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After the live "Defeating the Adversary" class, filmed, and all of this excitement going on with $$$$$ hemorrhaging, Corpse alumni, and the rest, even though we are just as spiritually sharp as a tack there, somehow the numbers aren't increasing. As far as purging, there are only so many old rodeo clowns you can fire because their horses cost too much or people you can make an example of because their kid takes tae kwon do lessons. But hey, we are a cult. We can do so much more. Let's start by the Pregnancy Policy. Ladies, if you are under 35 and don't have any kids, you are not allowed to get pregnant. After all, women are a commodity in the ministry. They should walk 10 steps behind their husbands and only speak at home. Thus we have successfully implemented the same cost cutting controls as Communist China. We are really making progress here. One dude with a few kids already makes the spiritually betraying mistake of copulation with his wife ending in a pregnancy. He asks for an exception. 3 hours of screaming later on a Corpse night and we have a new purge victim, and plenty of fear of unprotected sex. Except for the mogfodt harem though - they were all on the pill. No pets allowed. dog food costs money. Thus, the "Expense Cutting Purge". Many fall victim to this. After this comes the "Bribery Purges". All the fulltime ministers now are dirt poor. One starting teachers salary for 2 fulltime employees. Some cull additional income through working the populace for gifts. Free cars, free computers, etc. Oh no. That is evil. That is bribery. We need to purge that and implement a law. Purge, purge, purge. Now full-time ministers are no longer able to accept gifts, they are to suffer in silence. I just don't understand. All of this purging going on - surely God must notice it. Surely it must turn the ministry around. Surely we are the most pure spiritual beings you ever encountered now. Classes should just run everywhere. But they don't. Somehow, basic common sense is bypassed - how can you expect to increase numbers and revenue by kicking everyone out and chasing them off? But hey - I guess that is one thing you can't expect from a mogfodt - common sense. What is the culprit? The PFAL class is too old. Too out of date. Too hard to balance getting the red on the rose to balance with real live flesh colors on a TV set. Too many outdated jokes and references. We've already had tremendous success remaking the DTA class. The live one worked for a while, then we bought cameras and crap to film before a live captive studio audience at HQ. That was great. We found so many devils to kick out. So let's ramp up to take it on. The huge one. The mamba jamba. The spiritually most significant event of our lifetime - the remake of Power for Abundant Living.2 points
When did twi's stranglehold on wierwille's mog-status, impact and legacy lose its grip? Did the stranglehold cease when many clergy/corps dissented and exited in late '70s or early '80s? Did the stranglehold cease when wierwille died in May 1985? Did the stranglehold cease when geer read "The Patriarch" paper at corps week, 1986? Did the stranglehold cease when lynn and others wrote that 37-page proclamation? Did the stranglehold cease with an exodus of a reported 80% of corps leadership? Did the stranglehold cease when dozens of splinter groups started preaching "the truth?" When did the stranglehold cease? Well......imo, the stranglehold ceased when twi-gatekeepers could NO LONGER control the message or contain the secrets. The leaders (cough, cough) who exited en masse after "the poop paper propaganda" did very little to release the wierwille-the-man-of-God vise grip. The geer camp kept beating the same drum. The lynn camp did better.....but just seemed to sidestep the wierwille doctrine/legacy in many ways. What about the finn3gan camp? The summ3rville camp? Others? The shr0yer camp seemed to embrace the wierwille doctrine more closely.....of which, the two younger wierwille kids hitched a ride to keep the embers glowing? The stranglehold was BROKEN when Waydale in April 1999 took the fight directly at Martindale and twi. The full onslaught of punches caught martindale/twi off guard and in a defensive posture. Pa-ul All3n hit them with an uppercut that left them staggering to find the ropes. From a position of husband-rage and legal strength, this man went on a relentless, 18-hours a day, flurry of punches that staggered the corporate "giant." Month after month, the scandalous secrets poured forth on Waydale. Twi mandated that their followers stay off the internet and, it didn't take long before martindale had to publically admit to this "consensual