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  1. Updates added to timeline 1989: On March 8, 1989 martindale and trustees officially declared "independence day at the way" and separated from chris geer. Cool. A couple additions and clarifications to your timeline. Honing in on more accuracy every iteration. :) Shortly after this date martindale sends out a loyalty letter to all active Corps demanding that they state their loyalty of who they stand with. 50% of 17th corps does not return in-residence after their interim year. This was the loyalty purge. 1990/91: martindale continues vehement opposition to geer and splinter group defectors. He teaches from Galatians....a two-tape series known as Galatians I and II, but later titled Leadership Tapes I & II. First released to corps, then all adv class grads. Later--if attending adv class, these were required prerequisites. Advanced Class Specials were held in Indianapolis [1990 & 91].....short drive for hq-personnel and support from Rome City & Indianapolis corps. The Advanced Class Specials I remember were definitely preparations for filming the live DTA class. Why am I thinking that one of those was not in Indianapolis but in Dallas for GWIB that year? At any rate one of the live audience films was used for a class until the final DTA class production. As with every new class coming out, Corps is required to take first with mandatory participation and "old wineskin" purges for any not 100% gung ho. The DTA class was filmed with new production cameras at HQ in the auditorium in 1992. There was a live audience for this, but they were all silent. It was too hard for Loytoy to teach to a camera with no audience at that point. He overcame the need for a live audience filming the WAP class - there was no audience for that. 1992/93: Martindale taught live adv class at rome city.....mandatory requirement for all active corps and adv class grads to attend. This was a purge. Martindale was stepping forward to purge the old advanced class grads (wierwille allegiance) from the ranks. New syllabus, new nametag. New, improved Twi II. Rise and Expansion book was released in '93 and martindale was gaining confidence, once again. By the fall of 1993 (or Feb/Mar 1994).....all limb coordinators were to teach an R&E weekend (fri/sat/sun) seminar in their respective limbs. 1994/95: A series of purges, like waves slapping the rocky shores of an inlet bay........1) new adv class purge, 2) debt purge, 3) homo purge, 4) word over world purge, 5) full-time corps purge, 6) into the promised land purge, 7) wap class purge, 8) etc. Before the full-blown "1995 roa homo infiltration proclamation".....several corps and staff were caught "in the act" in homosexual relations: girl/girl and guy/guy. On corps nights, martindale called out these corps/staff and trashed their names across the airwaves.....giving them the bum's rush. The 1995 roa was first full-throated, open-exposure of this "whole ministry homo infiltration problem." And, as I've stated earlier....it gave martindale cover to cancel all future rock of ages......when corps went full-time after 1995 roa. Add: May 1994 "Get Out of Debt" Letter in Corps Document Files Add: July 1994 "War on Homosexuals" Letter from martindale Add: July 1994 "Dumping of Spouse Corps" Letter from martindale Link -- Document Files All old twi-music tapes and teaching tapes from defector leaders are anathema. Need to be suspicious of anyone in twi who listens to this stuff and/or harbors attitudes for "old wineskins." Start confronting. If need be, bring 2-3 witnesses. If still unsuccessful, bring them to group confrontation. Purge the old-wineskin nostalgia. 