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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/2017 in all areas

  1. I don't agree with a single word if this. Such a wild claim requires a big burden of proof. His theological claims are unsubstantiated, his Greek was lousy at best, and his Biblical studies were fraudulent or a century out dated, although none of that is surprising since his credentials were artificial and he didn't allow review of his work and he didn't cite his sources. He was a phony though and through.
    1 point
  2. This 18 minute (audio only) interview with Maria Konnikova, author of The Confidence Game, provides keen insight into the human psyche including how we fell for Wierwille's con game. http://blogs.wgbh.org/innovation-hub/2017/3/3/konnikova-cons/ I first heard the interview on my local NPR radio station this evening.
    1 point
  3. SMH... btw, MRAP, have you read Undertow yet?
    1 point
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