affair." Twi knew that Waydale was, indeed, a formidable foe. A second lawsuit erupted......and martindale's fate was sealed. Cover-ups. Silence. Lawyers. Depositions. The All3n lawsuit was settled out of court and sealed from prying eyes. Martindale was ousted. Within a year, 7 region coordinators had sent in their resignation letters and headed for the doors to separate themselves from all things twi. Amazingly, the loyalist trunk coordinator, panasmello around like 2004 and started on offshoot and STILL clings to wierwille doctrine (from what I've heard). Greasespot Café didn't miss a beat and picked up when the Waydale websie, under settlement agreement, was to close down. But make NO mistake.......it was NOT the staunch defectors from the 1986 exodus who broke the twi-stranglehold. Many of those men went forward to fill their pews and pockets with the wierwille-deception, the fake-truth doctrine, that they embraced.....still. They simply wanted the deception, and funneling of money, to continue as long as possible. They were, and are, complicit in leading these followers astray. Woe unto them. Waydale........thank you! GSC.........174 pages and counting, on About the Way forum.2 points
This thread made me think of Tank Man – the unknown rebel who stood in front of the column of Chinese tanks in Tiananmen Square in 1989 Tank Man I can only imagine it must have been just as scary for Paul A to take on LCM / TWI a big thanks to him, Waydale and Grease Spot for sure !!!!2 points
Yes, props to Paul All3n for sure. Without his response, so much of this would have remained covered up forever. As well as many of you, on Waydale. I had pieced together that P@ul got a 7 figure settlement with a confidentiality clause from his lawsuit, meaning he'd have to give it back if he kept up with Waydale or similar activity. If any are wondering that is why he doesn't post on the internet anymore. skyrider, dwbh, thanks for pitching on on some of these history stories I'm trying to tell. This is not normally how I would approach writing or talking about it, but to me in spite of loose organization what i like about it is it offers so many others the opportunity to "open source" the story. One huge collaboration effort, like Wikipedia. to me it makes it more complete of a story and with your details more accurate. Initially people criticized wikipedia as a source being biased and inaccurate - I remember one point in college not being allowed to use it as a source on papers. Over time the peer reviews and corrections turned that around in a lot of instances. It still is problematic in the area of focused bias. A great example of that is looking up The Way International on wikipedia and comparing what you see there to details you might find at GSC. The differences you see you can attribute to Rosie's Great Whitewashing Campaign. Does that mean these stories we are telling here are going to be biased and inaccurate? Well, I've come to the point of view that any retelling of history introduces bias, as it is written from a person's viewpoint. Accuracy is going to be increased by collaboration.2 points
2 points
to tie up the Myr@cle/Cr0wthr story - I mean overall it's like they thought they were like soul mates. they exchanged rings with each other, said vows. But it all was so secret. J@net with her aspirations of ascension among the ranks, fueled by Rosie's backing, acceptance of them, and hiding them away. Sh@r0n, pressure mounting more and more every day she took a great deal of it. But with the direction the new ministry was taking and all the original sin teaching, it just wasn't to be. So they eventually left HQ, off for parts unknown. Not to take an assignment, just leaving. Funny though, despite all of those whose lives had been ruined by J@net's gaydar outings, it never happened to them. Rosie threw them a great big party that all the staff was invited to, and they left for out on the field. Together. Afterwards I found out secretly through some of my inner connections that Rosie would take vacation to go and visit them often and has for many years. I'm sure part of that is to buy their ongoing silence.1 point