1995: From September-December, these four months seemed like one year. The paper blizzard of faxes, mandates, updates, etc. was cranking up. The trustees and trunk office were totally ill-prepared for the onslaught. When martindale instigated the all-corps full-time policy coupled with wierwille's (illegal) need-basis staff-policy....the paper blizzard had major headwinds. The job description of field corps was not yet written. The trunk personnel were scrambling, caught between martindale pontificating and real-life corps situations. EVERY CORPS ACTION had to examined under the microscope of being a productive/unproductive, necessary/unnecessary, etc......with money, money, money at the basis of ever scrutinizing decision. Bottom line: How much did martindale trust corps leadership to wisely steward twi's funds? This was the birthplace of "Vision and Direction - the Oxymoron". On my list of thread topics to start :) The Way has never trusted Corps leadership with funds. The fund limit approval levels for Petty Cash expenditures were $100 at the Limb level, $300 at the Region level, $500 at the Trunk level, then needs BOT approval. Can't even rent a hall for a meeting without the dummies involved. Unless it's the library or fire station - free. Another way to control expenses - increase the red tape necessary to approve them. The full-time corps revelation....er, experiment [August 1995--October 1998] was a pivotal episode of martindale's tenure. A whole chapter could be written on its implementation, adaptation, regulation, subordination and institutionalization. The pillar that wierwille constructed, the needs-basis policy.....had a MAJOR CRACK going down thru the center of it. On the field, what constitutes a need? Every time a corps person decided to drive his/her car for witnessing.....that was an expense. Extra air conditioning at limb/branch home for meetings/classes.....higher expense. Your teenage kid needs braces......that's a need, right? The list is endless. What all this full-time corps policy exposed was........twi hierarchy was/is a non-factor unless they SUCK OFF THE ABS FOR EVERYTHING. A small minority at headquarters governs,....er, manipulates the followers to separate them year-after-year from their hard-earned money. The spiritual mandates are nothing but a ruse. 1996: Martindale records The Way of Abundance and Power class (WAP).....the foundational class. Red syllabus. Later, a systematic running of these new classes for every active follower. If one didn't take this new class, he was not considered to be involved with twi.....pfal was old wineskin. With every new class, the pattern was: Corps takes it first - they are all full-time anyway so they are tasked with martindale mandates. Limb coordinators run the classes. then they run it for grads. Then they run it for new students. With each running of the class offers the opportunity for more "old wineskin" purging at every level. 1997: Martindale records The Way of Abundance and Power intermediate class. Same pattern....everyone in twi must take it to update status and involvement. Systematically run throughout the usa. Add: 1997 "Gift Policy for Corps" Letter from hq Add: March 1997 "Dangers of Bribery" Letter from martindale Add: September 1997 "Vision and Direction" Policy 1998: Martindale records The Way of Abundance and Power advanced class. The series is complete. Big fanfare and celebration for martindale teaching this series and completing the work. This wap-series is the new standard in twi. Each limb had to structure 4 separate weekends to run this adv class on the field. Major work and involvement......trunk/region/limb. Dress code. Break out groups to absorb info. Class picture. Thank you card sent to martindale. Then, in June at headquarters.......the sexcapade that involved in-residence corps and martindale ensued at the advanced class. Sexual favors at 1998 Adv Class .
    2 points
  2. This timeline, and additional comments, is from the field perspective. For six years I served as a limb coordinator and found myself in the crossfire of insanity......between a trunk/region barrage and the corps/adv class grads and followers in my state. This topic surfaced on another thread Sex, the Rock and the Homo Purges.....and was crowding out that conversation and derailing it. Rather than attempt to plug in my perspective to one of those suggested, 3-year time slots......I would like to expand this topic to this 9-year timeframe. Call it a personal perspective of Insanity on Steroids........especially from a limb coordinator's viewpoint. So here goes......
