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/2017 in all areas

  1. No, you have to confront within the household - the WC household that is - keep it discreet, of course. Then, if the trustees won't respond, it has to be taken before the whole church, ie, all of TWI - by doing this video. Bolshy, you must know surely that you can't tell everyone you're planning a coup??
    2 points
  2. Ran across a series titled "The Eighties" and it was pretty good. While watching, this thought came into me head - "Too bad I missed it." Realized once again that we were divorced from normal life and thought that was normal. Like not being part of the human race or something.
    1 point
  3. I hope that maybe anyone who leaves can actually encounter the living word of God (Jesus) instead of just studying the words on the pages of their Bibles and concordances. There's a huge difference. I didn't realize how big of a Pharisee I was and how I was burdening people instead of encouraging them and making their burden lighter. There is so much MORE available than what the Way and a lot of the offshoots can offer. I love being in a group that realizes no one has it all together and we all (different ministries and even churches ) need each other.
    1 point
  4. I think you hit the nail on the head OldSkool !! A number of them hung around 'hoping' they would be the next prez , or if not them, someone they were 'palywaly' with, who would help feather their nest. Then when their hopes are shattered, they muster up the cahunas to finally leave. Maybe what Rico described about revelation is true...in HIS own mind. Seriously, things became so warped and twisted and lah lah in twi that one could talk oneself into believing almost anything !!
    1 point
  5. Welcome to the Cafe, Friscoguy. There's a link to the broadcast on Page 1 of the Revival and Restoration thread. If you have any comments, it would be better to post on that thread. There are a number of other comments and precis.
    1 point
  6. Or, you could send Skyrider a private message asking him for the link. He's good at it.
    1 point
  7. So.......admittedly, this group has been scheming a departure and "power grab" for at least 4 years. First of all, this RnR group will SOON REALIZE.......once people break away from the fear-based twit-cult, they will NOT automatically follow another "designated leader." Once the stranglehold is broken......and IF any venture on over to GSC......they will find whole new vistas of thought and freedom. Their critical thought processes will engage......AND......many will STOP GOING TO AN RnR-SPLINTER GROUP, as well. Many who went to CES..........don't anymore. Many who went to CFF..........don't anymore. Once people break free from the chains of fear, manipulation and exploitation........they ain't going to regularly attend RnR "fellowships" and give a hunk of their hard-earned money to ANOTHER group that preaches wierwille-adulation. Plus, add in some corps grad egos who want salaried........and, bang, off to the races they go with more in-fighting, back-biting, and splintering. Once people exit a cult..........it's a brave, new world out there. Go for it.
    1 point
  8. Order the Cult starter kit – call now, (smooth) operators are standing by Call in the next 10 millennium and you’ll also receive: Crash-course in personality make-over: become that charming narcissistic megalomaniac that you’ve always wanted to be! Lessons in Lockbox Logistics: learn the complex operation of hiding bodies, crimes, misdemeanors, witnesses, and more! Buzzword Generator app: puts you in the driver seat of any conversation! Original Research Sampling Techniques: who thought of it first? Who cares!?!? Plagiarism smagiarism. Autographed copy of “How I Did It” by Elmer Gantry. Now how much do you think a minimum required donation would be for all of the above? Well, the next caller who really believes they can’t start a cult without all of this $hit stuff will also receive the book “How to Sin Against Friends and Compromise Scruples”.
    1 point
  9. A few years ago a friend of Brian M’hands told us that he and his family were planning something of a coup. Years later , here it is apparently. I don’t think they wanted to go the splitter route. They wanted to revive and restore as far back as 4 years ago. That’s the exact term they used. Wow.
    1 point
  10. They awoke from their Way Dreams and quickly realised the real truth
    1 point
  11. short answer: maybe for whatever reason or reasons - they realized it wasn't a good fit for them. expanded literal not-so-short answer: after a long and continual effort to be honest and kind within a deceitful and exploitative organization - realizing one cannot put a round peg in a square hole - cuz it just don't fit - so they left.
    1 point
  12. waysider.....besides Greasespot (and its predecessors), what other sites allow comments and free-flow discussion of twi-involvement, experiences or doctrine? Twi-offshoots? Nope. Didn't CES have one and then, close it down? How about CFF? Or Finneg@an's outfit? Or Panarell0's? None that I know of. Didn't the innie corps guy, John Br0wn, start one and twi shut it down? How about John Riches0n's corps site? No real in-depth discussions, is there? Where else is there to unravel the mess and discuss openly? Seems like GS Cafe is a very special open forum.
    1 point
  13. Wierwille's twi was structured with NO OPEN DIALOGUE. Wierwille's pfal was cunningly calculated to AVOID ANY QUESTIONING. Wierwille's adv class was devised with REPETITIVE, POSITIVE FEEDBACK. Wierwille's corps was BOOT ON THE NECK OF ANY AND ALL DISSENTERS. Open, Honest Dialogue AND Questioning? Twi couldn't survive if OPEN DISCUSSION were allowed. <_<
    1 point
  14. Comments above on this page... Who'd'ya think would win in a fight between Rosie and Geer? Maybe they should have a merger. After all, their common adversary LCM is well out of the...way. The battle of the egos...arch manipulators...southern sugar against Maine steel.
    1 point
  15. P.F.A.L - - - - - > > > Prunes For Abundant Living??
    1 point
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