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Not necessarily, but you would do well to take your blinders off and consider that you're not always right.2 points
2 points
TWI and the "Research Department". Penworks covers the early time period in "Undertow", If you want detailed perspectives on TWI and research, I think that "Undertow" for example is a better resource for TWI history on the research department than other historical TWI tomes - like for example Mrs. W's mostly picture book "Born Again to Serve", or the one they don't publish any more, El3na Wh1teside's "The Way Living in Love" with tales of snow and gas pumps.. What I remember about the research department is an anecdote told by K31th J@cks0n, the guy who was the Way mag editor for all of those years. He was working on an edition and called Da Forehead up to talk about GMIR. Forehead goes zero to screaming in a microsecond. "Don't ever bring up the word GMIR to me again". "It's just an ego trip". Click. Later he shares just how persecuted he was during da fog years, and how he just can't handle thinking about GMIR. Apparently it just had too much ego in it. Funny how struggling over getting more insight on a scripture interpretation was so laced with ego, starkly contrasted with prancing around in a pair of tights, which had absolutely no ego in it at all. Forehead boy needs to make the "Research Department" his own. I believe his initial approach was to fire anyone smarter than him, or had any inkling of giving him any kind of argument on scripture interpretation. Thus, that amounts to exactly everybody in the department, except for Bern!ta. What is replacing them during this entire time. Good buddy W@yn3. He answers all C's letters, works hand in hand with him on the book, and the new classes. And the greatest benefit is he didn't want recognition, like his name as a co-author on books or classes or anything. He is a one-man Research Department. Without the title. Without a job description. And doing it while being a Corps coordinator at Indiana for the Family Corps. To bookend the "Research Department" the year 2000, how did all this pay off for W@yne? After Martindale is forced out by Rosie, her next step is to get rid of W@yne. She pulls some strings behind the scenes (as is her MO), and all of the sudden W@yne is bum rushed out, fired. Why? Apparently at HQ all staff has to participate in a rotation of doing "children's services" or a baby-sitting Co-op type of thing. W@yne being a bit absent-minded from his 2 jobs, misses a connection with a parent and a little kid sits outside his trailer unattended for a while. Parents raise a bit of a stink, and presto, the Fox has her ammo to purge. After getting fired, W@yne teams up with J0hn Shr0yer, they cruise down the road a bit in the Midwest, and form the offshoot splinter CFFM. This splinter was a little better than the rest, IMO, in that there were no "dueling revelations", Momentus adaptions, EST, or animatronics teaching tapes. They do still exist today - basically J0hn Shr0yer's daugther Tonia, talked W@yne into believing that her dad promised her he would leave her the ministry as somewhat of an inheritance type of concept, so she took over as President. How do you leave a ministry as an inheritance? K3v1n Guig0u and VP's youngest daughter Sara his wife work there too. They seem to have gravitated more to a small church type of concept, with "Pastors" and "Associate Pastors" like the mainstream Christianity terms. However they still have this organizational structure kind of like the Way Tree - with Zone Leaders, and State Contacts and the ilk. The main problem with them is the main problem with all splinter groups - Paul's words "the church is built on no other foundation except Jesus Christ". There is still so much foundation in splinters built upon a cult, and not Christ. From splinter groups' perspective, they took all the good things out of the Way, and removed all the bad things. Except for that's impossible. And the old wineskin just continues to dangle around the neck being carried around, water leaking through it like a sieve. And the longer time passes the more the tree that emerged from planting all those splinter group seeds is going to turn up as a variation of a crababble tree.2 points
TLC......my postings are not about "animosity." As I've posted countless times, I believe there is exponential value in exposing how people are manipulated and exploited. Twi had some "good elements" in it.....otherwise, it wouldn't have enticed good, solid people from all walks of life. And, the longer one stays.....the more intertwined everything becomes (i.e. commitments, friendships, goals, marriages, loss of opportunity to rebuild, more indoctrinated, etc.). Waydale and GSC were very clear from the onset......"to tell the other side of the story." And WOW.....is there ever another side that wasn't told: sexual predation, adultery-romps, abortions, character-assassinations, bum's rush to girls that were raped, heavy-drinker wierwille, doctrines of error, research manipulation, etc.) Hundreds upon hundreds have come forward on GSC and thanked the posters for this twi-exposure. Years of hurt, guilt, shame, doubt, confusion.......WERE DISPELLED after reading about twi's underbelly of evil. It helped them to connect the dots......and mend the wounds. What you frame as "animosity".......I deem mitigating. First of all, I love to write (have you noticed?). Secondly, in view of promoting wierwille and twi for a couple of decades, I felt that my integrity of heart should set the record straight having experienced the "throes of battle." Heck, even ex-scientologists or ex-Jehovah Witnesses go to their websites and documentaries to expose the ugly cult doctrines. Maybe it's seated in a moral goodness to help mankind. .2 points