    1 point
  3. Wow that's nuts. I'm glad I got out in 1988. Interesting though.
    1 point
  4. Now this V & D stuff it pretty much warrants a little deeper investigation, as this will become the framework the Way will run on pretty much for the next 20 years. " O: The Way Corps FROM: Trunk Office/Bill Greene SUBJECT: Vision and Direction God bless you. Rev. Martindale is very excited for each of you to receive a copy of this document, which we are calling "Vision and Direction." This vital document has been developed over the course of the past several months with input from the Board of Trustees and the U.S. Trunk Staff. In addition, it has been reviewed by and has gained the full support of all the ministry leadership present at our 1997-98 Corps and Staff Placement meetings. Rev. Martindale has consistently taught us the Biblical basis for planning, scheduling, organizing, and implementing so that we can function as the most brilliant ministers of the Lord Jesus Christ. Vision and Direction provides us with a strong framework to more effectively move in the direction Rev. Martindale has clearly set for us. This will result in increased growth and productivity in the household at all levels. You will want to study this document in detail and be especially knowledgeable of the job description that applies to your assigned responsibility. We would like for you to be ready to go into full operation with the guidelines of Vision and Direction on October 6, 1997, after the fifty-fifth anniversary. This means that the Limb coordinators will send their first Vision and Direction Report to their Region coordinators by September 30, and the Region coordinators will submit their first Vision and Direction Report to the Trunk Office by October 5. We anticipate great days ahead as we cross the bridge together into the promised land of the prevailing Word. " So the background on how this has developed. Basically, as the story has been told, Martindale gets the heavy revy and puts all the Corps on salary for the Way. What exactly does this mean at every level? 1995 immediately Region guys - well, they were full time anyway, so no change there. Except for now their life was made more miserable by more paperwork Limb guys - very few were full time - only larger states. Branch - basically none fulltime So the problem here is the Branch guys have zero job description and zero idea of what to do during the day. I mean they had already been doing a double duty 40 hrs on a normal job and another 40 on a volunteer position. Now you're going to pay them to do only one of those jobs? Cool. But 80 hrs a week down to 40 and most of those 40 had been happening nights and weekends. And those nights/weekend hours are pretty static when other followers aren't working. So a whole lotta free time on the hands for those guys during the day. Limb Coords - most scenarios same as Branch - but they did monthly publications -Heartbeats, and had a few other extra tasks like petty cash and bookstore if they didn't have a coordinator for that. When the hierarchy paperwork stepped up, these got busy real fast. Region - with the above 2 things becoming apparent in 1995, 1996 - these guys are going to be deluged with paperwork. Much more than 99 luftballoons. They protected their memo book with their life, and elaborately tracked movement on every fax and memo. So the first idea of this V & D document is benign and logical - get some good working job descriptions for branch and limb coords like any organization and provide the structure to get movement going.
    1 point
  5. I like the topical threads that span time. They are interesting to read all in a package. I'll fill in some detail too from my perspective more over time. One of my greatest fears during that time: thermal.........facsimile.............paper. It was a nightmare. You couldn't work with it. It didn't fit into notebooks. It curled up. After a year it faded to be unrecognizable. It was just very very troublesome. They didn't have the all-in-ones like today - receive a fax, just print it out on normal paper. Well, the Regions did. And our buddy B1ll. But those fax machines were much more expensive than the $40 models the Corps had to pick up from Sams club to be approved for petty cash or sometimes not. We would travel to Kinkos regularly just to reprint the stupid f'ing memos on thermal facsimile paper to normal printer paper. Hey but you can log that as office time. And also, since the "corporate culture" from the top was being set at 110 decibels, he/she who were most spiritual as good little growing sycophants would imitate that. You didn't get your fax response back in on time? Scream. Your memo you got has a red line across it and is cut off halfway through? Your fault for running out of paper. Scream. I kind of wonder how I tolerated all that. I guess I just kind of developed an insensitivity to volume. I related it to a tough coach I had growing up as a kid who took us places we wouldn't have gone ourselves, and thus could tune a good deal of it out. I remember in-residence one lady screaming at me at the top of her lungs, a Corpse Coord. wife. I remember it was really hard for me to focus on the words she was saying. It was so much easier just to be entertained by the different shades of red and purple her face was turning. that is definitely red. now, it's taking on a magenta hue. it's definitely purple now. i really hope we don't progress to the blue stage, because then I would really be fearful of the poor woman collapsing on the floor for lack of oxygen.
    1 point
  6. It took Paul All3n and Waydale to blow the lid off martindale's predatory world. Even the 1998 advanced class sexcapade did NOT inflict enough damage to stop or disrupt martindale's sexual predation. Not Rosalie. Not Donna. Not John Reynolds. Not John Linder. Not Wayne Cl-app. Seemingly, everyone (that knew secrets) at the top-tier levels of twi was turning a blind eye to martindale's roaming sexual appetite. The sex and "adultery" was STILL deeply rooted at the way international..........until All3n/Waydale and lawsuits. BUT.......the 1998 advanced class sex scandal helped to open the doors for my exit.
