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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/10/2017 in all areas

  1. Thanks for posting that, CD. I watched it so's you-all here don't have to. But go ahead if you want to bore yourselves silly! There was a lot of laughs and tittering going on; all good pals together, how nice we all are Their remarks in ordinary text, my comments in blue. We think it's inappropriate for one - or sometimes two - people to make the decision to drop someone from the Corps. Seriously? How many people have been kicked out over the many years these people say they've been part of TWI? And they only just noticed?? Some of those M&A'd have been dumped by members of this very group of "reformers." Next, it's Biblical to confront, and then if "there's no appropriate response to this inquiry, the next step we'll need to take it is to bring to the Way Corps household"? (12m18s) - and quotes scripture (1 Tim 1:19-21) to support this?? Yes, the man said this! Way Corps calling is one of the gifts and callings of God and is without repentence (Eeeekkk!) (about 16m) We would publish our letter [to the BoD] for all the believers to see if God told us to and if there was no response (so far the response is non-repentance) (23m) Acts 15 is a good precedent for a meeting to discuss things (26m) - well, not quite, that was a discussion about doctrine; these people's dispute is about leadership, Rosalie's in particular. Why should we have to monitor our actions because our Biblical ministers (!) might get mad at us? (32m) - good question! Especially from someone who did just that and monitored (spied on) the in-rez Corps relentlessly! Can't speak for later years - the spying got significantly worse (after I got M&A'd) with the mandated time plans everyone had to submit. The word will always need to be researched to make sure we get to the integrity and accuracy of God's word. To think we've arrived at the final answer on every topic in the word of God is erroneous. There will always need to be filters to make sure there's no PI. (36m) ... well now... hmm... how about researching by doing and - you know what? God invites us to test him out. We're not going to do that by sticking our heads in concordances or whatever. We get out there and serve people. Did Jesus "research" to find out whether he could feed huge crowds? Is "research" how he walked on water? (I can't recall any kind of precedent for that.) Or did he just do by committing his action in prayer to his Father? "It's about the body of Christ working together" - ie, working from within to change TWI and not joining a splinter group. mmm. how about finding out about the body of Christ? It's more than just TWI (is it even TWI??) - there are some awesome and doing Christians out and about who most certainly are part of the body of Christ. Some of these humble individuals, just ordinary folks, no degrees or fancy titles, no great research skills, have achieved more than all the "leaders" in TWI put together. Eye witness accounts are valuable (48m) - so please listen to what people have been saying for years. Try this forum!! The joy of being a fellowship coordinator is that you get to work with God! God works in the fellowship coord'r (49m) - wow! explosive stuff. God in Christ in the fellowship coordinator! Note: not in the individual believers. Sad. And they seem to have difficulty dealing with having been M&A'd (51m). Doncha feel sorry for them? We're part of the new, dynamic church (52m) and it's okay to disagree (54m) - yeah yeah yeah. Does that include other Christians, and other understandings of the Bible? I am not impressed, nor lured into thinking I want to go back, be a part of this, be a chosen one. I don't doubt for a moment that these folks are sincere, but as we all have been told, that's no guarantee for truth.
    3 points
  2. In case you can't find it on FB...
    2 points
  3. We did WOW training today at my place of work. Very strange to hear people saying "I'm just going down for WOW training". A bit too freaky for me, to tell the truth. In this case, WOW stands for "Ways of Working". I'm going to check out if they plan to introduce an Advanced Class or Corps training. I graduated from my first PFAL class on March 15th 1978, "The Ides of March". I hear that's a good film, but haven't seen it myself. Anyone like it?
