Wierwille instituted an all-or-nothing, black/white twi-ideology. Most all of his public banter was to scoff at higher education or "getting ahead." Heck, just believe God and everything will be fine.....live in the present, that's all that matters. Of course, he cherry-picked those verses that substantiated this message.
Through the years, I have found many wonderful, dedicated Christians who were highly professional doing God's works......i.e. doctors, teachers, lawyers, etc. You know, men and women who lead professional lives and STILL (gasp!) are deeply involved in church work and charitable organizations. Here's a novel concept.....Why can't we do both -- be about the Lord's work AND healthily providing for family and future concerns? Why did wierwille/twi compartmentalize every aspect into little boxes rather than the whole of the individual? Why the teaching and living on a "needs-basis?"
As we continue to unravel the twisted theocracy and ideology of wierwille doctrine.......I believe that we will find that he skewed and skewered the scriptures, time and again, to manipulate and exploit his followers. Whether it was education, career or one's family.........twi undermines the individual at every juncture.