    1 point
  7. Anyone who is interested in exploring the martindale era......should spend 4 hours reading thru the document files. Paul All3n, on Waydale, was on an 18-hour a day mission to "crash and burn" twi and martindale......hence, way-dale. All of these letters, policies and mandates were at his fingertips.......he was the point of the spear that was thrust into the belly of the beast. If you read these documents....... WARNING: The words cannot be unread......the visual imagery cannot be unseen. Document Files
    1 point
  8. As a limb coordinator, my daily schedule started around 5:30am. Endeavoring to spend an hour in the scriptures and prayer to start my day was my routine. Most often, I would simply read and meditate on those scriptures that, I believed, were touchstones to love, compassion, and giving to others. No......I didn't follow any study script or anal "lift list" prayer listing from twi.......I despised the creeping micromanagement even during the wierwille era. But........getting faxes at 2 o'clock in the morning was the beginning of the end, for me. No empathy. No concern from the spiritual honchos. Insanity on steroids........
    1 point
  9. Last night, I watched the 3rd episode of Leah Remini's six-part documentary of scientology. Time and again, she and others attempt to explain the steps and process of how one is indoctrinated into a cult. Leah spent 35 years in that totalitarian cult-world and wants to unravel....and WARN.....others from falling captive to their trappings. Along with "the good" that is taught.......the trappings are set to hinder you from escape. The following link delves into the trappings and the purges: A Series of Purges The martindale-led era was inundated with a series of purges. I seriously doubt that there's been a complete listing of the purge-onslaughts...... the loyalty purge the Galatian tapes martindale adv class purge the homo purge unproductive/harassing/evil purge the debt purge corps spouse purge full-time corps purge bridge to the promise land purge word is over the world purge new wap-class series purge prevailing word purge Along the way......if you failed to measure up and were "purged from the ranks" you would be assigned to a probationary period. If you repented of your failings/sins, and obeyed the systematic monitoring of your leadership......then, after a designated period of time, would be reinstated. Martindale and his lieutenants had the power to confront, slander, smear any corps person that, they felt, needed reprimanding......it made for good corps night smear-fests. Thru the years, several region men were confronted and "had their ears notched" by martindale.......before prostrating themselves before him and allowed back into the camp. Just like scientology, twi was utilizing the same tactics.
    1 point
  10. Nothing can encapsulate this era without spotlighting the martindale's "revelation" claim.......that all active field corps be full-time ministers, salaried by twi. Those 36-months (3 years).......seemed like every month martindale had us chasing something else, much like a cat is trying to chase down a darting laser beam from a small flashlight. The paper blizzard....as I've often referred to, was the faxes, memos, updates, reports, guidelines, policies, and the reporting back to limb/region/trunk respectively. Listed below is a sample of that: 1995 full-time corps "revelation" .......all the corps were inundated with reporting back to twi leadership. I tend to believe that the trunk office issued this paper blizzard to appease martinfail's screaming episodes and micromanaged leadership style. Quite obvious to me.....martinfail didn't trust the corps to do their ministerial duties. The paperwork was multi-faceted. Branch guys reported to the limb, the limb to region, the region to trunk, the trunk to bot. The following are some of the reports that I recall: --Time-Analysis Report....each week, this report was a projected schedule of the corps person's week detailing 6am - 11pm in 30-minute time slots. After about one year, lcm instructed region & limb guys to scrutinize these reports and strongly recommend changes (each week). --Witnessing Report....each week, this report was a detailed analysis of how many in your area went witnessing, the number of contacts, the number of follow-ups, the number who attended fellowships as a result, the number who signed up for WAP, etc. --Petty Cash Report....each branch, limb and region were allocated a level of petty cash. Branch corps, generally, consisted of two or three fellowships and didn't utilze petty cash reports except for times when lcm designated 8 consecutive public/formal branch meetings during the videotaping of WAP. All expenses over $100 had to be cleared by the region guy. The region guy could spend up to $300 before the trunk got involved. --Yearly Budget Reports....this report had to be cleared through twi's personnel department. With some 600+ corps/families on payroll, this was a monumental task to sort thru the "needs" of every corps family, every situation. Some parents had a child in a musical instrument class, or a karate class, or a voice lessons class, etc. Martindale blasted the corps on a corps meeting for spending "excess money" on their children. --[Note: Pet policies, gift-giving policies, pregnancy policies, traveling policies, cable tv policies, etc......these came into play as the mountain of corps expenses soared far beyond anything martindale had foreseen.] --Monthly Progress Report....(whatever it was called??) detailed each branch's progress on class sign-ups (fnd, int, ac, etc). Month after month, it seemed like there were always goose eggs (zeros) in the blanks. --Trunk Faxes.....reporting back on specific policies or corps meeting assignments was common. The corps were responsible to listen to lcm's sts tape on tuesday or early wednesday each week BEFORE the corps phone hookup. Trunk faxes were common and demanded a quick response. Sometimes, corps would be up until midnight to meet the fax deadline. --Greetings Faxed to Trunk....as the paper-insantiy escalated, the corps seemed to be competing as to who could send in the most heartfelt greeting for twi's anniversary, for thanksgiving, for twi's holiday party, for the new year's, etc. --Thank You Cards.....it became mandatory for each branch, each area to send a unique, handmade, personalized card to lcm after each WAP class. Every student was to sign the card and detail what blessed them specifically in the class. Those who had bigger branches, bigger limbs, bigger regions had MORE paperwork to do. It wasn't any secret why MANY region couples had no kids. No time. There were more reports, but I think you get the gist of it. I know lots of people criticize their corps leadership, but from one who was in the midst of this paper blizzard.....it was one hell of a ride! .