    1 point
  4. I entered the way in 1975 and got out in 1979. I still struggle with what I should believe. I constantly fight with what is correct. In the 80's I would lisen to differant radio preachers, That was a disaster. So today I take the subjects one by one. When a Bible teaching is mentioned in church I automaticly question its truth. I slowly pick a question and then start praying over it. It never fails that within a week or two God gives me MY answer. This has made for a very slow growth. It has also made for a very strong belief. I mention all this because I come to this site every few months to read others struggles. I left early because I saw some false teaching(most local leaders were very poor). I wasn't hurt emotionally. It just totally messed up my walk. I mention this because everyone of us left with our heads screwed on wrong. I pray that we are all healed in the long run.
    1 point
  5. I think we all struggle with what we should believe. A friend of mine on social media posted this quote from Paulo Coelho, a famous Brazilian author. To me it fits this struggle.... "None of us can be in the present and the past at the same time, not even when we try to understand the things that happen to us. What has passed will not return: we cannot for ever be children, late adolescents, sons that feel guilt or rancor towards our parents, lovers who day and night relive an affair with someone who has gone away and has not the least intention of coming back. Things pass, and the best we can do is to let them really go away. That is why it is so important (however painful it may be!) to destroy souvenirs, move, give lots of things away to orphanages, sell or donate the books you have at home. Everything in this visible world is a manifestation of the invisible world, of what is going on in our hearts - and getting rid of certain memories also means making some room for other memories to take their place. Let things go. Release them. Detach yourself from them. Nobody plays this life with marked cards, so sometimes we win and sometimes we lose. Do not expect anything in return, do not expect your efforts to be appreciated, your genius to be discovered, your love to be understood. Stop turning on your emotional television to watch the same program over and over again, the one that shows how much you suffered from a certain loss: that is only poisoning you, nothing else. Nothing is more dangerous than not accepting love relationships that are broken off, work that is promised but there is no starting date, decisions that are always put off waiting for the "ideal moment." Before a new chapter is begun, the old one has to be finished: tell yourself that what has passed will never come back. Remember that there was a time when you could live without that thing or that person - nothing is irreplaceable, a habit is not a need. This may sound so obvious, it may even be difficult, but it is very important. Closing cycles. Not because of pride, incapacity or arrogance, but simply because that no longer fits your life. Shut the door, change the record, clean the house, shake off the dust. Stop being who you were, and change into who you are." Paulo Coelho
    1 point
  6. Have you read thru these? Documents File
    1 point
  7. Twinky, I had no idea how much perversity, and sickness existed in TWI, until I came to the GSC. So many women were raped, and abused by the leadership. I had no idea of what how sick, and twisted VPW, and other leaders were. It made me so upset. So many kids were abused; for what? So much of our money was wasted on garbage; I thought it would be used to help fellow Christians. I was so foolish, when I was young!! But, I did have some good times in TWI. However, if I had known back in 1978, what I know about TWI today, I would never have gotten involved with it. Such an unholy, and ungodly organization.
    1 point
  8. Looking for any former members from 1990 to 2014 Cheers
    1 point
  9. D) 2017 Moneyhands and a handful at the top. about to be cut off from the payroll, pretend to be outraged about doctrine and practice. They then storm off an announce a need to form a new group (with the name and URL they conveniently registered about a year before, and bring along some other twi'ers.
    1 point
  10. Okayyyyyyyy............... I also suffered through the entire hour of this video. And let me tell you, sticking with Ed Horn3y's 3rd grade rhetoric explained over and over again different ways real slow certainly convinced me I got off the short bus years ago when I left the Way. All dubious repeated accounts of how the BOD has been confronted and hasn't responded. Or they did respond, but not in an Acts 15 council way, they wanted to meet with couples alone. Boob didn't want to subject themselves to this. When a question was asked "what specific details" complained about, Shelton says he was a VP and as such was under an NDA so can't discuss the specifics. They vaguely refer to the letter, which as you can read has about one point. Rosalie is usurping authority, needs to step down. Democracy in the ministry I guess is the underlying point. Which has never been there in any format since the Youth Caravan Chimes Hour chimes player asked VP if he could play a solo and VP told him no. Next, all sorts of crapola about how they are working within the Way to reform and revitalize, and haven't even thought of the next step, but they will all be believers. Then Doody quoted the "I know who holds tomorrow" poem and I just about tossed cookies. Again, like the paper, have never seen so many people speaking while saying so little. They closed out with someone asking Boob how they were planning to do reform after he was marked and avoided. They all laughed. Then they closed observing they couldnt' do reform while marked and avoided, and this was the first step. All in all, apparently nothing they covered all the Corpse didn't complain about 10 years ago. It didn't change. Thankfully, I've now only lost an hour of my life, not 10 years. Carry on.
