Penworks.......time and time again, I can cross-reference your twi-experiences with my own. Same mold. Same patterns. Same techniques. Your chapter, Blindsided in Toledo, is one that wierwille and his lieutenants used to manipulate/exploit on a regular basis. Whether it was someone in our branch, area, pfal-class, or wherever......we were held responsible for some else's actions [or unbelief --- ppfftt]. Like, say for example, someone in the pfal class drops out and I'm running the class.....well, that was MY FAULT because I, apparently, wasn't spiritual enough to prevent them from dropping. No, wasn't that they'd used their critical thinking processes and determined that this was NOT IN THEIR BEST INTERESTS, it was because I failed to, believe to keep them protected from the adversary, the devil.
I could cite DOZENS of instances of this technique, Blindsided in Toledo, thru the years by wierwille, martindale and corps leadership. Heck, at corps week, the corps were blamed for NOT STOPPING THE RAIN.....what about "ye of little faith/believing" wierwille, lcm, don, and howard? /sarc This chapter alone, penworks, was one of twi's premiere modus operandi techniques for decades. Double standard rule over the "schlubs."
In those night owl meetings, wierwille would whine about those who took his foundational class and, within a matter of weeks, went back to their churches and communities why heap shame/guilt on US, when he couldn't stop others from leaving? Manipulation-monger, that's why. The guy was standing behind the curtain pulling levers and pushing buttons. He, wierwille, was a fraud, a deceiver. All those times that we were sent out as Light-bearers, to "get a class together".......yet, the John Lynns of twi-hierarchy-fame struggled time and time again to recruit others for a class and set the class schedule.
And, the ultimate? Believing for HEALTH and PROSPERITY. Through the decades, wierwille struggled immensely to jump-start his ministry. He stayed on church payroll for 15 years [1942-1957].......having claimed to have started The Way, Inc. in 1942. He had to heavily lean on his brother Harry's upholstery and furniture business for support and the renovation of the old wierwille farmstead home before they could actually move there in 1961. The filming of the pfal-class was done on the they "bought" furniture/desk from nearby Dayton.....only to RETURN IT after the filming of the class. And, regarding many people died through the years while in-residence? Under wierwille's spiritual oversight. Was wierwille responsible? Hell--yeah. Many people died under his "oversight."
And......regarding health, how many hundreds of people were blindsided by confrontation thru the years with health issues? Where was wierwille during this time? He taught this stuff in his pfal class......yet, he wasn't around to pray and/or minister healing to corps and staff? And, in the end......wierwille doesn't even petition the staff or corps for their prayers or support, and dies of cancer. The man was on his deathbed.....still deceiving others.
See, penworks........your story and personal experiences will resonate with all of us who look back on how we were "recruited" and more fully understand twi's deceptive methods. Thanks again. Yep, every chapter of your book, I hold dozens of vivid examples of their undertow......trying to sweep me off my feet.