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  1. Hearty congrats potato! Glad to hear all is well! Keep on rockin' in the free world!
    3 points
  2. Skyrider! Your posts are terrific! Even after all these years, I did not realize you were there until 1998! Your detailed info from the perspective of being a Limb guy during the Okie Dope's Reign of Terror is unique. Therefore, keep em coming! Great documentation from firsthand experience. Accurate, documentable, FACTS about TWIt throughout its various iterations is THE single greatest weapon in their battle to avoid the throes of their inevitable death. The recent posts by you, Chockful, Shortfuse, Krys, Penworks, and many other greasespotters of late, have been the best info on TWIt since the 2007-2010 period IMO. That means tangible damage is being done to the cult of Crotchaven as it prepares to go through the optics of another mantle toss! Some things seem to just refuse to change. Thanks Skyrider for ALL the many hours you have devoted to the mission of this website. Almost 5000 posts! You have helped many brother. The Boss is happy I'm sure. Fuggedabouddit!
    2 points
  3. it occured to me tonight that as of a couple of months ago, I've been TWI-free for a decade, and then I wanted to come and tell you all. me and my kids are alive, and better than we've ever been, but I'm sad to say the marks of the cult are still effecting us. I don't think it's possible to live through what we did without permanent scars... but I relish my freedom every day. I'm so happy that I've learned that I don't have to put up with bullying and gaslighting. I can just walk away now. it took years of therapy to get here, but here I am :)
    2 points
  4. I'm not done telling stories in this thread, but I did have the goal in mind for at least covering the timeline before Christmas 2016. My Christmas present to GreaseSpot Better than a date-fruit-nut bread thingy. Merry Christmas GreaseSpot!!!!
    1 point
  5. In the 90s, as a child and teenager, I was forced to listen to hour after hour of LCM screaming via STS tapes. Misbehave? Then you need more of LCMs logic. It will help you develop the right attitude to start out in life. Younger siblings may have missed this time, and therefore they did not develop to the level of LCM's mentality. I've previously asked a number of wayfer families about this pattern. I believe it is a common phenomenon. Changes in corporate policy help divide groups of people, and keep TWI blameless in old-wineskins fashion. Timelines might help adjust the blame game from the individual back onto TWI.
    1 point
  6. Thanks DWBH......I appreciate your kind words. When I started posting on Waydale in 1999......posting as FreshAir77, and later FreshAir99.....another 2,200 posts or so. I was using a crap-computer. Didn't have much money back then and nearly computer-illiterate. Thanks twi......ppfffffttt.
    1 point
  7. I would think even an up-and-coming tyrant must go through a courtship phase with the minions
    1 point
  8. Potato, I hear you on all that! I’m glad you’re doing well. Years ago I broke my left hand in a truck rollover accident. Therapy and time does help the healing process. I am right handed but now my left hand is the stronger of the two. My wife will hand me a jar to open and now I’ll use my left hand super-grip to do it. They say whatever doesn’t kill you will make you stronger. Perhaps there’s something to that. I think it’s almost like a shock therapy to atrophied critical thinking “muscles” when we leave a cult and start living a normal life. Maybe that’s the “good” thing about mental scars in that they’re the toughest part of us or something like that…I am not as gullible as I used to be and definitely more thick-skinned around manipulative folks.
    1 point
  9. Rebuild Twi: Each sts/corps teaching was geared towards moving on. Shake the dust from your feet and walk. Stop dwelling on the past. Besides, the smaller numbers seemed like a welcomed change from 2,800 at corps week, or 18,000 - 24,000 at roa. The machinery was not in place to monitor the followers........yet. Questions: I wonder if this smaller/closer "feel" is what fueled growth? When wierwille's numbers were small......did that enable loyalty and commitment to grow [1968-1974]..?? When martindale got knocked back on his heels......did these small numbers require him to "be nice?" When rivenbark needed to rebuild after lcm's ousting......was this a "kindler and gentler" beginning? When JYDL takes the reins next month........will he start out "nice, thankful and humble?"
