Well the majority of posts don't even address (...The Way Corps: Victims or Oppressors?). There's alot about twi but don't directly address the victem/oppressor {?}. Yes, yes, you can probably drag a thought back to the posed question but that's not answering the question you posed - it's a tangent, it's a related issue.
My point: it's a very uncomfortable topic and somewhat unanswerable without first specifying the the era of the 40 year old corp.
I made my peace - in my own thoughts, to the corp. They were both. The early corp folk (that I encountered) don't seem to be doing any posting here (I classify them "mostly" as oppresors) and the later corp folk, whom I only know by reading their posts here on GSC appear to me as victems who were trained to be oppressors.
Raf, I reitterate: the topic was too general yet, appropriate. I don't think there can be a yes/no (victim/oppressor) answer to the question since the corp eras were so different and the folks in any of those corp were so different.