    1 point
  11. Collateral D, thanks for posting the video…you know, I’ve seen some exciting things in my lifetime…like the birth of our 2 kids – Tonto had them both naturally – praise be to strong women! A few years ago we went to a stargazing party at the McDonald Observatory in Fort Davis, Texas – got to look through a powerful telescope and gaze upon a distant nebula – the birthplace of stars!....watching the video – and what looks like the birth of another TWI offshoot….boring. And Twinky, thanks for your post of highlights and comments – I could only take so much of the video.
    1 point
  12. Thanks CD! I could not find it. What an incredible and huge crock of shit! LMAO! These lying HYPOCRITES and WHITED SEPULCHERS are stinking up the place. I say bye bye and fuck em all! LOL!
    1 point
  13. I seriously doubt God is talking to anyone in TWI. But then again, I could be wrong.
    1 point
  14. OMG............. No thanks. I'm done with cults, splinters, fakers, takers, and pontificators.
    1 point
  15. OmG. I made it six minutes and one second. The panel would not answer specifically what they were asked. I havent heard way speak of that magnitude since i left twi in 2008. I cant watch anymore. Thanks for posting the video it showed me all i need to see.
    1 point
  16. Hi there ! That'll be me :) wanna chat ?
    1 point
  17. Hello my friend. Thank you for stopping in to the 'Spot. I'm sorry nobody remembers you. I remember you, although we were not friends then. I too experienced pain of silence after leaving. Have a cup of java on the house and PM me if you want.
    1 point
  18. Haha. Now this is where the Way has gone really downhill. I mean first you have a guy with a cereal box send-in PhD in homiletics, followed by a jock-type illogical homophobe screamer, followed by the southern drawl you to sleep obsessive retired English teacher whose skills lend more towards the Dewey Decimal system and library management rather than actually being seen or heard in public. Push from behind paper. A definite decrease going on here. A denouement. Will you squeak out loud, little new President mouse? Or only from behind closed doors? Will you be like those Proverbs 6:13 speaks about, a worthless person who winks with his eyes, signals with his feet, who points with his fingers; who with perversity in his heart continually devises evil, who spreads strife? Will you live your life a good little marionette puppet whose limbs go where the puppetmaster's strings pull them? So far you are ferocious one on one marking and avoiding people. A lion in the dark. Yet a mouse in the light.
    1 point
  19. good to hear all that, BlueCord ! i agree life is infinitely better without TWI - - and a helluva lot simpler too....when we bought our first house - it took awhile for our brains to uncomplicate the process of applying for a home mortgage because of how treacherous and burdensome TWI made it out to be. by the way, i hit 2 drinks in about 3 hours tonight - had 2 large cups of coffee and St Brendan's Irish Cream.....mmmmmmm good! all the best to ya, carry on !