    1 point
  10. Yeah......right about that time, March 1989, my wife and I could have easily stepped off that train. Things were moving quite slowly and the trustees were trying to gain their footing. Our kids were little and we could have faded away without a confrontation.....or backstabbing slander. Hindsight is 20/20.......but THAT would have been a good time for us to have escaped the madness that was to come. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Of course, martindale had to "explain" (i.e. rationalize, misdirect) why he, don and howard went along with geer......they, too, had let their guard down and were tricked by the adversary [a-ha.....here comes the spiritualizing]. Why......Geer had some daimon spirits [and lcm listed several]. AND.......cookie lovest3d, don&howard's secretary, saw, LITERALLY SAW, chris geer's face morph into dr. wierwille. See, those devil spirits will play with you, toy with you.....just to see how much they can get away with. Gawd.......I can almost still hear martindale's voice saying this. Ugh. So, with several weeks of "explanation" to corps and staff......the "Galatian tapes" emerge. Some of those still-loyal "research types" had submitted some of those Greek words [terasso -- sp?....Galatians, ch. 1 ] to add scriptural depth to how folks get agitated, all stirred up and are bewitched. See.....it fits !!! The Galatian tapes are mandatory for the corps and staff. Next, these tapes are a requirement for all field corps and solid advanced class grads. Rename them: Leadership Tapes [sounds much more inclusive.....and seductive, to those who deem themselves as "leaders"]. Schedule weekend in your areas.....take attendance, report back. Martindale was building back his confidence. See....he was adept at teaching on devil spirits. Lcm had danced in The Mog-in-Tights He had taught on "those born of the wrong seed" He had assisted in plenty of adv classes He was #2 prez.....and established how spirits infiltrate Naturally...........the next incremental step was to schedule martindale's NEW (bling, bling) advanced class at the Indiana Campus [1992/93]. Stack the deck.....er, support in his favor: 1) Wayne C. was there for "big" support, 2) in-rez corps to provide labor and zeal, 3) in-house, on campus.....those who came must support twi, those who stayed away caused suspicion, 4) Rah, rah......let's build the ministry again. Small incremental steps..........
    1 point
  11. I always read with great interest your posts, Skyrider and think you have a great book on your hands! You’ve got a knack for very organized analysis along with some thought-provoking insight too….for now I’m going to copy a bunch of detailed posts on various threads from you, Don’t Worry, Chockfull and others - and not to forget all the timeline stuff WordWolf has done and is still putting more together – and save them in a folder on my PC – you know it’s sort of a healing thing…maybe a sense of satisfaction from being able to make sense of what happened in my cult-daze....anyway… I love your jumping off of a moving train analogy – that is certainly an apt description of the feelings I had. Having so much invested in The Oblivion Express – it’s a wonder any of us got off of it! There’s so many action-movies that have a heart-pounding fight scene on a moving train and I put leaving TWI right up there with the best of them! Embroiled in the tentacles of the TWI mindset…the mental battle of emotions…logic surfacing to engage “ministry-brain”…this thing called “the self” flailing about in desperation to survive…such a confusing internal struggle my wife and I both had – while at the same time we are slowly inching our way closer and closer to some nondescript jump-off point. You asked “how will life change?”. And that’s a VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION! Before I could actually jump I had to break free from perhaps the strongest tentacle – the fear of leaving “god’s ministry”. I can’t count how many times a teaching by vp about Judas walking out and it was night (John 13:30) would pop up in my head. It’s been so long I can’t remember vp’s exact words but something like Where you gonna go?...The only alternative to the ministry that taught you the word is oblivion…. Well, the shoe is on the other foot now. That old shyster vp…he swapped the labels – we were on The Oblivion Express…I’m sure glad we jumped off that crazy train.
    1 point
  12. Yeah, but not just less. It's a lot less. It's also much less complicated. In other words, easier. Maybe some that have the money choose it just because is relatively quick and easy, and they don't want to invest the time, or effort, or emotions that a more traditional burial require. Then again, maybe some that have the money choose burial just because it's held in higher esteem, and let's the rest of the world know that they do indeed have the money. (Hey, the pyramids are classic examples of the extremes some went to.) Lots of ways to look at this issue...