So activity to rival a Hollywood production commences. Who coordinates this? Why Rosie of course. The perfect production queen. The matriarch of High Country Caravan. The President's Cabinet Coordinator. D0nn@'s secret solace. And you know, this can't be the same class as VP's. It has to be newer, better. i am Loytoy the Magnificent. i have tights and production experience. And a trusty lumbering large sidekick to help with the gap in the Research department I fired. What was that Greek word again W@yne? Powder. Right. Got it. From the Greek podare. And the Bunny Dance is off in full production force. It seems kind of like PFAL. Some different words. Change a word. Re-arrange a word. You know, kind of like Eve's error in the garden taught in PFAL? Oh, except we have some really, really new insight on this one. Fueled by a picture of Michaelangelo on the Cistine Chapel ceiling, no less. Whoever said that Loytoy didn't cite sources? What is this heavy revy? Oh yes, the snake appeared to eve not in just a snakelike form, but actually it was a snakelike lady form - a lady snake, a snake lady. Eve's original sin? Homosexuality. And let's wrap it up by emphasizing that section in Romans that was probably a textual addition to cement the homophobe viewpoint in the Way about how evil all that gayness is, and especially that gay women sex thing. it was the original sin.1 point
This Corps Alumni business is an abiding pain to me. I hate it so much. There were so many folks, sold out wayfers (my parents among them), who were dropped from the Corps for arbitrary reasons (well, maybe as you guys point out it was monetary), and they were so wounded by this. They had their whole self worth wrapped up in this identity, and they were understandably crestfallen when it was revoked. So the Corps Alumni "status" comes along as a consolation prize. But even with that, they were jerks - "oh, we're not giving this to just anybody" you have to be the best of the best finest example of advanced class grads, not moping around feeling sorry for yourself (because of how we've just robbed you of your most prized characteristic, Way Corps status). So that was among my first jobs as a new corps grad was to tell some of these former Corps folks, sorry, you're not even Way Corps Alumni. And that was that. There was no earning that status back. My folks are way lifers, Corps grads, dropped from active corps for some arbitrary infraction, marked and avoided twice, begged their way back into the fold and still, STILL to this day are loyal wayfers, doing all the wayfer stuff - hosting fellowships, running the classes, etc. Are they Way Corps Alumni? nope. I met many people in these post-purge, post-LCM years that stayed loyal. They do whatever they are permitted to do in service to the way. But they carry around this profound sense of failure for being dropped from the Corps, or Way Corps Alum, or even as I said those who had that withheld. Anybody can see it, including those so called leaders in the way. They are supposed to be kinder and gentler now after LCM. Yet they won't lift the burdens off these folks. Apologize for wrongfully terminating them. Apologize for being so hard on them, and thanking them for sticking around. Any of those Corps grads still "standing" should rightfully get to be Corps Alumni, but the BOD won't even make that simple concession. Why? The don't care about people. Period. And they would never admit to mistakes of any kind, it undermines their authority. And the whole cult dynamic requires authority.1 point
All accurate. I remember there were 2 Adv. Class specials, one in Dallas (was that Word in Business that year?) and one at HQ. The HQ one was filmed and turned into a "Defeating the Adversary" class. The Corps going fulltime. Penny pinching. Faxes going off by your head at 2am because your office doubles as your bedroom. Yeah. Yes, money brings on the next purge. I'm going to label this one the "Vision Purge". Apparently all Corpse under vicster's original vision were supposed to have "gift ministries". What he meant by "gift ministries" seems to be a blend of adeptness at bootie smooching, plus the ability to be confrontationally obnoxious to underlings. Also highly valued was if you had your own private harem, and kept it on the down low. Unfortunately over time, this vision had become watered down. Apparently people had started going into the Corps for less lofty reasons. In fact many of them - gasp - had gone in just to become a good fellowship coordinator. We need to purge them to bring expenses in control. We are hemorrhaging funds, and we have do do something to cover it up. loytoy admitting it wasn't revelation to send Corpse fulltime wasn't going to happen. So let's distract by other activity . Purge purge purge. Corpse are to be branch coordinators and above, not fellowship coordinators. If they did not have that ability, then they were to be dropped from the Corpse. DFAC. Mass confusion among the rank and file. Hurt, turmoil - you know, the norm. Whatever vision it was that sent Corpse into the Corpse, now they are questioning. The rocket scientists on the BOD figured out that it was actually that group that was the most profitable to the Way. Habitually sacrificed themselves. Worked 