Make no mistake...........GSC is only a small part of my life. Thru the years, I've gone long stretches of time without walking thru the doors here.......rebuilding my life, my family, business, and helping two sons thru college and one thru med school. These past 18 years have been a busy stretch of time......and along the way, in real life, all those situations and people in my life have heaped enough bushels of wheat to fill a truckload of blessings.
I have continued my patronage at GSC because I believe in its mission. It matters not a whit to me what someone else might THINK of my involvement on this site. Although its but a very small part of my day.......my purpose is to help extricate as many as possible from the way international cult.
People around the world gather into organizations or causes that they believe worthy to help mankind. Whether its church, or community, or one's neighborhood association......political, environmental, or human right's causes.....or MADD....people join in because it's personal OR they believe its cause will personally benefit the generations to follow. And, clearly......one doesn't necessarily go thru life with just ONE banner to carry. Many of us have learned how to multi-task. lol
We gather around this GSC platform,..... because numbers attract attention to spotlight and generate impact. Here......we expose the cult that, temporarily, derailed our lives.
Personally, having been a clergyman in all this.......I feel an extra obligation to help mitigate the damage of the cult. That 1985 TWI Clergy Roster lists the names of nearly 350 clergy men and women........of which, less than a dozen have ever come forward to expose AND help extricate others. Three or four of them......were of little help in rolling up their sleeves. Martindale increased the clergy numbers substantially ...... from 1993-1996 another 390 clergymen were "salted" to the cult. So........to ALL these clergy that exited, where are you? And, to the dozens upon dozens who put out their shingle of "The First Church of the Wierwillites"..............woe unto you.
Corps and hq-staffers have, also, exited the cult doors these past 40 years. Many of them carried the banner of the cult into their home fellowships, weekly bible studies, and Facebook postings even to this day. Even John Lynn came to GSC years ago and claimed that "wierwille would be proud of him" for still holding this "truth" high. The polar extremes of exiting this cult are still reverberating into the next generation. And so it is.......
But GSC is here......to tell the other side of this cult.