    1 point
  13. Obviously, keeping the WAP class around was problematic. People would ask questions about Exile Boy. So what is a cult to do? The problem was solved by having the Way Corps teach the WAP class live, and they would work on getting a new class down on video. This time the new class would be taught by multiple people, not just one, so they would never face the same problem again if a teacher leaves. Live WAP classes. By this time Rosie has brought in her boy J0hn Yv3s de L1sle from International Outreach to replace J0hn R3yn-lds for the BOT transition at Secretary Treasurer. R3ynolds had replaced cowterd when he was forced into retirement, and was Loytoy's boy, ordained with the salt of Loytoy's tears at a Rock of Ages (gag me with drama). So Rosie couldn't trust him. What does she do? She demotes him from Board of Trustee member to the Shipping Department coordinator or Purchasing or something. This is the first time in the ministry for 2 things. 1) Board of Trustees ISN'T a lifetime position - they forced dingdong and c0wterd into retirement I think at 65. 2) Now even the BOT positions are temporary and controlled by Rosie. #2 is puzzling as we had always been told that BOT had tie-breaking voting rights. I guess after Loytoy became Exile Boy, there was a period of time where Rosie could not only ascend to the throne, but break this tiebreaker. How does she do this? JY de Loser. So what does this tell you about the man who will become the 4th President of TWI? Absolutely - he was trusted above R@pp from the beginning to be her boy, to vote with her 100%, to think like her, and be trained up in the way of the Pharisee. NOTE: "The Way of the Pharisee", like "The Way of the Jedi", is kind of like the dark side of the force, since Star Wars Rogue One is out in theaters during the Christmas season of 2016 when I'm writing this. I read in one of the background threads that Rosie has a particular multitasking ability to smile in your face all while cutting off your balls and stabbing you in the back at the same time. This would be one of those Jedi mind tricks she has trained up her young disciple in. Other Jedi courses in "The Way of the Pharisee"? How to disconnect and act aloof The art of plotting behind closed doors Effective ways to lie Eunechs as effective servants - how to cull them, cut them, and promote them Backstabbing 101 How to fake smile Micromanagement 101 through 452 Purging 101 through 452 (included are studies in Communist purging from German, Russian, and Chinese history) Machiavellian studies in leadership After establishing her quorum of votes at the BOT (later changed to BOD to conform to laws for Non-Profits), Rosie brings in H@rv3 Pl@tig as Vice President to replace herself. H@rv3's main quality for this position absolutely 100% was bootie smooching. He was the winner in the contest the field leadership had in who could send in the greeting with the most flowery adjectives. A trained musician and Levite from the old Br@nded Loser band, who better to play the pipes to sing the praises of the new President. And sing he did.
    1 point
  14. Thiese are some thoughts I have at the moment. A few threads reminded me that it's good to point some things out from time to time. I think it's a good time to point these out. Naturally, any poster's free to ignore this post- it's my thoughts and not an official ANYTHING. Ok, so the posters have come to a consensus that we don't really have to be polite towards each other. (I asked.) However, even if they don't want to be, it helps to at least know when what they're saying is likely to hurt someone's feelings, so that it's entirely intentional if they do so. That means thinking about the actual words we use. Most posters here don't post here with words that are considered racial epithets. They're aware which words will carry those meanings, and choose not to use them, for whatever reason they choose to refrain. There's plenty of words that can hurt people. Some are LIKELY to hurt people, and some are a stretch-but someone can choose to take offense at it anyway. In the case of the latter, there's not terribly much we can do-since lists of THOSE words change a lot, so what's a normal, inoffensive word one day may suddenly be on someone's list 2 days later. There's actually some of those words GSC or twi-specific. People never-been-way would view these words in a different fashion than people who have survived twi or its offshoots (Momentus jargon counts also), as well as words that have become common in being used to hurt ex-twi'ers. One common technique here- especially common among those who wish to elevate vpw to divine status and cover up his felonies, sins and shortcomings- has been to come up with excuses to DISMISS posts they don't like. Inconvenient facts arrived? Let's find a pretext to ignore the post, then we don't have to deal with the content. I've attempted, as time has progressed, to be very calm when posting-returning later to reply to something to ensure I don't react instead of refuting. So, it was obvious when one vpw fan responded to calm, reasoned posts from me by calling them "angry." Calm post after calm post were called "angry" or synonyms. This allowed that person to even skip reading the post, and gave them an excuse to move along without addressing a single point. Other posters pointed out that this was just in their imagination- I prefer to look back and see what was in the previous post that was so good, they had to misdirect people from the content because they couldn't address it. (This became useful to me in the long run.) Another person (or the same person) used a different approach. I pointed out that vpw was either unaware of something when he made a certain decision, or he was aware of it- and outlined what was wrong in either case. They replied by calling me "the devil." If I'd known then what I learned later, I would have known the previous point was irrefutable, at least by them, and expanded upon it. In my case, many of the words won't hurt- whereas for many other people they would, and that's why some people claim they've lurked. Comments on posters exposing twi sometimes contain claims that they're "angry" or the equivalent. That carries a lot of baggage here- in the context of the GSC, responding to the exposure of vpw's criminal or immoral practices by saying the exposer is "angry" or emotional rather than address their points, that strongly suggests the replier is a big fan of vpw and looking to whitewash his past of his rapes, his molestations, and all his other evil deeds rather than discuss them when they come up. There's plenty of other words that can be used, each with twi baggage, ex-twi splinter baggage, or GSC-specific baggage. I saw another example where someone wanted to silence a similar comment by invoking Momentus jargon. It's certainly possible for someone to ACCIDENTALLY hit on these words and use them- in which case, they should be made aware they can set someone off-or several someones off- when they do. That way, if they offend someone, they can do it intentionally rather than by accident.
    1 point
  15. Thanks Chockfull! Appreciate you taking all the time to think about and write the posts you have been posting. Very informative for me to hear what the deep six administration was like. Dirty bastards. I knew about Myrac£e and Cr0wthrr. They moved in as soon as Crotchaven was finished and open for business. There were 2 large bedrooms in Rosie's basement, plus a full kitchen, bath and family room. I was in that lair only once, for the mistresses tour. Never went back again. After I left in December '86, it seems the amount of info leaked about Donna and Rosie and the girls increased. It was very much squelched while I was there, and the yuk twig was nearly all consumed with covering up for the literally hundreds of victims dictor paul, da forehead, ding dong, coward, townsend, geer, lynn, wrenn, bedard, finnegan, hughes, hendley, pat powell, jenkinson, horney, greene, panasmello, licht, both lallys, both moneyhands, and a host of others left in their moggie wakes. And these were the assholes in charge of all your purges!! Talk about a den of vipers in a scorpion's nest. Putting together what I know with what you're recounting very much illuminates how utterly rotten and depraved that outfit remained and remains today. Keep 'em coming if you can. With Skyrider's input, we'll be able to expose TWIt firsthand for what it really was from 1970-2008! That's going to help a lot of people!........peace.
    1 point
  16. Clear as the difference between all with a distinction and all without distinction. See, to those unaware of the circumstances that brought about this thread, I look like I'm nitpicking to prove Wierwille was full of garbage. I'm not. I'm nitpicking to prove that holding Wierwille's work up as the epitome of holy perfection is full of garbage. Since embarking on that search, I've grown to care not a whit about its success. THAT's the freedom I needed, the freedom I found at the Greasespot Cafe. If you think Wierwille's writings have no value, discard them. If you think they have some value, dissect them. If you think they have great value, treasure them. If you think they have unmatched value in the annals of Christianity, enshrine them. I think you're batcrap insane, but you didn't ask me and I have no desire whatsoever to hear from you or talk you out of it. Personally, I wish this thread and topic would vanish. People come to it looking for substance and they find quibbling over minutiae. You want to know the truth? Brace yourself: Wierwille was a power hungry crackpot who exploited your hunger and thirst for righteousness so that his lusts could be filled. His words dripped with honey, his deeds with glue. He ensnared us all and held us longer than any of us deserved. Trying to find the value in PFAL is like trying to find out how much calcium is in the cheese attached to a mousetrap. Yes, it has calcium, and calcium is good for you, and cheese is good for you, and oh, by the way, take it and die. It was a trap. What's right with it? It worked like a charm. What's wrong with it? Charms don't work. $40 please. Or $50. Or $200. Actual errors in PFAL? These weren't errors. These were deceptions. Be free of them already.
    1 point
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