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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/14/2017 in all areas

  1. And it all started when Leah asked "Where's Shelly?"
    2 points
  2. Paula White is a mega-Church TV "Evangelist". She was married to Randy White who started her off in his own mega-church TV Evangelist business. They divorced and she kept his name and eventually took over his church. She's "giving the Invocation" at the Putz's upcoming inauguration. She's another "Christian" who is a useful idiot for the Putz's phony appeal to the "Evangelical Alt-right" who voted for him. Just to clarify why I asked. No fan of Todd or his cohorts. But, that's just me.
    1 point
  3. ."....I hope you can take the time to look over these healing videos.One of the most powerful IMHO is a video out of Australia entitled "The normal Christian Life- My baby had a heart attack" they show actual footage of the ordeal..l4 whole minutes of your life." Link?
    1 point
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