2 jobs. Sent in $$$. Put up with all the antics. And now they are upset and many are leaving. To turn the tide, revelation changes again. Now instead of DFAC, we are going to praise these people and let them know they fulfilled their vision. "Corps Alumni" is a term that is invented, and from that point carried on ever since. These people are to be the salt of the earth the household fellowship coordinators the advanced class grads the abundantly sharing populace. A new layer in the caste system fits the bill. Not only this, but we have the perfect setup for even more political purges. You have a Corpse Alumni group with thwarted life goals. And you have fulltime Corps. Perfect formula for the one to grow to hate the other. Over the years this will provide a great harvest of confidential informants, of great use to purge even further.1 point
1 point
That fulltime stuff was a disaster. I graduated into the second year of full-time corps. Somebody figured out they had put everyone on the payroll and not really defined their job. I think Craig just hoped that with all those Corps free to move the word, it was really going to turn things around and increase numbers. When I had my first assignment, we had a bit more of a job description - teach. So we were supposed to teach like 10 or 15 times a month and report back about it to the Limb. My wife and I both needed to do this, so it meant that we taught all the fellowships in our branch every week. Nobody else got to teach anymore so we could earn our keep. But that's not much of a growth strategy either, so somewhere in there they came up with Vision and Direction, a description for what the Corps was supposed to accomplish over the course of a year, with a bunch of new reporting requirements. (This could be and probably had already been another thread.) When all the Corps went full-time Craig bragged about how Ernst and Young told them it was crazy. The third and final year of all corps full time we went through extreme expense cutting measures, and everyone took a paycut. There was a prohibition on having kids. A bunch of extreme financial tightening put on the Corps. Then yeah, eventually, Revelation came that most of us should go get a secular job again. I don't know for sure if this is the case, but it seems reasonable to me that the Way Corps were among the most loyal financial contributors before this. When they went fulltime, they stopped making these contributions and became a big expense. I wondered for a while if the Craiggers was actually trying to intentionally destroy the way, but I don't think he was. I think he really thought the whole thing was a good idea, and it was going to work.1 point
Ever since I’ve been coming to Grease Spot I periodically find myself so flabbergasted over the blinders I wore in my way-daze. So many things stuck out like a sore thumb but I never addressed it back then – ah yes , the power of a mindset. Like the absence of the power and knowledge manifestations in a ministry that made such a big deal over them! I never experienced them in my own life and just chalked it up to my lack of believing / spiritual immaturity. Maybe it had something to do with the way vp got folks to focus on themselves in order to make PFAL "work"….so I never concerned myself with questioning the validity of PFAL and never realized that “the teacher” was just all talk and hype. After you mentioned never witnessing the operation of power/knowledge manifestations by vp or LCM, I remembered a lady in our twig confided in me of the time she went to vp while at some camp – to see him about healing for a longtime problem she had with one of her feet. vp didn’t do anything for her of course – no ministering, no healing – but the way she related the incident to me - as I recall now – she must have suppressed the ache of shattered hopes – with that stiff-upper-lip teary-eyed manner of a determined PFAL grad foiled again - she told me vp said something along the lines of “it’s still god’s word even if no one believes it”. Reflecting on that now I can only imagine how vp’s callous and dismissive words must have lodged a ticking time-bomb of disillusionment in her heart.1 point
Hey Krys, back in the day I really liked the Sandpiper’s tune Guantanamera .....and thanks for posting Come Saturday Morning Don't Worry, I listen to the Cream’s version of Crossroads almost every day on the way home from work – it’s also one of my all-time favs for Eric’s guitar work AND Jack’s busy bass …And I must say I love Jimi’s All Along the Watchtower version better than Bob Dylan’s (who wrote it). Here’s a couple of my favorite alternate versions of familiar tunes - Bluebird by James Gang – check out Tom Kriss on the bass – he plays it like a lead instrument – you can’t really appreciate it unless you have some decent speakers and/or a subwoofer though (though I am partial to the bass I should mention for DMiller’s sake that I also like the original by Stephen Stills that features a banjo) Sledgehammer by Morgan James – (she was the lady on the right in All About the Bass by Postmodern Jukebox that DMiller posted awhile back.)1 point