Prior to this 1989-1998 Timeline: When Geer came forward to read "The Passing of a Patriarch" at corps week in 1986......the first 30 minutes were so filled with arrogant bloviating that I found it hard to hear the rest. Lots of arrows were slung at Craig, Don, and Howard (trustees), and no accountability on wierwille's failures. None. Once again, wierwille was placed on this gold-plated pedestal of infallibility. And.......by this time (as documented in this thread), I'd already had THREE major encounters that seriously called into question wierwille's mog-hood. Geer told us that all the corps had failed Dr. Wierwille. I wasn't buying it for one nanosecond. Here's what Geer's bloviating sounded like........The Way to Blunder Onward Besides.......Chris Geer was in the 7th corps, my elder corps. He was assigned "faculty" (cough, cough) and taught a couple of classes to the in-residence corps. One class session, he taught on in-depth study of the scriptures.....and he made it clear that he and Barb, his wife, took every opportunity available to go to the campus library and listen and catalogue every sunday and corps teaching tape that wierwille ever taught. How could you even call yourselves way corps if you didn't do this? The guy was the most glassy-eyed, wierwille-zealot that ever passed thru the corps program, hands down! He was condescending and mean-spirited. So, no.....when "The Patriarch" paper was read, I knew that I was not going to follow the geer camp anytime soon. .2 points
Nope. Not an effort to be PC on my part. Anyone who knows me in real life knows I don't give a rat's azz about being PC.(Nor did I reference any connection to genetics.) Through the years I have had many friends and coworkers that are either homosexual or transgender. I can assure you they did not all live the same "lifestyle". Ask yourself the question, "What is the heterosexual lifestyle?" There is no answer. Some live a sports centered lifestyle. Some live a music centered lifestyle. Some live a technology centered lifestyle and on and on and on. If someone is heterosexual, it simply means that their sexual attraction is directed at the opposite sex. If they are homosexual, their sexual attraction is directed toward the same sex. People aren't cured of their attraction. They just learn how to repress and deny it. (Think celibacy.) Don't even throw the old devil possession schtick in the mix. We'll be here forever with that one.2 points
PC my foot Death is a choice. We die when we quit believing to live. Childhood is genetic. But children CHOOSE to act like children. And the rod must fix that. Bull crud bull crud bull crud TLC you a diverting from the idea TWI believed there is an absolute right and perfect choice in every second of every mundane situation. Labeling any one choice as a fault allowed them to dismiss all following actions and consequence and assign blame when no fault was even necessary. Red Herring.2 points
Just a side note: The reason some people might find it offensive is because it's not a "lifestyle" any more than being heterosexual is a lifestyle. It's just one element of the individual's whole makeup. If we said a person lives a heterosexual lifestyle, what would that even really mean? Not all heterosexuals live the same lifestyle nor do all homosexuals live the same lifestyle. This is not directed at any one person. I'm only pointing it out because using it in this manner can cause the listener to disengage. Well, at least that's been my experience.2 points
We are starting to run up against the end of the last story bucket, and things are overlapping into the year 2000. I thought I'd jump in and start the bucket, if that's OK with WordWolf. Year 2000: Y2K Martindale Ousted Rivenbark Installed Thanks everybody for all the stories. Woven together like a tapestry, they form a pretty compelling picture about what the Way is actually like, as opposed to what they advertise they are like. I think this helps in two respects: 1) individual recovery from past 2) warning for the future.1 point
One reason I also have for wanting to continue the timelines to extend them to the present is that the Way is continually hiding their past, whitewashing it, and saying they are a different ministry now. Here's where I can quote half of a proverb verse. It doesn't even have to contain any spiritual truth, just a common sense rhetorical question. "Can a zebra change his stripes?"1 point
As I'm sure most have surmised, I was a young mushroom during this timeframe. Sitting silently in the dark and being fed, well, you know.1 point
1 point
I respect Raf's admission. The fact is that ALL of us were conned, at least by Wierwille. Every human is subject to confidence games.1 point
w/r to PC - political correctness, I personally just feel that more understanding and leeway needs to be given in the areas of identity and attraction. Scientific evidence has shown developmentally that this shows up as early as 6 to 10 years old. And this is shown to be independent of the views and orientation of the parents. That speaks more loudly to me than ignorance with a vein popping out their neck. This leaves the WAP class "research". To me any kind of a New Testament Grace based God is not congruent with a Father that would inflict a cruel trick on someone by creating them with genetic conflicts in identity and attraction to struggle with that places them on a tightrope of teetering over a precipice of being worthy of being executed. Don't know why the Levitical laws would be as such, but there is a lot of wacky stuff in that book with respect to laws. Those are my views, and whether or not they are PC I have not given one iota of thought. I don't mean to derail sky's thread here - but it's happening I think because the Homo Purges were a big part of this time period. Coming to grips with this topic is probably a big deal. .1 point