    1 point
  11. Ugh. Just reading this stuff gives me such deep anxiety. Like I said earlier, I cannot believe this Mofo is still walking around free, and set for life financially. The man needs to be behind bars -- where (and God, forgive me in advance!) maybe some brothers might acquaint him with the subject a little bit closer up and personal -- a subject he seemed way too obsessed about, if you ask me. Could it be he protested just a bit too much, as the saying goes? Seriously, this period of time in twi just screams of bondage, manipulation, fear and extreme arrogance! To think you could order people around the way he continually did -- shaming and guilting thousands along the way -- it boggles the mind. He seems to have gotten much more damaged (and damaging) after the big walk-out of so many Corps in '85-'86. He probably took it quite personally ... as he should have!! Okay, enough. I'm just musing here out loud -- cos it's a safe place to do it when it comes to this insane s*#t we put up with for years!
    1 point
  12. thanks for the links, Chockfull I found something else interesting in the opening corps night notes: “…The spirit realm has so learned and mastered Dr. Wierwille's class that it uses it against us…” Do you realize what this means?!?! Devil spirits did not have to pay for the class nor was there a minimum number of devil spirits requirement to put a class together.
    1 point
  13. OMG ... how exTREMEly thankful I am that I got out when I did! After the "diaspora" of '86 (when I made a conscious decision that it would be the last ROA I'd ever attend), the morphing into deeper levels of insane manipulation that continued to just get worse and worse as each year progressed would've been enough to cause me to become seriously mentally ill, had I stayed any longer! I feel so awful for those who did not leave then ... and for those who are still in after all these years. This history with all this detail -- (thanks Skyrider, Chockful, DWBH) -- can only do folks good -- in aiding many to escape, hopefully! Damn, I made the mistake of reading the entire 6-page, July 1994 homo-purge letter from that dickhead, LCM (that Chockfull posted just above), and I had a haunting of his disgusting voice and arrogant swagger and the LOUSY way his "teachings" (insane rantings, more like) used to leave so many of us feeling. I cannot imagine the torment so may gay and lesbian people must've experienced in those "purge" years. And all the others who were made complicit, through guilting and coersion, to "turn the sinners in"! I still cannot believe that that loser of a man -- that arrogant, self-righteous POS -- has an income for life and owns part of the Gunnison property that our hard-earned dollars supported for decades. (Hell, I was the only girl on the Paint Crew at Gunnison and I've linseed-oiled ever damn log on that property at least once!) If only someone could sue his a*@ off NOW -- someone for whom the statute of limitations might not apply. I'd take a ring-side seat for that trial! And to think that we sat through hours and hours of that asinine "Athletes of the Spirit" -- all so his humongous ego could be stroked. I really wonder if he EVER gives a thought to the damage he has caused so many of his fellow humans?
