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2000s was when i was at hq and Gunnison, mostly at HQ. There was a lot of backlash from the Allen and Parker lawsuits. Dissenting top leadership at HQ were isolated, then marked n avoided when they wouldnt fall in line. Happened at hq and on the field too. Then the backlash from the debt policy hit full force with multiple letters and research disproving the biblical accuracy of the no debt policy. Of course rosalie had Rico Magnelli do a teaching proving hq was right. By teaching i mean he had to run his "research" through Rosalie's process of going through multiple layers of approval to make sure it didnt contradict the no debt policy. I digress. 2000s were no different than other times. I was one of many younger corps grads who thought i could change the way international if only i stayed way corps and used my leadership positions to love people and do my best to show them Gods goodness. Noble intentions but my intentions were sorely misplaced. Theres no changing the way international. It is, was, and will remain an abusive cult with those involved serving those at the top of the pyramid.3 points
Ask a baseline question you already know the answer to so you can gauge the quality of their responses.2 points
"First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist. Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me." ~Pastor Martin Niemöller So, yes, every decade, twi has had the pattern repeat. Some people inside point out some things that are wrong. The response of the establishment in twi is to suppress discussion, kick them out-including leaders- and forbid anyone to discuss it or even THINK about it. It happened in the 1980s, and 4/5 the group left as leaders were kicked out for refusing to swear an oath of allegiance PERSONALLY to lcm in response to rape victims coming forward and rather vague things being discussed. It happened in the 1990s when lcm was making stupid decisions that kept getting reversed and upending the lives of leadership (now you're salaried, now you can't accept a gift of an apple but I can still accept the gift of a new car if I want to, now you're required to return to secular employment...) It happened in the 2000s when people wanted to know why the top leader (lcm) was in court, defending against charges of rape and other felonies, And here it comes again now. Every single time, there have been people who said "We can change twi, we can FIX twi, when WE act we will succeed where all the others have failed..." and were kicked out soon afterwards. "Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.”- Edmund Burke. "The lessons repeat until they are learned." -variously attributed2 points
Facebook Q&A: Q. How can I find out the real lowdown on The Way? A. Well, there's this thing call GreaseSpot ..........2 points
Likewise, BlueCord. Took me years to pluck up the courage to get a mortgage. And I lost my job (market crash :( yuck) a few months after my house purchase! Now, ten years on, the mortgage is down by nearly £80K and I have only about £28K to go. I could not rent anything near what I own, for the amount. Actually to rent my house would cost about twice what I pay in mortgage. I don't tithe, but I do give to support my church and a couple of worthwhile charities whose work I respect. One is a Christian organization, one is not. I am thankful for what is available to me FREE (or nearly so) in my country and would like to help those in other countries where similar is not available, or only at high cost. The variety of genuinely caring and charitable work carried out by the many deeply committed Christians I know is awesome, astounding, and humbling. All of this done is without condemnation of other Christians or of the non-Christians that may be the beneficiaries of the help. Amazing how rich life is when you don't look down on, or condemn, other people!!!! I'll drink to your success in your college studies and a bright future ahead of you. Anybody left in TWI who's reading this: GET A LIFE!! GO DO SOMETHING!!2 points
Welcome. I'm glad you just posted that as it is one additional demonstration that the tale of "the GreaseSpot by Midnight" is just a myth.. I wish you success in your search for a home church and in your further education.2 points
Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to report that I'm still alive and well . . . even after leaving TWI. It's been a while, but I went and got myself into debt (a mortgage) and I've started going to college. To top it all off, I sporadically attend various churches in search of a church home, BUT (this is gonna freak everyone out for sure) I don't tithe. And, you know what? Once I got over the whole idea that I was "no longer under the protection of the household" I've been able to live my life and realize that it's infinitely better without TWI. In fact, as I write this, I know for certain that I've had more than "2 drinks".2 points
