Last Saturday afternoon, I went for a walk in my invigorating walk with temperatures hovering around 18 degrees. With sidewalks on both sides of the street, one can easily walk throughout this neighborhood and stay clear of the busy streets just on its outskirts. For many reasons, our cluster of homes continues to be a favorite for soliciting girl scout cookies, sales canvassing and the six-week rotation of Jehovah Witnesses.....and so it was this day.
Two sets of pairings were knocking on doors.....and no one was opening their doors. This routine is so common that most here simply don't even open their door with the gesture of "no thanks." Many of my neighbors have those little signs that say "no soliciting"......but, oftentimes, the door knocking is not assuaged.
Anyways, as I passed by.......I asked myself, "Should I just let this pass or try to help these people?" Well, I walked another 30 yards or so and decided to turn around. This couple had stood at this door for about 45 seconds before heading back to the sidewalk where I greeted them with, "What are you selling?" I was playing coy. I was quite positive that they were JW, but didn't want to put them on the defensive. This pair was one man and one woman.......and she was the dominant of the two. She assured me that they were NOT selling anything, but were trying to find anyone in the neighborhood who spoke Russian. Their "program" was to help to assemble a gathering of those interested in the Russian language to help one another.
After another five minutes of chit chat, I told them that one of the reasons why few open their doors around here was because of dominant solicitation from sales people AND Jehovah Witnesses who target this area. With that.......she admitted to me that they were, indeed, JW. See.....they were using "a backdoor witnessing technique" [deception] to gain access to bring others into the JW-cult. And, then....I told her that I, too, had knocked on doors for years trying to help people to better understand scripture....adding another five minutes of background and detail. They were really nice people, late-20s, and I couldn't leave them without WARNING them about cult manipulation. Long story short.....I gave a short overview of the scientology tv-documentary, then my experiences and why I walked away........and cults worldwide. There are better ways to serve Jehovah.....than doing this grueling coercion of door-knocking. I told them to think long and hard......their life's passions should not be dictated by JW-hierarchy.
Here at GSC......our desire to help expose the way international cult.....does NOT stop there!
The tell-tale signs of cults are consistent across the board. Same tactics. Same techniques.
Here at GSC......these discussion forums were instrumental in exposing the CES-splinter CULT. CES is in a Mess......
So yeah.............lots of us are passionate about BREAKING THE STRANGLEHOLD OF ALL CULTS.