    1 point
  14. Second lawsuit clippings from newspaper: http://www.greasespotcafe.com/waydale/lawsuit/leader-062700-page1.htm http://www.greasespotcafe.com/waydale/lawsuit/leader-062700-page2.htm
    1 point
  15. Cutting in skyrider's input on this from the other thread as this is a new topic. Just for topical reading ease. Quote - skyrider 1997: In JanuaryFebruary......martindale attacked the whole issue of "gift giving" to field corps. He cited examples of BRIBERY from the scriptures and then launched into several incidents where corps received a gift from someone that, he claimed, had a bribe attached to it. No corps were to receive any gifts from their area followers.....not even some tomatoes from someone's garden. It became an insane mandate. Yet, martindale still received gifts. "Vision and Direction" policies were implemented in September. Vision and Direction 1995 Full-Time Corps "revelation" Here is a sample of reporting and paperwork sent to region/trunk: .....all the corps were inundated with reporting back to twi leadership. I tend to believe that the trunk office issued this paper blizzard to appease martinfail's screaming episodes and micromanaged leadership style. Quite obvious to me.....martinfail didn't trust the corps to do their ministerial duties.The paperwork was multi-faceted. Branch guys reported to the limb, the limb to region, the region to trunk, the trunk to bot. The following are some of the reports that I recall: --Time-Analysis Report....each week, this report was a projected schedule of the corps person's week detailing 6am - 11pm in 30-minute time slots. After about one year, lcm instructed region & limb guys to scrutinize these reports and strongly recommend changes (each week). --Witnessing Report....each week, this report was a detailed analysis of how many in your area went witnessing, the number of contacts, the number of follow-ups, the number who attended fellowships as a result, the number who signed up for WAP, etc. --Petty Cash Report....each branch, limb and region were allocated a level of petty cash. Branch corps, generally, consisted of two or three fellowships and didn't utilze petty cash reports except for times when lcm designated 8 consecutive public/formal branch meetings during the videotaping of WAP. All expenses over $100 had to be cleared by the region guy. The region guy could spend up to $300 before the trunk got involved. --Yearly Budget Reports....this report had to be cleared through twi's personnel department. With some 600+ corps/families on payroll, this was a monumental task to sort thru the "needs" of every corps family, every situation. Some parents had a child in a musical instrument class, or a karate class, or a voice lessons class, etc. Martindale blasted the corps on a corps meeting for spending "excess money" on their children. --[Note: Pet policies, gift-giving policies, pregnancy policies, traveling policies, cable tv policies, etc......these came into play as the mountain of corps expenses soared far beyond anything martindale had foreseen.] --Monthly Progress Report....(whatever it was called??) detailed each branch's progress on class sign-ups (fnd, int, ac, etc). Month after month, it seemed like there were always goose eggs (zeros) in the blanks. --Trunk Faxes.....reporting back on specific policies or corps meeting assignments was common. The corps were responsible to listen to lcm's sts tape on tuesday or early wednesday each week BEFORE the corps phone hookup. Trunk faxes were common and demanded a quick response. Sometimes, corps would be up until midnight to meet the fax deadline. --Greetings Faxed to Trunk....as the paper-insantiy escalated, the corps seemed to be competing as to who could send in the most heartfelt greeting for twi's anniversary, for thanksgiving, for twi's holiday party, for the new year's, etc. --Thank You Cards.....it became mandatory for each branch, each area to send a unique, handmade, personalized card to lcm after each WAP class. Every student was to sign the card and detail what blessed them specifically in the class. Those who had bigger branches, bigger limbs, bigger regions had MORE paperwork to do. It wasn't any secret why MANY region couples had no kids. No time.
    1 point
  16. Now I'm seeing why I don't remember a good deal of this sh1zzl3. Repression is the brain's way of protecting itself. ;) And.... Paw's GOT SOME DOCS UP RESTORED IN THE DOCS SECTION ON GREASESPOT!!!!!!!!!!!! We don't have to link to the Wayback machine anymore. YEAH! Thanks Paw.