    1 point
  20. Like I said on the other thread that referred to this letter, the delusion continues. For one thing, the "accuracy of The Word," is a mirage. If you don't believe that, try looking at any number of different versions of the Bible and see the differences. It's pretty obvious to anyone who reads carefully. To me, this letter is evidence that the signers are so enmeshed in the ideology that VPW dreamed up, I doubt they will ever change. But I am proof people can extricate themselves and really change, so I can't predict what will happen with these folks, despite the decades they've invested. I can tell you that in about 1998 or 1999, I contacted Do+tie Mo*nihan, who was at the time the Limb leader of Florida with her husband, Bob. I had found their phone number in the telephone book (ah the pre-internet days, at least for me). I was divorced, attending college, and working full time. I had been out of TWI for more than 10 years. The reason I called was to ask how her experience in graduate school for mental health counseling had helped her help people in TWI. I was considering going into that field. I also wanted to find out how she could justify continuing with TWI knowing of its extreme problems. At the time LCM was still president. She met with me, but she had asked if she could bring another 3rd Corps grad, a TWI-ordained woman with her, someone I had known over the years, too. Understand, I had not seen either of these women since 1987 at HQ just before I escaped. I said sure, bring her. We met in a café in Winter Park, FL. During a friendly, but surreal conversation, at least for me, I asked Do+tie why she had stayed with TWI. She said she wanted stand with her ordained husband. She also said she was a simple believer. Let the research be done by others, she would believe it,. like Uncle Harry used to say. It was then I told her flat out that TWI had never been a research ministry. I had been on the research team, which she knew because she was at HQ when I resigned from the team. I told her that "The Word" was whatever Wierwille said The Word was. Period. She looked shocked. She turned to her friend and they exchanged a glace I knew too well. I'm sharing this because it is not news to at least one of the signers of this document (Do*tie) that The Word was of Wierwille's making, yet she and the others persist in their delusional beliefs about Wierwille and the Bible. Those two things combine to make a strong tonic. In my view, this letter is proof of mind control if there ever was proof. Any ideology that tells you that your feelings do not matter, only The Word matters (which VP said all the time) is abusive. No one deserves to be abused. No one. People who were abused and continue to rationalize it, continue to name it something else, continue to dismiss it, will only continue to perpetuate it. What I recommend is that we keep sharing our stories here. You'd be surprised who might be reading them. There is another way of life, a better way, than offered by The Way International. We need to share our stories with our children and grandchildren. I can't tell you how many second generation Wayfers (or who they are) have contacted me about my story in Undertow, thanking me for shedding light on TWI, telling me it has helped heal them. If TWI was so great, then why do they need healing? Why do we need healing? Isn't it a pity that it's all come to this? That VPW's legacy is pain, confusion, and destruction? My hope is that the generation my daughter is a part of will someday see these GSC posts and learn from them, look through this window into their parents' pasts and understand the seriousness of mind control and its collateral damage. Sadly, they are a part of it in some form or other, some more than others, but many are still in denial just like their parents. Spread the word about helpful resources. I'm hoping to be part of a healing solution, which I think involves serious education. In my view, one of the best books for understanding all this is Bounded Choice by Janja Lalich. To those interested, you can check out Lalich's book and others at your local public library. In 1987, libraries were the immediate source of my healing. Then came people I could trust who did not have any stake in my life other than to encourage things that served my best interest, not their ego. Cheers, Charlene Lamy (former married name: Bishop) Edge former marked and avoided 2nd Corps Grad
    1 point
  21. Boob and Doodie Moneyhands got kicked out??? Bwaaaaahahahaha! Couldn't happen to two nicer serial adulterers, pathological sociopathic liars, and manipulative "Counsellors"! Q&A?? Here's some "A": "unbiblical behavior"?.....you mean like covering up suicides of wierwille concubines? "Counseling" scores of rape and sexual abuse victims on the "biblical accuracy" of the "Lockbox" to cover up for dictor paul, themselves, and every other lowlife Aryan lecher that needed "a favor" from the Nazi hierarchy. Their own serial adultery? Their own financial stream to keep them aloof and "powerful"? They need to simply STFU and buy some funeral plots for themselves and baby Brian, wannabe TWIt prez. Tell em that I'll be happy to answer any and all questions with THE REAL FACTS, at their Q&A, going all the way back to 1972, about these two whited sepulchers. They NEVER will! I know the FACTS about the horny Horneys too, and the lying Magnellis. And I'm only one person who KNOWS the FACTS. Skyrider, Waysuder, Oldskool and many others know plenty too and WE ALL have the documentation to prove it! "Reforming" TWIt is an oxymoron. It needs to be razed and buried in NK, and Gunnison belongs to us! I say fuck em all! Lying, thieving, Nazi impostors and Aryan Theology sycophants. The Lord will say to them, "I never knew you!". That's the "Bema" they're headed for! Rewards??? LMAO!