Boob and Doodie Moneyhands got kicked out??? Bwaaaaahahahaha! Couldn't happen to two nicer serial adulterers, pathological sociopathic liars, and manipulative "Counsellors"! Q&A?? Here's some "A": "unbiblical behavior"?.....you mean like covering up suicides of wierwille concubines? "Counseling" scores of rape and sexual abuse victims on the "biblical accuracy" of the "Lockbox" to cover up for dictor paul, themselves, and every other lowlife Aryan lecher that needed "a favor" from the Nazi hierarchy. Their own serial adultery? Their own financial stream to keep them aloof and "powerful"? They need to simply STFU and buy some funeral plots for themselves and baby Brian, wannabe TWIt prez. Tell em that I'll be happy to answer any and all questions with THE REAL FACTS, at their Q&A, going all the way back to 1972, about these two whited sepulchers. They NEVER will! I know the FACTS about the horny Horneys too, and the lying Magnellis. And I'm only one person who KNOWS the FACTS. Skyrider, Waysuder, Oldskool and many others know plenty too and WE ALL have the documentation to prove it! "Reforming" TWIt is an oxymoron. It needs to be razed and buried in NK, and Gunnison belongs to us! I say fuck em all! Lying, thieving, Nazi impostors and Aryan Theology sycophants. The Lord will say to them, "I never knew you!". That's the "Bema" they're headed for! Rewards??? LMAO!1 point
Wow, has TWI decided to USE the internet for something, rather than decry its inherent wickedness? Tough on the Moynihans, but hey, they dished it enough. Hoist (hoised) with their own petard, maybe? [means, "blown up with their own bomb," for those who love figures of speech]. "Unbiblical behavior"- spit, whatever could that be, JY the puppet-king?1 point
1 point
Been there, done that.......early 90s. The way corps are NOT going to change twi. Those who control the levers of power WANT THINGS TO STAY THE SAME......a pyramid structure, with all power consolidated at the top. At best, twi is a pseudo-Christian org who spouts some scripture. At worse, it's a cult that lays in wait to deceive, indoctrinate and exploit. Hell.......even the splinter groups don't want to change. What does THAT tell you?1 point
First, WELCOME to At A Loss. We feel your pain. Second, I think this important topic should have its own separate thread, not be part of the one started some months ago on a different topic. Maybe Modcat5 or somebody could do that? (even though Rocky has posted on this thread!) Third, At A Loss, much calm is required from your son's side. Be very factual, keep records of events and conversations. The other side are hyper-vigilant exploiters and will emphasis any perceived weakness from your son. Bear in mind the other grandparents genuinely feel that they are doing their best done to raise the child in a good, Godly environment. Histrionics by your son's side will be seen as the devil at work - devil spirit possession - and thus render your son and his family a dangerous environment in which to raise the grandson. Others here have fought similar battles; they may be able to offer some advice or tips.1 point
Wow... that is tragic. Before anyone else starts analyzing the situation, I recommend you help your son get a VERY good lawyer. Solve the legal problems with your d-i-l moving grandson out of state without your son's approval before you try to figure out how to change her mind about TWI. Btw, I'm a grandparent also, so please rest assured that I empathize with you completely.1 point
I have read a book about Wierwille's type of rhetoric that, if you want to really enlighten people about Wierwille, you could recommend: Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism by Michelle Goldberg. 2007. Recently someone mentioned it on my blog post series, Fundamentalist Fridays. From Goldberg's book, we can learn a lot about Wierwille's teachings which still influence today's version of The Way: Pg. 53, "It [the Christian Nationalist movement that conflates Christianity with patriotism] was happening in the churches, especially megachurches, temples of religious nationalism where millions of Americans gather every week for exultant sermons that mingle evangelical Christianity, self-help, and right-wing politics. ..." Wierwille did the same thing. Mingled those three ingredients. I offer this information just In case you don't realize what you would be recommending to others ...1 point
1 point
Four Months Ago.......I Started This Thread There is not a day goes by that I am SO THANKFUL to have walked away from the twit-cult. Twi is deeply, irreversibly poisoned with wierwille clichés, clap-trap, and chicanery. People are used and exploited......and discarded at the first sign of dissent. Going on twi-payroll...........is a financial red hole that is hard to climb out. What does it say about a "ministry" (cough, cough) when clergy/corps do NOT want to be on staff? Every aspect of the field staff was monitored.........the cult does NOT trust the corps to lead or serve. ********************** THEN, we moved back to Indiana in 2000........and, a couple years later, saw SPLINTER GROUPS doing the same crap [badgering people to give up their weekend and work cleaning up the CES camp, sign up for momentus, personal prophecies, nose-spiders.......EGADS!!] Some of our "friends" were in Geer-group, CFF, CES, Finnygan, and then....Panarell0 splinter. Was at a wedding reception where "friends" associated with four different groups. Crazy. Most still held wierwille on this pronounced pedestal......embedded with a pfal-allegiance chip. Thankfully, I was able to convince two people to NOT sign up for momentus. No Jason Bournes to be found.......few wanted to talk in-depth to see behind the cult-splinter curtains. Just seems like this cult stuff is going to be part-n-parcel to the rest of my life. Once you see the telltale signs of cults its inescapable to not recognize it all around........indoctrination, buzzwords, mystique, spirituality-climbing, charismatic leader, deception, etc. etc. etc. Greasespot Café is a special place........special patrons.1 point