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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/19/2017 in all areas

  1. Excuse me, MRAP, but I hope you realize how hurtful it is to say, "Most folks here on GSC hate, and I don't mean dislike, they hate JS and STF, primarily because of having a past existence with TWI." That's a terrible accusation. I happen to be one of the "most folks here on GSC" and I do NOT hate anyone. I am asking you to consider apologizing for that statement. It is true many of us have serious concerns about TWI offshoots and for very good reasons. But those reasons, at least for me, do not include any personal hatred for the people who run those offshoots. My concerns include these things: I think some groups run by former TWI leaders and biblical researchers use various techniques of mind control just like VPW used. For instance, if you question their authority, you're the one with a problem. Freedom of inquiry is not encouraged. Their position on the inerrancy of Scripture is firmly in place, just like in TWI. (that is a hallmark of fundamentalism). New Testament dogma, primarily based on Paul's epistles, is the most important thing, not the simple Golden Rule. Non-negotiable dogmas, like the Bible is THE WORD OF GOD (really? men wrote it, translators worked on it, versions were formed, etc. etc.), promoted in these Bible groups often bring emotional and intellectual harm to followers. Critical thinking atrophies. Love is lost. That is what worries me. BTW, I happen to have known most of these "offshoot" leaders during my TWI days. I do not like what they are doing, but I do not hate them. There is a difference, at least to me. Cheers, Penworks
    2 points
  2. TWI plunders individual sovereignty.....every class, every program. Wierwille's pfal pitches a "stand on the word".....but really, the message is "stand with twi and against all others." Keep your distance from "worldly influences".....from secular learning, family associations, denominations, etc. Further, in the Dealing with the Adversary class.....one of the FOUR FRONTS of the Devil is YOURSELF. Yeah, you are the culprit. You cannot trust your discernment, your critical thinking skills......you NEED wierwille/twi to do THAT for you. You just surrendered your individual sovereignty. Now......twi has power over you. Classes, more classes......way homes, wow ambassador, fellowlaborers, corps, university of life.....all with the same goal: TWI ASCENDANCY. Every dollar, every hour of volunteer work, every day of witnessing for twi....was profit to the organization. Today, twi sits on some $52 MILLION. Is there any wonder why twi targeted the youth? As youth are easily absorbed into groups, teams, clubs, gangs, they are more susceptible to groupthink and authority figures. Not adults. Generally speaking, most adults have experienced deception and scams and political/religious rhetoric to see the wolf in sheep's clothing. The corps indoctrination had so violated individual sovereignty.....that it seemed like there was a corps cloning factory in Emporia.
    1 point
  3. Tremendous insight here, Skyrider ! What a false sense of security I had while in TWI. Trusting that wierwille/TWI had our best interests in mind by keeping us safe and secure from "worldly influences and the Adversary" – is like letting the fox guard the hen house.
    1 point
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