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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/19/2017 in all areas

  1. Going back to some of those old threads...........one gets a glimpse of all the posters who came forward to tell their stories. Just imagine.................What if.......there were no GSC Discussion Forums? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A Thundering Round of Applause..........For..........Paul Allen~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    2 points
  2. Hello again, I have changed my website and domaine name as I am switching gears in my life going to Anderson University to get an MA in Biblical Studies. This blog entry over Jesus Christ is not God coverers Weirwille's basic objection to the Deity of Christ. Jesus Christ in God's Foreknowledge Link www.thethinkershouse.com/blog Let me know what you think! Nate
    1 point
  3. This letter is pure gold!! Mr Linder be sure to frame this letter when you print it Thanks in Advance
    1 point
  4. A BIG THANKS TO MR ALLEN,KRYS,SKYRIDER AND MANY MORE Here's a link worth viewing in regards with past lawsuits against the way http://www.empirenet.com/~messiah7/sut_suitsexrev.htm Acknowledgements Dr John Juedes
    1 point
  5. Great article at the NYTimes. I believe the ground rules here and that moderators oversee the forums make a HUGE difference. Trancechat failed largely because it was not moderated and there was no way to know who was posting under what user names.
    1 point
  6. Great post Skyrider, I followed your link from the Old Threads thread . I enjoyed that article from the NY Times - thanks. The Internet is a double-edged sword and takes vigilance and discernment to cut thru the BS; on the flip side, it’s a handy super highway of useful information. Grease Spot is like penicillin that fights the debilitating mindset of TWI’s diseased doctrine and practice. There’s a lot more to what happens at Grease Spot than just folks expressing their opinions, experiences, etc., along with whatever mood they’re in. I think we bring something in our hearts when we come to Grease Spot – something that is seeking validation…resolution…explanation….or whatever. When I come across a post that resonates with some issue or experience that I’ve had – then ba-da-bing there’s some healing…validation…something is satisfied. A few years ago I got on this big kick - reading up on conspiracy theories of JFK’s assassination. Never gave it much thought at the time it happened – I think I was in the sixth grade. But years later when they released the horrific Zapruder film footage showing JFK’s head snapping back, it was forever burned into my young mind. So now as an adult reading some of these conspiracy theories – I wouldn’t put much stock in any theory that ignored the simple physics of a human head being forced backward by a bullet from a shooter positioned somewhere forward of the victim. We may never be able to unravel all the mysterious details of JFK’s assassination – but I will always think there was a conspiracy - of at least two people – maybe one on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository and someone else who was forward of the president’s motorcade. Although I grant you there may be some evidence to indicate Colonel Mustard did it with the lead pipe from the Grassy Knoll. Just like my opinion on the JFK thing mentioned above, my view of TWI is biased – based on personal experiences. I left TWI long before coming to Grease Spot. But it was so validating to come here…so healing….so satisfying…to read posts about others having similar experiences…similar doubts, fears, frustrations, realizations, etc. …I would read a post and think hey, I thought that too - I wasn’t so stupid after all…I had a similar experience reading Penworks’ Undertow – several times she had made a statement along the lines of feeling like she was not spiritual enough to understand a situation or what was going on. That describes my feelings for most of my 12 years in TWI. I’m glad I’m out and I’m glad there’s Grease Spot.
    1 point
  7. The Blake video reeks of Dominionism. Not only no but HELL NO.
    1 point
  8. No idea. All I know is what I observed in the video you suggested.
    1 point
  9. Sorry jim jack. That video UN-inspired me. Please, no offense. Just not my cup of coffee. At the end of the video he relates that someone asked him to pray for them because they were having surgery. He said "Why would I pray for you, you've already made up your mind"? THAT is NOT my kind of Christianity. No grace. No compassion. No Jesus.
    1 point
  10. (((((((Krys))))))) I was back-tracking on a few of Skyrider’s threads and so got into this one….I was so stunned and upset by your account as quoted by Skyrider in the Timeline Insanity on Steroids thread that at the time I did not know what to say to you on that thread. But I am glad I followed up and read this thread. One thing disturbs me very deeply - the far-reaching effect of those f0ck1ng predators. I cannot imagine or relate to what you and your family have experienced. But for my own issues, mental baggage, etc., I just wanted to say your posts on this thread are a great source of encouragement…and another reminder I am still not finished healing. I really really really appreciate your honesty and courage.
    1 point
  11. What if TWI wrote the welcome aboard message for the Titanic: Dear valued guest, you are about to embark on the greatest ©ruse ever conceived! Our philosophy is that you should enjoy an exciting voyage on our own terms. Our ship is equipped with every amenity and option and by far is exceedingly abundantly redundant especially in the option category (i.e. same option stated several different ways). We believe the greatest cargoes come to us over quiet seas – so please keep it on the down low how much you've actually paid to be on this ©ruse. Whether this is your first ©ruse ever or the first time with our ©ruse line our goal is to provide a memorable fun filled experience for all; you may even find yourself wanting to shout "I'm king of the world" from the prow of the boat. Just remember the captain is really the king on this boat…so technically all the women on the boat belong to him. When it comes to our guests – our safety and security is priority one! When we leave Reality Harbor please remember to always wear your nametag. This way if we have a safety or security issue with you we are able to call you out specifically and not distract everyone else who is getting along just fine with the onboard programs. If you should experience any discomfort or minor inconvenience with your cabin - such as flooding, going topsy turvy, etc. – remember the five senses can be deceiving and that a little positive affirmation can go a long way when working through such small problems. If a shipwide catastrophic event should occur it is best to maintain absolute faith in the captain's talent for pulling a nautical miracle out of his stern; unbelievers may inhibit the captain's ability to do so – in which case they should be thrown overboard immediately. Only unbelief can sink this ship – and possibly an iceberg if it's no longer being held in abeyance.
    1 point
  12. High CD! Do you remember the Athletes of the Spirit coloring book?
    1 point
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