I just LOVE listening to Sam Bush "kicking @ss and taking names" with his fiddle or mandolin .1 point
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1 point
LOL. I wouldn't worry about search engines. With the loss of the documents section we're almost on the dark web here. Yes, I'll still obfuscate names. w/r to those likely not still a part of TWI, whenever you're speaking about TWI history you are talking like 95% of all the names involved there, statistically. Lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid. I did that for the search engines ;)1 point
This going to be a huge change of pace. For.a long time this was my all time favorite song. In some ways, it still is. (sorry - - couldn't get the picture to load) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nIdGutgymY1 point
Loytoy starts targeting the gays. You know all that research stuff is just so hard. He can't just have Wayne keep doing all his research for him and writing his books, he had to have a cause. Hating the gays is something that his redneck brain can appreciate. Let's go after them. Purge purge purge. Now here is where some sh1zzle gets really twisted. Loytoy sends out a couple really cuckoo letters to the Corps about gay sex, must have broken out his thesaurus to try and be descriptive - I think maybe one of those was in the documents section. Starts ranting more and more on Corps night, and they take on a flavor instead of teaching to be "off the top of head rants" that include purging people and bringing their names up on Corps night. Rosie kind of sits back real quiet during this time. She has her lunch table right next to the head table. Donna's relatives all sit there. She has 2 lesbian ladies living together in her basement - Myr@cle and Cr0uther in the same bedroom. Get this - people knew nothing of this in TWI at the time, outside of Rosie. Corps grads. Myr@cle is on this big kick to get ordained by loytoy, and to do it she is using her gaydar to out everyone she can. Kind of like a grand Machiavellian Hypocrisy type of thing.1 point
A few of my all-time favorite electric guitar leads through the years: Produced by Michael Jackson and Quincy Jones. Eddie Van Halen on guitars:1 point
So.....with the ONE vivid, eye-witness account of wierwille, I had SEVERAL QUESTIONS: Why didn't wierwille cast out the spirit(s)......if this guy was, indeed, "possessed?" Why would wierwille, twi-president, allow a possessed guy to continue in the corps program? If this was a bogus claim from the head guy, what does that say about his lieutenants? Was this simply the Drambuie talking? If so, how often was this happening? How many other times thru the years has this "possessed-label" been absolutely bogus? What about the other 8 manifestation claims was wierwille NOT able to do? With wierwille's eye removal & cancer......what about ministering healing, as well? Not ONE time, ever, in all my years of twi-tenure did I see wierwille or martindale do the big SIX MANIFESTATIONS. Why? Could it be possible that these guys were fabricating all NINE of them? Were they frauds? .1 point
In honor of human rights day, on my website this morning I posted Chapter One of my new book, Undertow. How is that connected to human rights? Because over time, cult followers often give up their autonomy, their right to make their own choices. For a sneak peak (scroll down on the Home Page) into "Hiding in Plain Sight" visit: http://charleneedge.com/1 point
1 point
Links to local and national news coverage, including video from Fox9 and the Minneapolis Star Tribune. Photo essay... Star Tribune article with video Two Childhood Rape Survivors Just Ended a Cult Leader’s Terrifying Reign (nymag.com) Minnesota Cult Leader Victor Barnard Sentenced to 30 Years (nymag.com) Excerpts from survivors' (Jess and Lindsay) statements included in a couple of the linked articles. It might be important to remember and reflect on the fact that Barnard didn't come up with his scheme completely out of the blue. His "father in the word" sowed the seeds, and so did LCM. And current prez Rosalie R, as noted in documents from legal proceedings related to Martindale's misadventures was fully aware of the sexual abuse at TWI's top levels of leadership at least as far back as the early 1990s.1 point