    1 point
  17. 1997: In JanuaryFebruary......martindale attacked the whole issue of "gift giving" to field corps. He cited examples of BRIBERY from the scriptures and then launched into several incidents where corps received a gift from someone that, he claimed, had a bribe attached to it. No corps were to receive any gifts from their area followers.....not even some tomatoes from someone's garden. It became an insane mandate. Yet, martindale still received gifts. "Vision and Direction" policies were implemented in September. Vision and Direction 1995 Full-Time Corps "revelation" Here is a sample of reporting and paperwork sent to region/trunk: .....all the corps were inundated with reporting back to twi leadership. I tend to believe that the trunk office issued this paper blizzard to appease martinfail's screaming episodes and micromanaged leadership style. Quite obvious to me.....martinfail didn't trust the corps to do their ministerial duties. The paperwork was multi-faceted. Branch guys reported to the limb, the limb to region, the region to trunk, the trunk to bot. The following are some of the reports that I recall: --Time-Analysis Report....each week, this report was a projected schedule of the corps person's week detailing 6am - 11pm in 30-minute time slots. After about one year, lcm instructed region & limb guys to scrutinize these reports and strongly recommend changes (each week). --Witnessing Report....each week, this report was a detailed analysis of how many in your area went witnessing, the number of contacts, the number of follow-ups, the number who attended fellowships as a result, the number who signed up for WAP, etc. --Petty Cash Report....each branch, limb and region were allocated a level of petty cash. Branch corps, generally, consisted of two or three fellowships and didn't utilze petty cash reports except for times when lcm designated 8 consecutive public/formal branch meetings during the videotaping of WAP. All expenses over $100 had to be cleared by the region guy. The region guy could spend up to $300 before the trunk got involved. --Yearly Budget Reports....this report had to be cleared through twi's personnel department. With some 600+ corps/families on payroll, this was a monumental task to sort thru the "needs" of every corps family, every situation. Some parents had a child in a musical instrument class, or a karate class, or a voice lessons class, etc. Martindale blasted the corps on a corps meeting for spending "excess money" on their children. --[Note: Pet policies, gift-giving policies, pregnancy policies, traveling policies, cable tv policies, etc......these came into play as the mountain of corps expenses soared far beyond anything martindale had foreseen.] --Monthly Progress Report....(whatever it was called??) detailed each branch's progress on class sign-ups (fnd, int, ac, etc). Month after month, it seemed like there were always goose eggs (zeros) in the blanks. --Trunk Faxes.....reporting back on specific policies or corps meeting assignments was common. The corps were responsible to listen to lcm's sts tape on tuesday or early wednesday each week BEFORE the corps phone hookup. Trunk faxes were common and demanded a quick response. Sometimes, corps would be up until midnight to meet the fax deadline. --Greetings Faxed to Trunk....as the paper-insantiy escalated, the corps seemed to be competing as to who could send in the most heartfelt greeting for twi's anniversary, for thanksgiving, for twi's holiday party, for the new year's, etc. --Thank You Cards.....it became mandatory for each branch, each area to send a unique, handmade, personalized card to lcm after each WAP class. Every student was to sign the card and detail what blessed them specifically in the class. Those who had bigger branches, bigger limbs, bigger regions had MORE paperwork to do. It wasn't any secret why MANY region couples had no kids. No time.