    1 point
  22. Welcome back, 70s. These days I try to keep things very simple: love God, and love my fellow human beings as best I can. I have friends of various theological stripes; we can AGREE to differ (very unWay-like!). It is good to question what you hear; there's a lot of rubbish in churches, sounds good, doesn't seem to have any Biblical support or (so far as I understand) has a chunk of what might have been Biblical support, missing. Modern songs are rather wacky and there are some I walk out on, "needing to have a toilet stop" or some such. When I first really started to get my mind back, I attended a local Bible school which was once a week for a year; some bits were interesting, some very strange. I discussed some of those ideas with the vicar in my church and he poo-poo'd the ideas too, which gave me confidence. Slowly examining your beliefs is a good thing. I love rummaging around in a selection of Bibles for a decent answer. I'm happy to change my mind if I can see Biblical support for something. Church liturgy and tradition leave me cold though I accept there is a place for ritual, tradition, etc as long as it doesn't take the place of what it represents. It's good to keep checking, too; we all come to it with a set of biases (Wayfers worse than most churchy people) and as we grow and develop our understanding, some of our other beliefs may change too. Do please share if there is anything in particular that you've learned, that might help someone else here.
    1 point
  23. Bapsy I didn't attend Hindu or Buddhist gatherings or ceremonies, it is just that with a less elitist attitude I found myself more readily exchanging ideas with people of different religions. Previously those conversations had been limited because people pick up on a closed-minded attitude, one that I didn't even realize I had while in TWI. For example, one of my Buddhist friends and I have ongoing conversations about God and Jesus, and the nature of Buddhism, which he says is just learning about yourself through observation. It's cool to learn his perspective, and share mine. Maybe i pick up something from the exchange too, like about being self-aware and observing, while not accepting his overall framework or perspective of the religion as my own. Now maybe people will look at this like "what's the difference?". I would say the difference is people being more open and willing to exchange with me. When I was TWI door-to-door, or accosting people in malls, or in planned outreach events I never felt that way. There was always pressure from somewhere to go for a hard sell environment. People were a byproduct of my self-serving goal of furthering putting together a class according to planned times we needed to make our goals. Oh, but people will say it wasn't your self-serving goal you were moving the word over the world. Here's the key: God moves His Word over the world through His Ways which are higher than ours. Not through the motivated efforts of deluded followers hard selling a boring and ludicrous class offered by a gang of controlling psychopaths. If I was successful at selling the class to people then I was drawing them in to a lifetime of control like I had experienced. That is a little more of the perspective and discovery I have gone through post TWI. I'm sure all religious groups have an element of outreach and selling the idea of membership into their group, but honestly, the churches I've been drawn to lately are not like that. They are more about rescue and genuine service.
    1 point
  24. Hi Chockfull, I real like these two lines mentioned in red but can I ask you why did you decided to try with many different brands specially Hindus, Buddhists, what it's feel like. in other words you wanted to try your freedom in many different perspective? actually i tried also a splinter groups but not yet other churches and i'm sure with time i will find one where my family will be comfortable. Thanks for your thoughts and contribution Bapsy
    1 point
  25. Are any of you in the area?
    1 point
  26. The Geer defection took place at exactly the right time to capitalize on the enthusiasm of a believer like me, a newbie who could show he was not beholden to a cult by breaking away from it (right into the arms of the same cult, when you think about it).
