"No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong." - Albert Einstein (source, google it)
IMO, anecdotes seem fine for leading one to ask more questions. Understanding of anything should be under constant change, anyway. If a position is fixed, what discussion can there be.
I think there are situations where anecdotal evidence may be just as validating as facts or careful study - when it resonates with another person or persons. Take Grease Spot for example. When I first came here - I had already left TWI over differences of doctrine and practice – as well as the various ways my family and I were exploited. Reading about other folks’ experiences – many accounts being similar to my own – resonated with me on several levels…intellectually, emotionally, socially, etc. The validation for me is hey I’m not the only one who felt weird about this or that…I’m not the only one who thought something was seriously wrong.
Maybe logic and evidence are not as big a deal in About the Way forum as they are in the doctrinal forum – but maybe that’s because some folks are usually looking for something to relate to or that resonates with them in About the Way forum…maybe not looking to debate or convince somebody of something but instead they are looking for validation (or support) for what they already feel is true.