Chock - Waydale, GSC, John Juedes, et al. have done MAJOR damage to the way international's ability, to not only recruit new blood, but retain it's existing membership base.
I went way disciple twice. Countless potential new people we spoke with would have nothing to do with us after they had the chance to consult with Mr google. Many of them told me things about twi I didn't know or believe at the time.
The way international warned their staff on several occasions to stay off the Internet during the lawsuits. I also received the same warning on the field before I was assigned to twi hq. I know for a fact that rosalie hates the Internet, considering it a forum for dirty communication. Thanks rosie for helping others stay away from the way international, even though you were always too out of touch to realise the effect of your ignorance.
The damage is done many times over. They can't supress the truth even though they still try. Search rankings aside, the truth of the way international's sordid past is out of the bag and it's not going back in. Anyone who does due diligence on the way international, Victor Paul wierwille, lcm, rosalie fox rivenbark, etc, will find the truth.
However, the document section was an invaluable resource. I thank Pawtucket, and many others who have contributed time and resources at grease spot cafe. This community served a large part in my departure from the way international.