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  1. If you spoke in tongues more you would understand.
    1 point
  2. Now Waysider and Bolshevik are illustrious Gspotters in their own right, but on this subject I'm not collaborating with anyone. BUT... I did have a response to your question. There is no numbering system in reincarnation: there is just past lives, current life, and next life.
    1 point
  3. Okay, it's working! You can place orders from either the Home page or the Book page. About an hour ago, as it turned out, we received the first shipment of copies of Undertow now waiting to jump in Priority Mail boxes and ride in the car to the Post Office. Thanks for your interest and support, Penworks
    1 point
  4. If you're one of twins, would it be Event Half? Or maybe Event Two? Maybe what happened to your dad after twins would be event two (or maybe three)
    1 point
  5. EXACTLY. Since twi refuses to invest in each state, in a small-scale brc........corps and adv class grads are forced to scavenge around the city for FREE meeting/class rooms. Translation: Finding a "free" room means clean-up, fix-up, set-up to utilize......and tear-down, put-away, store tables/chairs because it might be used next day by another group. Which means......LOTS of extra time and work for the set-up crew......so it's NOT REALLY "FREE." The field people pay dearly for this. The field people are fleeced of their time, work and hard-earned money (via abs). When I was a limb coordinator in an average-sized state.......the annual abundant sharing totals were hitting $180,000. For a period of time, we were NOT salaried......just got petty cash reimbursements. That's quite a bit of money to siphon off a state without having to "invest" much. At NO time, did the region/trunk personnel think to offer a monthly allowance for room rental. Heck, even our limb meetings.......we were supposed to find a free room. And then.......there were times when we had a special class, ie Rise and Expansion Class, there was a "registration fee" by each student that helped to cover room rental. Why is it.......ALL the heavy-lifting, heavy-"believing to move the word" (cough, cough) HAS TO BE DONE BY THE FIELD PEOPLE ?? The staff at headquarters are PAID to clean bathrooms, polish brass, sweep floors......and the abundant sharing PAYS for the auditorium. Not so in all those far-away states that scramble month after month to put classes/meetings together......cleaning soiled bathrooms and meeting rooms, leaving them better than they found them....and getting home at 11pm, fall into bed and do it all over again for the next class session. What lazy-assed, arrogant bastards......to feed off the blood, sweat, tears and stress of the faithful followers on the field.
    1 point
  6. What they do is anti-Christ. There's no Christ like community involvement. No feeding the hungry or helping house the homeless. Here's some bible verses, now go believe for your next meal. Renew your mind if the Dr. tells you something's wrong. Not "what can we do to help?" That would mean we don't believe what we're teaching. What a toxic gospel they teach.
    1 point
  7. that's why when TWI hands you a lemon you make a whiskey sour...and.... ...you renew your mind into thinking major ministry events are also family vacations....enjoy my slide show: -click- here's me and the family at the rock of ages - that's me holding the sign "will SIT for food" -click- here's me and the family at weekend in the word - that's me on the right asking some clergy for gas money -click- here's me and the family at corps week - that's me at the payphone trying to drum up more sponsorship
    1 point
  8. Two things that Collateral Damage emphasized throughout his thread: 1) The menial subservience to those ON THE FIELD and 2) Financial malfeasance and exploitation of faithful followers [i.e. parents had given decades of twi-service and had no equity/financial future]. Those two driving issues were staple reasons why I, too, began dissenting from twi-dogma since the early '80s. From the field perspective.......go to twig, witness, go to twig coordinator meetings, set-up crews, run classes, no weekends, working menial jobs, scrapping money together for next major event, had to keep updating advance class status, etc.......yielding no equity, no home mortgage, no family vacations, no hope in sight of getting off twi's treadmill. Year after year. And, twi "wonders" why people exit and NEVER RETURN? Talk about callousness and a conscience seared with a hot iron. Modern-day Pharisees and hypocrites in upper-tier levels.
    1 point
  9. Well, you're a downright Jack Frost now, aren't you? Opps... there I go again, talkin' bout the people posting. (some weatherman you are...)
    1 point
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