    1 point
  27. Glad to see this thread brought back up to the top...had fun reading it. It's hard for me to imagine how anyone ever took Geer seriously...outside of cult indoctrination that is. Seems that after the cornfield preacher was finally planted under the fountain, his most ardent disciples started playing musical chairs with the tools of group think methodology. The only problem was that when the music finally stopped, there were no more chairs to sit in. The end result of course was that those who thought they could pull it off started their own game with the portion of the cult that they could sneak out the back door with and rename. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice and it's time for a complete mental overhaul at a rehab clinic. The real losers of this experiential mind f**k are the ones who are still doing the back stroke in the septic tank of delusional mental illness. God is personal to each of us and shame and disgrace upon all those who turn it into a business.
    1 point
  28. There is therefore now great condemnation to them that are in The Way Ministry. Always.
    1 point
  29. This would turn dear mr geero into an extortionist.. besides other charges against his character.. and they still buy his classes. God help them..
    1 point
  30. Thanks, excie! No one would be specific because they were trying to keep the top leadership's sexual depredation under wraps. Truth about the adultery didn't start coming out until about a year after Geer read PoP on Corps night, and even then, that truth was not being communicated openly through the Way Tree channels. Leaders were being bribed or chucked right and left if they were even suspected of having an inkling of Schoenheit's paper. I think Geer exercised such a seemingly weird power over the Trustees because they were afraid he would expose the adultery. I think there was an element of blackmail involved. Love, Steve
    1 point
  31. True, out. Nothing WAS ever specific. Geer's entire premise for "what was wrong" was based on one thing - that Dr. Weirwille had told him he believed the Way BOT, Directors, Corps Directors, WOW staff, all of the Way leaders, Corps members and anyone else with a phone or mail box that he'd ever taught the Bible too had 1. forsaken him 2. sold out to the adversary in one way or another and 3. didn't care or want to listen to him. That's not an exaggeration. That's the exact truth, as told to the Corps by Chris Geer. It only took about a minute to say, at several points in his public speech to the corps that year at Corps Week, and then there was the endless drubbing of the POP reading itself. But that was the sum and substance of the only things he said 'were wrong" - specifically. That Dr. Weirwille had been forsaken. Everyone therefore needed to "come back to the Word" which meant to come back to some - Very unclear Form of acceptance and activity that would show us all to be back in the Saddle again. It was bull - shi t. There was a lot of talk about "Prayer" - prayer's always a good thing but that became the recourse for everyone's confusion. Pray because no one has any idea what else to do. Desparation, for many of the pray-ers. Lots of talk about "believing" too - which didn't mean much to anyone who was already doing that to the best of their ability. It was, by any bibilical standards, or just those old dirty regular run of the mill human standards - a completely stanky mess. Bottom line though - it was a catalyst for change and that was a good thing - and could have been managed better and easier if anyone HAD REALLY WANTED to see change and progress at the Way. But none of them did once they got POP stuck up their butts, they were deathly afraid about what to do next. Funny - after all those years of pumping up their "believing" they caved at the first real challenge, which came from within their own ranks. Which in fact was something that VPW himself had identified while he was alive, would happen after he died...........so IMO the stew was brewing for a few years there, dissatisfaction, pride, envy, jealousy, greed - all the good ones were at work in that leadership group including Dr. Weirwille. Pride is the only real explanation for how a person of his history and investment would act in such a distorted way. I've always said though - Craig wasn't exactly a chicken shi t, in his day back then - so Geer was carrying some SERIOUS HOODOO to scare him into submission so quickly, SERIOUS cha cha in his bag.
    1 point
  32. I believe that is derived from the Greek phrase which, when loosely translated, means "kissed the right butts".
    1 point
  33. I remember how people said that the BOD hadn't "repented" or "gone back to the Word" or some such. I didn't know what they were talking about because no one would be specific.
