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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/13/2017 in all areas

  1. Welcome to a Special Advanced Class...as soon as our ushers have seated the nice young lady they will escort you all to your assigned seats.
    2 points
  2. Hey, you forgot their special friends, Homo, Debtbuilder, Bitterness, and Corrosive Evil. Weren't you going to take them too? Wouldn't they enjoy meeting up with their old buddies Lying, Deceit, Greed and Arrogance? (just funning around, not saying you have or ever had any such companions!!)
    2 points
  3. ......in late-September of 1998 (a month after we exited).......... I received in the mail another "invite" to attend the November 1998 Advanced Class Special.......................to AGAIN..............be Mrs. Wierwille's escort. ~~~~~~~ Yeah, Twinky.........just picture it........"Hi. Mrs. Wierwille, I hope you don't mind if my spirit-friends accompany us today,..... Mr. Necromancer and Ms. Lust...."
    2 points
  4. beautiful....thanks Don't Worry ! I called Tonto in to hear that - one of her Beatles favs....love the chords and him playing the harpsichord instrumental part too...that dude Rob is a phenomenal bassist ! Thanks again. and that bass is beautiful - in sound and looks!
    1 point
  5. Hey JYDL... Any day now......you will get to stand at "the microphone" of twi......with the power to use your words to help influence or change minds. Being the 4th twi-president, thousands will listen to you......and, I suppose, fall in line. Here at GSC.....perhaps, I will see if the GSC-community want to hear any more of what I have to say. I don't know if it's "in the thousands".......but lots of people just might want to hear the other side of the story.....that's the mission here, if you haven't heard. In your personal card to me........you said "What a great blessing it was to spend time with you in Dallas!".......Thanks, I accept that as a compliment. I have another card somewhere around here from John Reynolds complimenting me......after his mother's funeral. I might dig it out, too. ~~~~~~~ You know, Jean-Yves.........when you were a WOW-coordinator in Toronto, you had compassion on the three others....and you did run a small class, maybe two. And.....you were a good follower......but no "walk-by-the-spirit" leader. NOT ONE THING.......can I remember about your year in Toronto that "popped with any spiritual pazzazz. So, it looks like you get to be "installed as twi-prez" because you faithfully followed rosalie's directives and dictates. lol ~~~~~~~ Recently, I've gone back and documented some of my history with wierwille and martindale. Both men.......imo, should have done prison time for sexual predation and abuse. Wierwille .......had his thugs give lots of girls "the bum's rush"....w/ damage control.....and died before his sins/past saw a courtroom. Martindale......well, 2 lawsuits had to be settled out-of-court (All3n & Park3r).......and martindale skated away with a "lifetime pension from twi." And..........look at Rosalie's past record. The link is in the previous post. Gawd..........you must be SO PROUD......to be following in these steps? More later.................
    1 point
  6. Another one for "The Bone":
    1 point
  7. TRUTH shall set you free! Great post Twinky.
    1 point
  8. I found - abject misery. I was committed to TWI, they weren't committed to me, and threw me out with max ignominy and slander. Lost everything - everything that I hadn't given up previously, to follow the dictates of TWI. What did I find? After 10 years, I found GreaseSpot Cafe. And then - I found out about the lies, deception, ill-treatment, and that the way I'd been treated was nothing to do with me or anything I'd done - it was merely the modus operandi of TWI. And then what did I find? I found healing, peace of mind. Joy in life. Hard times, but I could thrive in them. Great friends, some of whom had "been there" all the time for me. Restored relationships. People who were kind and gentle, and truly loving. Freedom to love and serve. No condemnation. Daily, I find something of the years that the locust had destroyed, being restored to me.
    1 point
  9. Short term trepidation because people who I thought were my friends really were not and probably never were. This didn't last. I found new friends quickly, through work, hobbies, local community. Those relationships were freer to establish as I didn't have conflict over the ulterior motives expected of me to sell them TWI. More abundance in: Finances - as I no longer had to support local leaders and HQ with my money, also didn't have to spend thousands on moving for them, on taking my vacation to go to their events and listen to them, etc. Time - no more endless meetings with various groups necessary to maintain the control over people Family - closer relationships with them now that I no longer had the TWI infused "better-Christian-than-thou" or "household vs. family" attitude. Career - can travel some for it now when always had to worry if it would conflict with some meeting or event. More time to actually develop one rather than slaving the 8 to 5 then running off to some meeting. Community - now can actually give to my community time, money, effort rather than having it be called a 2nd rate cause. Health - now I have time to work out more, pay attention to nutrition, less stress, more sleep. Organization - now I can keep one calendar with everything in it rather than having to have multiple ones so that the overseer can review it and discuss with me. Self-Worth - can spend my effort on what's in my heart, and what I believe God is working in my heart rather than being used to promote others agendas.
    1 point
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