    1 point
  18. Chockfull......let me take a shot at this. 1989: On March 8, 1989 martindale and trustees officially declared "independence day at the way" and separated from chris geer. 1990/91: martindale continues vehement opposition to geer and splinter group defectors. He teaches from Galatians....a two-tape series known as Galatians I and II, but later titled Leadership Tapes I & II. First released to corps, then all adv class grads. Later--if attending adv class, these were required prerequisites. Advanced Class Specials were held in Indianapolis [1990 & 91].....short drive for hq-personnel and support from Rome City & Indianapolis corps. 1992/93: Martindale taught live adv class at rome city.....mandatory requirement for all active corps and adv class grads to attend. This was a purge. Martindale was stepping forward to purge the old advanced class grads (wierwille allegiance) from the ranks. New syllabus, new nametag. New, improved Twi II. Rise and Expansion book was released in '93 and martindale was gaining confidence, once again. By the fall of 1993 (or Feb/Mar 1994).....all limb coordinators were to teach an R&E weekend (fri/sat/sun) seminar in their respective limbs. 1994/95: A series of purges, like waves slapping the rocky shores of an inlet bay........1) new adv class purge, 2) debt purge, 3) homo purge, 4) word over world purge, 5) full-time corps purge, 6) into the promised land purge, 7) wap class purge, 8) etc. Before the full-blown "1995 roa homo infiltration proclamation".....several corps and staff were caught "in the act" in homosexual relations: girl/girl and guy/guy. On corps nights, martindale called out these corps/staff and trashed their names across the airwaves.....giving them the bum's rush. The 1995 roa was first full-throated, open-exposure of this "whole ministry homo infiltration problem." And, as I've stated earlier....it gave martindale cover to cancel all future rock of ages......when corps went full-time after 1995 roa. All old twi-music tapes and teaching tapes from defector leaders are anathema. Need to be suspicious of anyone in twi who listens to this stuff and/or harbors attitudes for "old wineskins." Start confronting. If need be, bring 2-3 witnesses. If still unsuccessful, bring them to group confrontation. Purge the old-wineskin nostalgia. 1995: From September-December, these four months seemed like one year. The paper blizzard of faxes, mandates, updates, etc. was cranking up. The trustees and trunk office were totally ill-prepared for the onslaught. When martindale instigated the all-corps full-time policy coupled with wierwille's (illegal) need-basis staff-policy....the paper blizzard had major headwinds. The job description of field corps was not yet written. The trunk personnel were scrambling, caught between martindale pontificating and real-life corps situations. EVERY CORPS ACTION had to examined under the microscope of being a productive/unproductive, necessary/unnecessary, etc......with money, money, money at the basis of ever scrutinizing decision. Bottom line: How much did martindale trust corps leadership to wisely steward twi's funds? The full-time corps revelation....er, experiment [August 1995--October 1998] was a pivotal episode of martindale's tenure. A whole chapter could be written on its implementation, adaptation, regulation, subordination and institutionalization. The pillar that wierwille constructed, the needs-basis policy.....had a MAJOR CRACK going down thru the center of it. On the field, what constitutes a need? Every time a corps person decided to drive his/her car for witnessing.....that was an expense. Extra air conditioning a limb/branch home for meetings/classes.....higher expense. Your teenage kid needs braces......that's a need, right? The list is endless. What all this full-time corps policy exposed was........twi hierarchy was/is a non-factor unless they SUCK OFF THE ABS FOR EVERYTHING. A small minority at headquarters governs,....er, manipulates the followers to separate them year-after-year from their hard-earned money. The spiritual mandates are nothing but a ruse. 1996: Martindale records The Way of Abundance and Power class (WAP).....the foundational class. Red syllabus. Later, a systematic running of these new classes for every active follower. If one didn't take this new class, he was not considered to be involved with twi.....pfal was old wineskin. 1997: Martindale records The Way of Abundance and Power intermediate class. Same pattern....everyone in twi must take it to update status and involvement. Systematically run throughout the usa. 1998: Martindale records The Way of Abundance and Power advanced class. The series is complete. Big fanfare and celebration for martindale teaching this series and completing the work. This wap-series is the new standard in twi. Each limb had to structure 4 separate weekends to run this adv class on the field. Major work and involvement......trunk/region/limb. Dress code. Break out groups to absorb info. Class picture. Thank you card sent to martindale. Then, in June at headquarters.......the sexcapade that involved in-residence corps and martindale ensued at the advanced class. Sexual favors at 1998 Adv Class And, soon......the walls came tumblin' down.
    1 point
  19. I've heard variations of this story repeated with people seeking healing from several top TWI members. Loytoy, R@pp, VP, and 1 or 2 others. I'm glad you brought this up. There is a great life disillusionment when you find out the mogfodt ain't. It's less devastating when you see more of their stupidity. But the Way instilled false hopes and visions in people, then blamed them when they were not fulfilled. The only other option would be to openly admit they didn't have the power or abundance to help the person.
    1 point
  20. That is so the pot calling the kettle black, I know for a fact LCM was a real pervert in relationship to WC's family, he has a lot to answer for, like his "father" in the word will, what a sham, LCM is so lucky that he's not spending the next 20 years in a federal penitentiary.
    1 point
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