Bit of a side note here.
I used to recommend his books and frequently lent out PFAL, though I had my doubts about the organization in general and didn't promote any activities, such as twigs and classes. The book was rarely ever returned to me and I would replace it from time to time. Finally, about 10 years ago, while still quite the novice in how the internet worked, I accidentally stumbled into GSC in my search for a replacement copy. Wow! were my eyes ever opened. I discovered I really didn't know anything about the workings of the organization I had inadvertently promoted.
One thing that had plagued me after I left was a sense of guilt for deserting my commitment, including the salt covenant. I was also concerned about crazy stuff, like "how safe would my family be now that I have walked away from the so-called hedge of protection?". I was concerned that I would see consequences in my health and safety because I longer abundantly shared (tithed). Lots of things ran through my mind. It's not a good place to be, mentally. This place has helped me tremendously in understanding that my concerns were misplaced.
I'm not exactly sure if that addresses the concerns expressed here but those are my immediate thoughts.