    1 point
  34. Chris Geer was so inept and confused himself - he was really the perfect tool, literally. No one could have bumbled their way through a so called effort to "help" others better than he did. He made a bull in a china shop seem like a ballet dancer in a field of wheat. I am not the only one who felt upon hearing that he had shown up in Craig's lap with a list of posthumous belly aches from VP that we were in for a long, bumpy, ugly and smelly ride. He's not unlike Lynn and others of that ilk - he admits later rather disingenuously that he was "poorly equipped" to carry out the work he was commissioned to do ("Oh woe is me, the burdened inadequate messenger who tried so hard!") while pointing his fat doughy finger of condemnation at anyone who ever had the misfortune to hear his voice. As with Lynn who raked VP and others over the COALS for their misconduct while dusting himself off as the now humbly and newly regenerated and so conveniently reinvented Teacher who had himself done wrong but who was all mo' better, just like that. I think Geer cast himself in a romantic light, all drama and no substance. I never saw - not one - even a single statement - that stated clearly 1. what he thought was "wrong" with the Way and 2. what anyone was supposed to "do" to fix that. There was plenty wrong with the Way and lots that could be done to fix it but he resisted all efforts to nail it down to specific changes and rather kept pushing an agenda of being 1. "on the Word", 2. Following the "man of God", who was now actually dead and 3. returning to "The Word". He turned any opportunity for positive change into a dithering whirlwind of condemnation and confusion, ultimately doing the exact opposite of what he said he wanted to do. Or exactly what he really wanted to do - shove it in the crotch of the Way Nash people he despised so much one last time, for good. Not to be too harsh, just sayin'....
    1 point
  35. I'd like to suggest an additional category for the things people did after TWI. "finished my education or otherwise re-trained for a profitable career." That's one of the main reasons life has turned out happily for me. love, niKa
    1 point
  36. In the States, CG supports himself by selling his classes via his network of those who worship & adore him. In order to deemed worthy and get selected to represent him and his stuff, you have to jump through some hoops and promise to send him money and not give it to anyone else, when you run his classes (and to really "be" with him, you have to take all his classes yourself), don't expect any real communication from him, he only accepts faxes and if you question anything, you'll be deemed unworthy and can't run his classes anymore. His followers are lock, stock and barrel Geer-heads. If you aren't with him then you've turned your back on THE Word of God as given by the MOG (VP) and later entrusted to CG. It's the Way all over again. Some folks never learn. He's still promising he'll get that Advanced Class done, but it hasn't happened and annually, he whines about those that have "hurt" him or his ministry and "turned their backs" on him. Want some cheese with that whine (wine)? On the other hand, you can pray for his wife, she's been dealing with multiple sclorosis for years now.
    1 point
  37. At the time, I didn't know much about what was going on. These issues were not talked about as it was considered unedifying. As far as I was aware, the Way in Great Br1tain was subservient to the Way Internat1onal. Robert W1lkinson was answerable to VP. At least you would think that given the public face presented. I personally never thought of CG as having left TWI. The problem was between personalities at the top as far as I knew. CG never publically criticised Craig or the BOTs other than what was said in POP, and the subsequent follow ups. He didn't exhibit the same kind of ranting that Craig let off. In fact I believe he deliberately avoided lashing into Craig and others. There was never a choice (as far as I am aware) for people at twig level who weren't accredited Corps, and if there was a choice to be made, it was never communicated to me. As far as I remember, there were very few people who actually graduated from the Corps in Gartmore. I remember one year that three people got to read out from their thesis (I think) at a meeting and I gathered from this that they were the only three to graduate that year, but I could be wrong on that. One of them was my WOW sister. I don't have much to do now with people who are still with CG. I get a sick feeling in my gut whenever I'm near one of them. I'm not sure if my WOW sister is still with CG. Since I haven't had much to do with them in the past 5+ years I've lost touch with what some of them are up to now. Maybe I'll talk to Mike R and get the lowdown. Watch this space.
    1 point
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