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  1. I didn't get to watch the Scientology documentary yet, maybe I can find it. skyrider I think you are right. The Way leadership has always functioned under a series of purges. From the early days, through the VP days, through the time period in penworks book - the PooP paper by Geer and post period purging. Okie boy Loy also carried out his series of purges starting from the "loyalty" purge after the PooP days, then to the debt purges, then to the homo purges, then the lawsuits brought their own purges, including the second purger getting purged by the 3rd purger Rosie who mostly was a micromanager purging off of any dissent. They all remind me of this section of Galatians 5: 13.For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. 14For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 15But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another. 16This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. 17For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. 18But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law. The Way has been consumed for decades by "A Series of Unfortunate Purges".
    1 point
  2. 1 point
  3. Eat enough familia and you'll quckly understand the meaning of "a powerful series of purges".
    1 point
  4. Two of the greatest and two of my all-time favorites! Jeff's on a Tele--no "whammy bar" necessary.....and Eric's on Blackie. What a duo! https://youtu.be/k38RXWa_Ezo
    1 point
  5. Where are the rest? Well......we certainly know where about Lynn, Schoenheit, Finnegan, Panarello, Clapp, Seed, and others who splintered from wierwille-org......yet, retained vast swaths of its doctrine, structure, classes, outreach system, tithe/abs support, mini-brc's, and pfal-nostalgia followers. In essence, these guys simply uprooted and moved down to the corner, around the block......and set up shop. Tweaked it a bit. Just like wierwille did......when twi splintered from leonard's work.....same deal, different day. These guys had the wierwille-prototype staring them in the face.......and with the death of wierwille and geer's "patriarch paper" they bolted. Others?.......faded into careers, education, family and life. Several on that 1985 Clergy List are now dead. But, yeah.......where are those valiant for the truth? Why the silence and the timidity on the destruction of people's lives "in the name of God?" Just seems like lots of these men were yes-men who relished in the perks of lording over others, but when it came time to "speak the truth in love"........they are no where to be found. Perhaps, some still cling to wierwille's Lifelines in their facebook postings and hold in high regard their input when wierwille walked on earth. But really? I find THE SILENCE remarkably hypocritical. No respect whatsoever to lots of them. Heck......even some of the big ex-players in scientology deem it their responsibility to help mitigate the damage done by their cult.
    1 point
  6. The link you supplied, Twinky, does not work on my devices. However, I have no recollection of ever meeting this jerk, nor do I care to. TY. Dictor paul's fantasy world of "gift ministries" is just THAT. FANTASY! He hijacked the underpinning of his entire theory of "gift ministries" from B.G. Leonard, who in dictor's deranged, drug and alcohol infused "mind" was the epitome and embodiment of what the Old Testament Prophet MOG is. Dic patterned his entire public MOG persona after his personal experiences with B.G. I met B.G. twice. Both times at HQ. IMO, he was a self-deluded OT Prophet with an authentic heart to serve Christ, but an unfortunate "private interpretation problen". I had him "minister" to me in the dormitory at HQ during one of the HQ big events.....Living Victoriously or ROA, when Steve Sann and don wierwille had arranged for him to be in attendance and speak from the main stage. It was exactly the same as if dpw were doing it. In other words, totally bogus and without effect of any kind. Immediately after this "ministering" session, I went backstage at the Main Tent and reported to Howard and Don. The next day, B.G. was "escorted" to the Dayton Airport for a trip back home......at that time in southern TX. IMO, based upon personal experience and interaction with both men, I found B.G. to be genuinely humble before the Lord, and authentically concerned about "God's people", and his ministry to them. Dictor paul had no such humility or authenticity in my experience. Though thouroughly self-deluded and enthralled with his "calling", B.G. did not strike me as a charlatan, or phony. He was affable though terse. His common-law wife, Sister Evelyn, was his personal attendant, protector and biggest promoter. She protected him tenaciously. She was also genuine in her belief in BG's "ministry and calling of God" and obviously completely committed to the same. She protected her MOG with fervent, dogged faithfulness as far as I could see. Doesn't make her "right" but it does demonstrate her self-deluded authenticity. IMO, Dictor paul totally "stole" BG's "ministry" for self-gain. He saw the income potential and his Chimes Hour Youth Caravan/Way Productions hyperthalmic PR mania took off with it very quickly, to the chagrin of BG himself. Dic used it to feed his personal mental illnesses and promote himself as the author and finisher of the only "rightly-divided" Christianity on the planet. The Apostle Paul of the 20th century. Instead, we got the snow pumps Puff Daddy and years of sexual and spiritual abuse. Not to mention enough false teaching and wrong doctrine to last for 50 years so far. Even from those professing to have "accurized" his plagiarized "new light". What a complete disgrace to the True God and The Lord Jesus Christ. Woe unto you still preaching ANY of his pathological bullshit. Peace to the rest.
    1 point
  7. Sorry for the delay, Charlene. I just ordered the book and I will be reviewing it on my personal blog [and publicizing it on my twitter account(s)]. Looking forward to the read.
    1 point
  8. Wierwille instituted an all-or-nothing, black/white twi-ideology. Most all of his public banter was to scoff at higher education or "getting ahead." Heck, just believe God and everything will be fine.....live in the present, that's all that matters. Of course, he cherry-picked those verses that substantiated this message. Through the years, I have found many wonderful, dedicated Christians who were highly professional doing God's works......i.e. doctors, teachers, lawyers, etc. You know, men and women who lead professional lives and STILL (gasp!) are deeply involved in church work and charitable organizations. Here's a novel concept.....Why can't we do both -- be about the Lord's work AND healthily providing for family and future concerns? Why did wierwille/twi compartmentalize every aspect into little boxes rather than the whole of the individual? Why the teaching and living on a "needs-basis?" As we continue to unravel the twisted theocracy and ideology of wierwille doctrine.......I believe that we will find that he skewed and skewered the scriptures, time and again, to manipulate and exploit his followers. Whether it was education, career or one's family.........twi undermines the individual at every juncture.
    1 point
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