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3 points
Not sure why it took this long for the letter to be leaked this far... but here it is as a 7-page .pdf file. Perhaps this opening statement is where these supposed elders in the church fit into the classical story of Sisyphus, "He was punished for his self-aggrandizing craftiness and deceitfulness by..." in other words, where the authors of the letter appear to try to present themselves as humble servants of God, it's really an immense portion of hubris for them to actually think THEY are the ones who stand "according to the Word of God and the doctrine concerning Christ and the Grace Administration." Their "full intent and commitment is to bring to pass revival..." Wouldn't that really be God's prerogative, not theirs? Make no mistake, I'm not claiming to speak as a prophet or in the place of or name of God or Jesus Christ. I learned long ago that to actually accomplish that would be far above my pay grade. Nevertheless, in case you're interested, here it is... After the perfunctory standard TWIt opening statements (Greetings in the name of (as if they really are speaking on behalf of Jesus Christ)), it begins, As a result of the final three Way Corps meetings of 2016, we as fellow Way Corps ministers believe the time for action and change has come. We the undersigned, stand together according to the Word of God and the doctrine concerning Christ and the Grace Administration. Our full intent and commitment is to bring to pass revival and restoration for our ministry according to the Word of God in this Grace Administration. Our goal is not destruction, but edification. The following may be difficult to read at times, but to the best of our ability we are setting forth the truth in love, so help us God. Letter to BOD 2016-08-12-1.pdf2 points
They should all stay where they are. Keep out of the way of normal people! I know! Let's capture them all and build a wall, a great wall, all round the NK property!2 points
One of them on my list is my bro-in-law....So I can tell you AT LEAST one or two on that list really haven't changed. I did mention on here a way back, a list/book was being compiled to address decades long areas of concern. I mean, seriously, anyone with any even half a sense of decency have already left and moved on and enjoying their new life of 'abundance & power' I agree whole heartedly with DWBH..the ones calling for 'change', where would they even BEGIN to address the wrongs and hurts THEY THEMSELVES inflicted on those that had sense to leave ??? maybe they could start with just once again, reading Gods' Word for enjoyment and understanding ?? maybe then, verses like this would leap off the pages at them... "therefore if you bring your gift to the altar and there remember your brother has something against you, leave your gift before the altar and go your way and first be reconciled to your brother and THEN come and offer your gift before the altar" - Jesus...Matthew 5:23,242 points
I just posted about 16 questions. If ANY of them are addressed honestly, or even at all, I will shit my pants all over the fountain at the founder's waterlogged mausoleum! Joyfully! P.S........I was polite!2 points
Can a believer believe so big that they can believe for a rock that even they can't believe to lift?2 points
I'm surprised he didn't include "Don't look at the Internet lest ye become possessed."1 point
It was a little hard to read. The Wayspeak made me a little queasy. I started to fell my brain mush up. EWWW1 point
Did they really think that the BOD would actually respond to this is a positive manner? What do they think they have been serving all these years? Don't they know that nothing is acceptable but blind obedience? This reminds me of the 39 page letter sent in the 80s before the first mass exodus which got people fired. This could be the final death knell for TWI and all will be left are the few elites at the top who can live out their final years on that $60 million at HQ with empty buildings.1 point
Thanks for posting this, Rocky. It made me laugh in amazement ... then sigh with disbelief ... the delusions continue ... really, the delusions began with VPW.1 point
Randy Ginn..............bwaaaaaahaaaaaa Howard Allen put Randy & Diane in charge of Canada after our visas ran out in April 1987. The Canadian government would NOT extend our work-visas.......and insisted that our time was over. Since Diane had Canadian citizenship, Randy and her were given the responsibility. Then, he ran rough-shod over plenty of peoples' lives and many exited after that. Years later, Randy/Diane were in the Cleveland area where Larry Panar3llo and Mark Wall-ace built a reputation of legalism. Those guys carried their briefcases around corps week with files on everyone in their areas and extensive teaching notes. GSC poster Catcup had lots to say about all this years ago. So, yeah.........Randy Ginn, not surprised at all that he brown-nosed his way into this.1 point
Well.......if they can't reconcile their differences with the mothership..... .....at least they've got a head start on a new splinter group...........R&R .1 point
It may be a bit longer than what some people care to read. I'll hit the high points. "Dr. said." something, something, something. "Snow on the gas pumps" something, something, something. "Dr. also said." something, something, something. God Bless1 point
More and more of the same twaddle, mudslinging, and refusal to look at what's really going on. Sad.1 point
They crossed that border already. Yeah, they are all Bozos on that bus.1 point
Errrr... what was this, anybody know anything? The BoD was confronted?? By whom? Outcomes? Quoted words followed by: "The attached letters were sent asking for representatives to meet with the Board of Directors and later to attend the Region coordinator’s meetings so concerns could be effectually represented. The only option given was meeting with one couple at a time, not in a suggested Acts 15-type leadership meeting. The Board of Directors continue to move ahead unrepentant." This sounds not unlike Skyrider's account of Corps couples lining up to be fired!1 point
This grand effort by (likely) sincere believers evokes Sisyphus. In Greek mythology Sisyphus (/ˈsɪsᵻfəs/;[2]Greek: Σίσυφος, Sísuphos) was the king of Ephyra (now known as Corinth). He was punished for his self-aggrandizing craftiness and deceitfulness by being forced to roll an immense boulder up a hill, only to watch it come back to hit him, repeating this action for eternity. Through the classical influence on modern culture, tasks that are both laborious and futile are therefore described as Sisyphean.1 point
Facebook Q&A: Q. How can I find out the real lowdown on The Way? A. Well, there's this thing call GreaseSpot ..........1 point
Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to report that I'm still alive and well . . . even after leaving TWI. It's been a while, but I went and got myself into debt (a mortgage) and I've started going to college. To top it all off, I sporadically attend various churches in search of a church home, BUT (this is gonna freak everyone out for sure) I don't tithe. And, you know what? Once I got over the whole idea that I was "no longer under the protection of the household" I've been able to live my life and realize that it's infinitely better without TWI. In fact, as I write this, I know for certain that I've had more than "2 drinks".1 point
"Unbiblical behavior" is twi-code for..........NOT 100% in lockstep with the cult. That's the way the big dogs bark........."cop-out"......"greasespot"......."worldly"........"possessed"....... The bizarre world of the twit-cult has gone down the rabbit hole of its own making. With isolation, indoctrination and immersion, each new mog-president seems to flex his/her muscles to gauge loyalty and support. Fear-based. Think in terms of Kim Jong-un. The land of darkness.1 point
Yeah.......wierwille "keeper of the light" NOW.......with the internet, it is so easy to google anything and check it out. Wierwille got his "doctor of theology degree" from a BOGUS correspondence degree-mill. Even as early as 1963......the Baptist Program magazine noted the gimmicks and bargain-basement style of these places where non-denominational preachers were ensnared by this status-seeking mode. Wierwille did his meager correspondence work with Pikes Peak Seminary and Burton College in Manitou Springs, CO in 1948. 1963 Magazine -- Lists U.S. Diploma Mills1 point